Okay everyone, I\'m back. Been offline but here I am. Awhile ago you heard me tell you about my NPA and APC mix. I had gotten a major hit from the APC alone but I used major dosage in a crowded bar. This is different.

I take public transit here but I make it a point that whenever I go out I spray on some \"mones\" to see the reaction. Now after mxing the APC and NPA I had a situation where I did a stupid thing and left it out on my desk where the sun can shine right in on it. (It\'s in a small glass bottle). So I put some in my sprayer, sprayed a shot to my shirt a shot to my beard and a shot my hair.

When I got on the bus I sat by this woman. She was attractive, and smiled but I noticed she couldn\'t keep her eyes off me. I would notice her turn her head then she stopped and kept looking at me out the corner of her eyes.

I moved to another seat to get another woman\'s reaction and I sat by this woman who looked at me and smile. I said hi but she said nothing. Then she started talking to herself. She would look at me and then say something. She was having this whole conversation about me to herself.

Later I\'m interviewing with this woman. She was older, about forty-ish but stylish and actually attractive. She starts telling me about the position and how the company doesn\'t want to pay qualified people (giving me a lot more info than she should) and that why people like me kept turning the job down (and yes I did turn it down) but these reactions were strong and I was like wow.

So now I\'m about to experiment with the Edge. Did I make the right decision or should I have just bought more NPA?