
I\'m working on compiling a comparitive analysis of the phero products on the Love-Scent site.I\'d like to be able to rank products by total phero content (# of mg.per bottle),concentration (# of mg. per ml.),value ($$\'s per mg.of pheros), and any other objective,fact-based criteria that may become evident.

While I know that all products won\'t be included based on info given,(example-PF \"3%Pheromones\"....SURE!!!!)I want to collect all information available.

If you have any Stone Lab products, if you can give me the Ingredients, Phero percentages,Total phero content,or whatever is listed on the label,I\'d greatly appreciate it.( Already have Edge label info).I\'m particularly interested in AFA,PPA,PCC etc.

Also if you know or have even just heard any info about contents of any phero product,post it. I hate relying on \"facts\" that may not be true.

Here\'s what I \"know\"-
PI- 5mg./10ml.
TE- 2.4mg./20ml.

*The AE content is based on the percentage figures of the three phero components listed on label multiplied by total bottle content.I understand that this may be inaccurate as the weight of the glycol etc. probably differs from that of water,thus screwing up conversion of ml.\'s to mg.\'s. So if the percentages are meant to be % of weight, the number I got may be low. A comparison chart I\'ve seen elsewhere affirms this.(HELP!)

I Thank You [img]images/icons/smile.gif[/img]
P.S. if you see info already posted that you can verify or correct, please do.