I\'m too lazy to write an article tonight, so here are some semi-loose thoughts I\'ve been meaning to post for a long time. I apologize in advance for any minor scientific inaccuracies. I\'m too tired or not proud enough to edit it, and it\'s too basic and important to delay posting any longer.

DHEA, as we know, is the most plentiful steroid hormone in our bodies, and is produced by the adrenals.

DHEA-S is the most plentiful androgen in human sweat -- not A1, not -none, not -nol.

most of DHEA is NOT converted to -rone in men. Most stays as DHEA, in the form of DHEA-S

DHEA-S is where DHEA is stored until it\'s needed. Tissues that need it easily convert it back to DHEA. Much DHEA-S ends up being excreted through ourr pores.

If it stays as DHEA-S, it won\'t be converted to testosterone or estrogen -- hence, few problems with hair loss or breast development in men.

Perhaps 90% of DHEA in our bodies is in the form of DHEA-S.

DHEA in our blood easily converts to DHEA-S in the presence of biologically active sulphur, mostly through the liver.

MSM is an extremely bioavailable form of sulphur, available in supplement form. Sulphur is extremely plentiful in the human body, but is easily destroyed in food through processing. I believe most of us could benefit from supplementing with it. It is so safe you can take it by the heaping spoonfuls without adverse effects. It is almost food-like. It plays a part in the synthesis of virtually everything in our bodies.

I believe DHEA-S is definitely a pheromone, whether or not it acts like -nol or -rone, or takes the same path through our systems. I think it is the equivalent of a musk base for humans. It smells very erotic.

DHEA-S, per se, is only available by prescription. I think it doesn\'t matter.

I very strongly suspect that we can let our bodies make more DHEA-S by taking MSM with DHEA. I take 3 grams for every 10mg of DHEA. Works for me. I feel better too.

When I take DHEA and MSM I get more hits, with fewer T or E side effects. I\'m pretty sensitive to this sort of thing.

I think too few of us take advantage of this opportunity.

Cutler/Athena was right abot DHEA-S being a pheromone. It is the mother of all -mones.

The skin easily converts DHEA to -none, -rone, and other pheromones.

However it is a waste to apply it topically, when it gets to your skin anyway, and when you can eat it at a fraction of the cost, obtain other health benefits, and get a phero effect in about an hour.

Negative DHEA side effects start showing up at about 15mg (prostate). I keep it to 5-10mg/day.

Here\'s a good scientific link!
