Okay, I need some advice from the ladies(I\'ll be disappointed if I don\'t hear from FTR). Some times I have trouble sorting out whether something is a hit or not. Actually, my question would be the same whether it were phero-related or not. FTR, you may recall I mentioned a lady in a cafe at the next table who looked my right in the eye for a second or two, and you mentioned that maybe that is her giving the message to talk to her. The problem I have in these situations is that I always think, yeah, maybe she is trying to tell me something here, but then again, people can just \"accidently\" make eye contact for a second can\'t they. If she did other things too, that would help a guy be more certain. For example, Hunny Bunny mentioned on another thread that if the women keeps looking and smiling repeatedly, you can talk to her. Duh, I think I can read that one all right. I like something else HB said though, and I\'ve always thought it myself. She said even if the women is just looking content and comfortable, you can talk to her. I\'ve always thought that this makes the woman look more inviting, and I\'ve taken it as an invitation.
Now, here\'s the problem; many times I think I may have a hit, because of one indicator, such as 1 second of eye contact, but that is about all I get. No smile, no repeated glance at me, and no calm, contented expression on the woman\'s face. So, how the hell is a guy supposed to read this? Would it be reasonable to say that a woman will avoid even 1 second of eye contact if she is not interested and does not want to invite the guy in any way?
Here is something that happened tonight. I walked onto the train platform with my friend and I saw this total babe, so I intentionally walked right in front of her so she could get a good whiff of the good old EW etc. Then my friend and I are standing several meters away. Nothing so much as a glance from her, as far as I could tell anyway, unless I missed it. She was reading a magazine. Anyway, the train comes and I decided to move back in her direction and get in at the same door. As we both approach the door she turns to look at me and makes eye contact for maybe a second. However, no smile, nothing else. I sit beside her on the train but I really can\'t read the vibe I am getting from her. If she looked pleasant, or friendly, or even content, I would take it as a sign. However, I couldn\'t read much more than a neutral. There was one more interesting thing though. I live in Japan by the way. This chick was reading a weekly English magazine, and I think she might have been reading the personal section, but I am not sure. She continued to read it as she sat beside me. I was thinking this could have been a sign of some sort. Personally, I would have thought that someone would be embarrassed to be reading the personals in such a situation. I mean, she would know that I can read English, so I would know what she was reading.
Anyway, one more thing. In this case, but also in many cases in the past, I have had a situation on a train where I feel like there is something going on between me and a woman, either because of a brief eye contact or something else. So then I think maybe I\'ll talk to her when we get off the train; however, in almost every case the woman practically dashes away when the doors open and we get off. I don\'t know how to read this. My male friends tell me that they are proably running away from me! However, I am not entirely sure. Others may suggest that I didn\'t take any action on the train, so why the hell should she wait around after we get off. Now, I don\'t think like a woman, but I figure if the women has some interest she should maybe take her time a little more when we get off the train so that maybe a guy could catch up to her on the platform or stairs or whatever. Also, sometimes in these situations the girl does really take her time after she gets off, and I take it as a sign that she is hoping I will catch up to her and talk to her. Tonight, the woman made off ahead of me quite quickly, and she know for sure that I was getting off at the same stop.
So, I know this has been long, but I hope you can address these scenarios and tell me what you think is going on in the woman\'s head, and how I should read her behavior.