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  1. #1
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    Default Hi Guys.Sorry I haven\'t been around lately.

    I\'ve been ill and I\'m still recovering so I haven\'t been useing any of my mixes lately.I just ordered the new Perfect Ten mixing set for women and another bottle of Realm for women. Have any of you guys used Perfect Ten mixing set yet?And if so what were some of your mixes and the reactions you got? Also I like the smell of Realm thats why I ordered another bottle of it,but has anyone used Realm here?And if so what were your experences with it? Thanks for the help.Also I noticed you got me in the cook book...Ha Ha! I didn\'t know I could cook!

  2. #2

    Default Re: Hi Guys.Sorry I haven\'t been around lately.

    Yeah, you can cook, girl! [img]/ubbthreads/images/graemlins/laugh.gif[/img]

    Sorry to hear you\'ve not been well. I hope for a speedy recovery.

    I\'ve never even thought about buying the Perfect Ten mixing set. Can\'t wait to hear all about it.

    I have used Realm and Inner Realm, and the only compliments I got were from women. Women were remarkably more intimately talkative with me when I wore it. No increased attention from men at all.

    I threw the bottle out.

  3. #3
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    Default Re: Hi Guys.Sorry I haven\'t been around lately.

    Whats Inner Realm? I didn\'t see that on the list.I like to use Realm when I have PMS I find it makes me less bitchy also people seem nicer to me.Plus everyone likes the smell.I also use it sometimes as a cover scent with other stuff.I also like Seduce as a cover scent.I don\'t care much for Lure at all.Smells like cheap perfume mixed with piss to me.And Desire and Invision are just ok.As for the pheromones in them I don\'t think it has much if any in them.Alone they don\'t work at all.The only one I find that does work for me and only to make me feel less PMS and bitchy is that Realm stuff.
    I\'m just getting over a bout with cancer.I wonder how pheromones can affect treatment in breast cancer???? Can\'t hurt to try.BTW Love your womens section in the cook book. :-)

  4. #4

    Default Re: Hi Guys.Sorry I haven\'t been around lately.

    Thanks, babe!

    I\'m so glad to hear you\'re getting over it. I wish you had let us know, we would have prayed for you. \'course, it\'s not too late to do it now... [img]/ubbthreads/images/graemlins/laugh.gif[/img] Have you got all your hair? Are you done with chemo and doing radiation, or what?

    Inner Realm is a variation on the Realm scent - it\'s more of an oriental, and the bottle design is different, the packaging is a different color - one of them is red, the other is pale blue. Neither of them did jack for me except make other women more talky, and women complimented me on the scent. And the scent of Realm makes me queasy when I smell it on myself. I like it on other people tho.

    You can wear L\'Air du Temps, too, which I love on other people but don\'t like at all on myself. Isn\'t that weird?

    I have some A1 that I put in Origens massage oil and I put that on my \"third eye\" and my temples when I\'m irritable from pms and it helps.

    I\'ve wondered about the pheromones and breast cancer thing, too. I was hesitant to use much around my mother. I did once, and she lay down with a headache, and I felt terrible guilt that maybe I\'d caused it, but who knows.

    You\'ll have to tell us. You\'re an intrepid experimenter. [img]/ubbthreads/images/graemlins/smile.gif[/img]

    Glad you\'re back, it\'s good to see you.

  5. #5
    Phero Enthusiast
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    Default Re: Hi Guys.Sorry I haven\'t been around lately.

    FTR :
    \"I have used Realm and Inner Realm, and the only compliments I got were from women. Women were remarkably more intimately talkative with me when I wore it.\"
    That\'s interesting, FTR !! maybe I should try it [img]/ubbthreads/images/graemlins/smile.gif[/img] [img]/ubbthreads/images/graemlins/smile.gif[/img]

    Coyoterose :
    hope you\'ll feel better and better, if things have been taken in time ! [img]/ubbthreads/images/graemlins/smile.gif[/img]

  6. #6
    Banned User Elana's Avatar
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    Default Re: Hi Guys.Sorry I haven\'t been around lately.

    It\'s great to have you back. I hope you are kicking the cancer\'s a$$

  7. #7
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    Default Re: Hi Guys.Sorry I haven\'t been around lately.

    LOL!!! You are sooo funny! Have I got all My hair?! LOL!!!! YES I have ALL my hair...LOL! And even some below!...;-) Wink! They want me on Chemo or Radiation but I won\'t do it. I rather live a short good life then a longer bad and painful life feeling sick all the time.I\'m doing better.I lost a lot of weight...what a way to diet!LOL! And before you ask the next question that everyone has asked me so I still got both my Tit\'s! They didn\'t take my tit off.They don\'t go lopping off breasts anymore,only if it\'s really really bad and even then they don\'t leave you titless anymore...LOL! The only pheromones I\'ve been useing lately a lot is Rone.It makes my head feel better.I don\'t feel depressed when I wear it.And I notice people are friendler around me when I have that stuff on,they more or less agree with me.I beleve Realm has Rone in it...I think I read that once here on the site somewhere.As for EW,everytime I use it only women like me,and I find gay women come on to me and straight women want to talk,touch and be near me.Men ether talk and open up to me more and tell me things about them selves that they normally would not.Sort of like a buddy affect EW has had.Or brain dead affect on men that I\'m around when I OD on the stuff. But ether no real sexual come on,or a very strong and not so nice sexual response to me by men. Too strong and macho to me in bed,not gentle and loveing when I wair EW.I think it\'s my own pheromone make up that does that.And as for useing None,that can make me mean and bitchy at times.I only use None in business when I have to come on strong.And Nol for me works good in combo with Rone I\'ve found. I\'ve also found that just a drop of None and a drop of Rone mixed with my perfume works better for me in sex with men then EW mixed with anything.I have learned that it really does have a lot to do with your own pheromone make up and others around you and their pheromone make up. Also in the case of a women useing this stuff what time of month she is at in her cycle has a lot to do with it.I\'m sure there are some posts and research about this here on the boards even though I haven\'t seen it yet...Remember I\'m still new here on the boards,and I haven\'t read everything yet.I\'m now trying different combos of pheromones to see how it will affect my health.Like I stated above so far only Rone affects me in a good way.But if pheromones can help keep cancer from coming back and help with pain and depression,and also help with maybe getting me to eat more and gain back some weight I\'m all for trying this on my self.

  8. #8
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    Default Re: Hi Guys.Sorry I haven\'t been around lately.

    OH! I forgot to ask you...Whats A1?

  9. #9
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    Default Re: Hi Guys.Sorry I haven\'t been around lately.

    A1 stands for androstadienone. It is in Realm for Women. Erox has a patent on it for the use of it in a \"perfume\" so that is why it is not other pheromone product. Available here at Love-Scent is a chem set-like bottle of it.

    The most important effect of A1 is that it makes women feel good. That is why it is in Realm/w, to please the wearer. From experiences of forum members we know A1 is most effective during PMS. It is great against bad PMS-moods. A nasty side effect of A1 is, that it makes men feel depressed (when used at too high doses), at least that is what experiences of forum members lead us to believe.

    Franki [img]/ubbthreads/images/graemlins/smile.gif[/img]

  10. #10
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    Default Re: Hi Guys.Sorry I haven\'t been around lately.

    Oh so that is why I feel so good when I wear Realm for women.I just thought it had Rone in it.But to my understanding of what your telling me here is that Realm has Nol in it and Nol is A1.Is that correct? Or is A1 something else?And if A1 is something else where is it on the product list to buy? Now I\'m confused...Better put on the Realm I\'m getting the Newbe Blues.

  11. #11

    Default Re: Hi Guys.Sorry I haven\'t been around lately.

    A1 is something else.

    The Newbie Blues! I like that!

  12. #12
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    Default Re: Hi Guys.Sorry I haven\'t been around lately.

    Ok I think I\'m getting it now. It\'s AndrostadieNONE not AndrosteNONE.Two different types of NONE all together. And its not NOL. Ok all I have is the Realm that has Androstadienone in it. Gee why can\'t we just call them ADIENONE and ENONE for short.It\'s hard enought looking at the spelling of them both to see the difference.I just had to spell them out to see that they were different.LOL! And I also thought Realm had RONE in it. Does it? Also Is there any other products with Androstadienone in it here? Oh BTW happy Easter To you all. :-)

  13. #13

    Default Re: Hi Guys.Sorry I haven\'t been around lately.

    Happy Easter, Coyote Rose!

  14. #14
    Phero Dude
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    Default Re: Hi Guys.Sorry I haven\'t been around lately.

    Glad to hear you\'re on the rebound Coyote Rose. You sound determined to beat it so I\'m sure you will....I\'m a newbie myself. What was the inspiration for the Coyote Rose handle? It kind of reminds me of that old Joni Mitchell song...

  15. #15
    Banned User Elana's Avatar
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    Default Re: Hi Guys.Sorry I haven\'t been around lately.


    What is the difference? [img]/ubbthreads/images/graemlins/confused.gif[/img]

  16. #16
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    Default Re: Hi Guys.Sorry I haven\'t been around lately.

    A1=Androstedienone and is a pms reliever and mood enhancer for women only. It is kind of the guys secret weapon like copulins for women. Androstenone is the Alpha male sexual hit pheromone. I think the best pheromone combo for women would be PI/w+PCC.

  17. #17
    Banned User Elana's Avatar
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    Default Re: Hi Guys.Sorry I haven\'t been around lately.

    I\'m sorry....I feel dumb. It\'s A1 [img]/ubbthreads/images/graemlins/blush.gif[/img]
    Thanks Cloud9 [img]/ubbthreads/images/graemlins/smile.gif[/img]

  18. #18
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    Default Re: Hi Guys.Sorry I haven\'t been around lately.

    don\'t feel dumb, it\'s one of the most experimental and unknown pheromones. Even Stone Labs the top pheromone maker doesn\'t know what it really does, but they make reagent(top grade) A1 for experimental purposes.

  19. #19
    Phero Enthusiast Enticing's Avatar
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    Default Re: Hi Guys.Sorry I haven\'t been around lately.

    Hey Coyoterose, I kind of snuck in the back door here while you were away, wanted to say hi! and that I hope you are feeling stronger and better and better every day. I enjoy your posts (and have done a fair amt of reading in the archives). [img]/ubbthreads/images/graemlins/smile.gif[/img]

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