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  1. #1

    Default testosterone and pheromones

    I have a question. I recently started a new cycle of testosterone. This means that I will have very high testosterone levels. I noticed before that whenever I do a test cycle, I get hit by women alot more than I do with any kind of pheromone. I\'m pretty sure that it\'s not a placebo effect either. I have been paying very close attention to this for over 2 years now. Is there a way that women can smell testosterone ? And does having very high test levels means that you are producing alot more pheromones than the average person ? I\'m also currious as to what would happen if I put on pheromones while being on a test cycle. Do you think I would be very likely to O.D on none ?

  2. #2
    Banned User Elana's Avatar
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    Default Re: testosterone and pheromones

    I have always wondered about that too. Sometimes I see a man and I feel that pure animal magnetism. I feel the presence of a real MAN. Am I sensing their abundance of testosterone?

  3. #3
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    Default Re: testosterone and pheromones

    I\'ve been at a bar, checking out a girl from a distance, maybe 6-8 feet away, she was with a few guys but had just met them, I could not get her to make eye contact with me the few times I glanced in her direction.

    I gave up & figured I\'d just walk behind where she was sitting at the bar on my way out & set my empty beer mug down. Well when I got within phero range, about 1 foot. She stopped what she was saying in her conversation & abruptly turned 180 degrees to face me with a blank stare (confused) stare, I was too shocked to act on this occurence so I just smiled, set my glass down & then walked out, she then turned back to the guys that were hitting on her & continued her conversation.

    So I\'d say yes, it\'s a subconscious impulse or trigger that fires off.

  4. #4

    Default Re: testosterone and pheromones

    Yes, that\'s excatly how women react to when I\'m on testosterone. Some women have told that for some reason they find me very protective and can\'t stop thinking about me for some reason. They always have this intense erotic look on their faces when they talk to me. No girl has ever told me that before when I was on my natural test levels. No girl has ever told me that before even with the best pheromones. I am almost 100% sure that test plays a huge role in attraction and magnetism. I spoke to a few other bodybuilders and 80% agree with me. According to my experiences no pheromone has ever came close to producing the effects or raw tesosterone when it comes to getting hits.
    Some of my friends (girls) have noticed this as well about me. I know that it\'s no placebo effect. that\'s for sure.

  5. #5
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    Default Re: testosterone and pheromones

    well that is the idea behind the male products. they are suppose to signify high test levels. and if your on test then you def. have high levels. with pheros you have to find that balance and worry about OD. with the test your body takes care of that.

  6. #6
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    Default Re: testosterone and pheromones

    In a word, yes. More test = more pheromones(I had posted an article in here regarding controlling pheromone signature that really gets into 5alpha 16-androstene steroids.)

    I am currently working on tracking down female pheromones, not just for attracting men. But, Also what I believe is test boosting scent(physical reaction to neural nerve stimulation). I am also looking into a \"Mother\" Pheromone.

    So also Elana, You might be sensing them sensing you. A beautiful woman/with high pheromones will stimulate LH release(as long as physical/chemical blocks are not in the way)

    Whats really fascinating is that at this point you look at the beginnings of love. It is a match of literal chemistry, than of physical, and if the mental/spiritual aspect clicks its a mate for life.( not all in that order )


  7. #7

    Default Re: testosterone and pheromones

    It can\'t possibly be a match of JUST literal chemistry...
    Or else there would be a specific formula

  8. #8
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    Default Re: testosterone and pheromones

    T_BONE What kind of product you use?.
    And how long it can be effective ?
    is this save for our health ?
    Is that correct that if our testosterone level is higher our libido also will be higher ?


  9. #9

    Default Re: testosterone and pheromones

    I take testosterone injections 2 times weekly in cycles of 2 months prescribed from my doctor. (It\'s an anabolic steroid). I take it for bodybuilding purposes to enhance my overal physique and apperance. If your levels of test start decreasing by age, there is nothing wrong by adding testosterone replacement therapy to replace your lost testosterone. When I am off a testosterone cycle I take the pheros, P.I, TE, SOE, APC and PPA. When I am on a pure tesosterone cycle, I don\'t need nothing. According to my experience raw testosterone produces 10 to 20 times more hits than P.I . Nothing has ever come close to the effects that pure tesosterone has given me. I have also tried DHEA and adro spray as well, but the only thing that works big time!! is testosterone. The other pheromones that have worked for me very well are the ones I have mentionned above, but the results are only minor compared to the ones I get from pure testosterone.

  10. #10
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    Default Re: testosterone and pheromones

    So you use the injection. What is the comparisson betwen injection and pills/Oral,
    What is the best Oral testoterone therapy ?
    What is the effect if we use testoterone therapy, when our original testoterone level still enough ?


  11. #11
    Doctor of Scentology DrSmellThis's Avatar
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    Default Re: testosterone and pheromones

    T Bone, your job is to learn to recreate this effect with -mones [img]/ubbthreads/images/icons/smile.gif[/img] Most of us can\'t shoot testosterone.

    What are you hits like?

  12. #12

    Default Re: testosterone and pheromones

    Injections get absorbed alot better and have less side effects. If you are not into injections you can try the testosterone patch which basically does the same thing, but produces alot less test than injection. I personally was born with lower than normal test levels and have benefited tremendously from test therapy. I know alot of people though who are born with high test levels and still do cycles of testosterone to ad more muscle mass for 8 weeks. So far no one has ever had any negative side effects that I know of. The advantage with having higher than normal test levels is astonishing. You will have unlimited energy all the time without ever feeling tired, Your sex drive will skyrocket BIG TIME !!!, you will ad more muscle mass and you will feel extremelly confident mentally and look better physically. Plus your body will be producing unlimited amounts of pheromones at the same time.

  13. #13

    Default Re: testosterone and pheromones

    I\'m pretty sure It\'s not that easy recreating the effects of pure testosterone, but I\'m just currious as what would happe if you do apply drop ammounts of testosterone on your skin. I wonder if it will produce the same effects. I will try it next time when I am off my cycle and keep you updated. As far as the hits go, they are pretty much sexual hits judging from their body language and the way they respond to me. I think that women are alot more intimidated to talk to me when I am on test, so it\'s usualy me making the first approach and than they seem very happy to talk to me. When I go into a crowded place or if I am waiting in line somewhere, women can sense my presense right away. When women talk to me they turn red many times and begin to blush and seem kind of shy. Even women who are not shy in the first place will seem shy to talk to me when I\'m full ot testosterone. I think that it really creates intimidation in a good way. When I wear regular pheromones women don\'t respond to me this way at all. With pheromones they don\'t get as intimidated and aren;t as shy to talk to me. Alot of times during the conversations, they start breathing more heavily while they keep intense eye contact with me the whole time. It seems as if they are sensing high testosterone and the sense and feeling of power and protectiveness. I also notice that men treat me with alot more respect as well. Like I said I will try applying it on my skin the next time and see if the results will be similar.

  14. #14
    Doctor of Scentology DrSmellThis's Avatar
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    Default Re: testosterone and pheromones

    Well, the same bacteria that break down pheromones on your skin also seem to work on testosterone. Strains of aerobic coryneform bacteria, previously shown to metabolize testosterone are also capable of producing odourous pheromones (e.g., -nol, -none) from extracts of axillary sweat. So it\'s worth trying. Someone told me methyl-testosterone is a pheromone.

    Too bad about, hair loss, gyno, and feedback loop effects. I can\'t really even take andro.

  15. #15
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    Default Re: testosterone and pheromones

    Welcome to MY WORLD!


    Muwahaha ha ha!

  16. #16
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    Default Re: testosterone and pheromones

    In response to this...

    \"The advantage with having higher than normal test levels is astonishing. You will have unlimited energy all the time without ever feeling tired, Your sex drive will skyrocket BIG TIME !!!, you will ad more muscle mass and you will feel extremelly confident mentally and look better physically. Plus your body will be producing unlimited amounts of pheromones at the same time.


  17. #17
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    Default Re: testosterone and pheromones

    Perhaps, yes, all the pheromones are PARTS of TESTOSTEORNE! Being none the most powerful. However, I think that when COMBINED they work SYNERGISTICALLY!

    Also, like the phi ratio, perhaps TESTOSTERONE is the PERFECT amounts other the different pheromones when it breaks down NOT TO MENTION part of testosterone itself.

    I just take 25mg of DHEA, that\'s all I need, lol being 17 and all.

    Oh, and I do get the same reactions as that, yeah, they are different than without mones, however, that doens\'t help you get girls at my age. Most care more about popularity, and if OTHERS like you than anything else.


  18. #18
    Bodhi Satva CptKipling's Avatar
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    Default Re: testosterone and pheromones

    <blockquote><font class=\"small\">In reply to:</font><hr>

    Perhaps, yes, all the pheromones are PARTS of TESTOSTEORNE! Being none the most powerful. However, I think that when COMBINED they work SYNERGISTICALLY!

    Also, like the phi ratio, perhaps TESTOSTERONE is the PERFECT amounts other the different pheromones when it breaks down NOT TO MENTION part of testosterone itself.

    Yes, yes! Exactly! Sometimes when messing around with mixes, I hit upon something really good, and I can sense that. When a mix gets to a certain point, either it does nothing, or I get a feeling...

    So I think yes, the Test conversions into pheros would yield the best results.

    But there are also other variables. Maybe some peoples skin metabolises T in different ways, so you get more -nol/-none... Reaching the balance is what is needed.

    <blockquote><font class=\"small\">In reply to:</font><hr>

    I think that women are alot more intimidated to talk to me when I am on test, so it\'s usualy me making the first approach and than they seem very happy to talk to me.


    This is exactly the way the reactions get with the best mixes.

  19. #19
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    Default Re: testosterone and pheromones

    Ratio of PHI is VERY intresting though, perhpas that\'s what testosterone is....

    Basically, the body is PERFECT!


  20. #20
    Bodhi Satva CptKipling's Avatar
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    Default Re: testosterone and pheromones

    Yes phi, but in what order in with what pheros?

  21. #21
    Bodhi Satva CptKipling's Avatar
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    Default Re: testosterone and pheromones

    Yes phi, but in what order in with what pheros?

  22. #22
    Doctor of Scentology DrSmellThis's Avatar
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    Default Re: testosterone and pheromones

    Surely you remember all the posting I did on that many moons ago...

  23. #23
    Phero Dude
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    Default Re: testosterone and pheromones

    ive mentioned this a million times on this forum. Whenever my testosterone levels are high (like when I do legs in the gym and my test rises alot or when I take Tribulus) I get alooooooot more glances than Id ever do so just wearing pheros. Also when I talk to girl whenever I feel that my test is high...I notice that they pay alooot more attention to what IM saying and seem eager to please me. This doesnt happen so much with just pheros...I wonder what kind of phero you give out when you have high test levels. Im thinking that its not just none...but more like rone or a combo of the two...Some of my friends do cycles of test as well for bodybuilding purposes and when they do...they also attract alot of females...and they dont seem to have that none kind of aura (you scary and unnaproachable) whenever they shoot test. Theyre aura (at least when they talk to me) seems to me like that of a confident person who can get anything done (more rone) than that of a scary person who gets on your nerves (more none)....I may just be rambling but Ive noticed these kind of things for a long glad some other people have taken notice as if we can only figure out what kind of pheros are pumped out by people with high Testosterone levels....

  24. #24
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    Default Re: testosterone and pheromones

    It is probably not just rone and none, but the whole spectrum of human pheromones, that these high-test guys are putting out. We can\'t create the same thing with our synthetic mones, because we only have a few (none, nol, etc.).

    Franki [img]/ubbthreads/images/icons/smile.gif[/img]

  25. #25
    Phero Dude
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    Default Re: testosterone and pheromones

    how many pheros do we know many more do you think there it an infinative number,....can we not recreate this with out synthetic pheros???

  26. #26
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    Default Re: testosterone and pheromones

    If I knew the answers I would be rich. [img]/ubbthreads/images/icons/smile.gif[/img]

  27. #27
    Phero Dude
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    Default Re: testosterone and pheromones

    hehe very can only wish and experiment till the cows come home...

  28. #28
    Enlightened One
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    Default Re: testosterone and pheromones

    I wonder what cow pheromones are. What compounds would these be (has anyone done any research on this?)
    Or just provide a link so the rest of us can read it.

  29. #29
    Phero Dude
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    Default Re: testosterone and pheromones

    Please clarify why you want to know about cows.
    Personally, I recommend sheep. Easier to deal with.

  30. #30
    Phero Dude
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    Default Re: testosterone and pheromones

    i was thinkin the exact same thing....

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