Used AE yesterday evening - used 4 dabs smeared on cheeks and neck and some PCC. Felt like a movie star - got so many pos. looks/vibs (DIHL, sneaky looks from gorgeous fems, and from fems with their bodyfriends/hubbies too!!) and one lady (very sexy brunette with her bf) almost snapped her neck as she walked by me ). So I like this AE stuff.

However, decided to try AE this afternoon at the mall with PPA - didn\'t notice too much except that one lady did noticeably move away from me (used 4 dabs AE and 4 dabs PPA so need to adjust this) so I think the PPA for some reason does not go well with me as whenever I wear it I get nothing or OD responses.

Going out this evening to a club in the city and not sure what to use with AE - use it on it\'s own or with one of the other pheros. Will probably try it on it\'s own though to see what happens used as a standalone product. But really liked the \" hits\" yesterday as no OD reactions anywhere and very visible positive responses. Anyway, will post my results as I continue to test. Also got my EW (that stuffs does stink really bad - like major bad BO. Haven\'t done any mixing yet but will probably workout a game plan after testing AE.)

But AE I love - this stuff smells super with PCC - really liked my own scent dudes and think this is going to make life very interesting from what I can tell from reactions from the ladies !! :-) .