
FTR... can you remember a time when the world held fresh promise?

What\'s it like when you think about that time -- a time when you had no fear of disappointments, because you knew that positive experiences to come would always outweigh them? And so you went through life confident your heart would only become stronger because of your contented expectation that life would always be fulfilling?

As you experience those feelings once again, do you feel how your body and mind join? How the satisfaction of living is sufficient unto itself?

What would it be like for these sensations to continue? A person can experience many things being resolved, and wondering how they could have ever bothered to begin with. You might find yourself imagining a time in the future, say years from now, still feeling that strong sense of serere happiness, and looking back on today as having been the start of it all...

naw, I\'m no good at this... better try Whitehall, as suggested