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  1. #1

    Default Scents and Products...What Works?

    Many times in this forum and the old we have tried to establish a threat that addresses the Scents we use with the different products available here. This would be a great benefit for the newbies as well as old pros, so to speak. Nothing Fancy but just what products are producing for you and how you use them. Also E-oils have not been mentioned for quit sometime. They have some really good scents out there that are not mass-produced and are relatively cheap as far as purchasing. Anyway here is my fav combos of products;

     The Edge mixes very well with Hugo Boss, and Tsar, and Escape.

     New Phero Additive - Mixes well with sandalwood/Vitervir/Musk mix of E-oils

     Have found PI mixes nicley with Tsar or Escada

    Anybody have a good combo?

  2. #2

    Default Re: Scents and Products...What Works?

    Okay so nobody has a combo that they would like to share? Girls guys alike?
    I have found a new combo to try.
    To those of you that have the New Sandalwood scent Edge, try this.

    1-spray to each naked pit (arm)
    1-spray to hair
    cologne or e-oil to cover/blend

    If you like sandalwood this Edge is great. And the sandalwood stays for a time so you smell clean. And the smell is cleaner and more pure smelling than Attraction’s smell.

  3. #3
    PheroWizard oscar's Avatar
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    Default Re: Scents and Products...What Works?


    WHOA! Dude,hold on thar!...THREE sprays of swTE?? [img]images/icons/shocked.gif[/img]

    Has the addition of the sandalwood totally negated the KP aroma? [img]images/icons/crazy.gif[/img]


  4. #4

    Default Re: Scents and Products...What Works?


    Sandalwood edge stills smells like pheros but more subtle due to the addition of the sandalwood. And yes 3 sprays for those situations in loud smoky atmospheres. Works very well for me. I have never been told I smell like BO, except for one occasion. And that was my mother. Went over to her house for something on the way out to see friends. She told me I smelled like pee. This tripped on my melon a bit. But after I left her house went to see my friends then asked one gal whom I was sitting next to (knew her for years and have always been good friends)if I smelled rank or anything. She smelled my neck my chest them just a big whiff of me in general and she just said, \"You smell so good\". Then later was dancing with another friend and she just kept pushing her nose in my chest (I\'m 6\'5\" tall) saying how great I smelled and kept pushing into me with the whole DIHL and rubbing thing going on. SO all in all the only person that really found the scent to be offensive so far was me dear ole mum. Now mind you I can smell pheros very well. So it is in the nose of whom is doing the smelling that the problem lies. If you are with or chasing after one who\'s nose is quite sensitive then maybe one may need to tone down the amount of phero\'s one wears.

  5. #5

    Default Re: Scents and Products...What Works?

    Same here my mum is the only one that seems to smell anything and that is usually only a mild smell, everyone else seems to love it females just jump overthemselves but pheromones do smell like BO thats because we produce them natually as well

  6. #6

    Default Re: Scents and Products...What Works?

    It\'s funny how the only people that seem to notice a BO or pee smell seem to be your parents.

  7. #7

    Default Re: Scents and Products...What Works?

    Hey Blocker,

    You think that\'s funny.. I gave my brother a sample of my secret brew for him to wear. Well he wore some then went to moms house. She told him he smelled like pee. He was so pisseD at me as he thought I played a trick on him and gave him urine to wear...LOL..He threw out approx 30.00 worth of

  8. #8

    Default Re: Scents and Products...What Works?

    A friend of mine has one hel of a nose and she said hat for me the only type of perfumes that wouldn\'t be like tottaly wasted are ones that have citrus and absolutely no flowers.Since my skin appears to age things up.Any suggestions around?
    Another thing is, once one has a combo that works can it be put directly into the perfume or cologne flask? You all talk about phero combos but miss on the pheros/perfume blend.
    Thanks. [img]images/icons/smile.gif[/img]

  9. #9

    Default Re: Scents and Products...What Works?

    From reading the posts, it seems wives and mothers are extremely sensitive and can pick-up that BO smell from pheros.

    I know I can smell it on my hubby.

    So I wonder whether there\'s a scientific explanation for that? Anybody wonder about that?

    ~JacQueLine~ [img]images/icons/crazy.gif[/img]

  10. #10
    PheroWizard oscar's Avatar
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    Default Re: Scents and Products...What Works?

    JacQue et al,

    There\'s really solid examples of the same phenomenon in nature.(Please wait while recalling mental PBS files)

    Look at the penguins or seals who can find their offspring in a rookery where there are literally THOUSANDS of young\'uns that look virtually identical.Of course they are doing this by SCENT.

    Let\'s assume that this scent includes both the olfactory and auxiliary olfactory components.

    Your parents,and probably to a lesser extent,your mates,have a scent recognition signature of you in their \"files\".They don\'t know they are identifying you in this way but almost certainly they are.If you alter this signature they are the most likely to notice.

    Additionally,as there are two systems at work, the olfactory and the VNO, one likely verifies the other.

    You arrive at Mom\'s for dinner,maybe you do this daily or only once a year,and Mom says,\"Is that a new cologne?\". Okay,her nose still works and she\'s recognized a difference in your (olfactorily perceived) scent.

    If you come in wearing Pheromones you\'ve altered a much more significant component of your overall scent signature.You\'ve messed with that \"scent\" of you that she first enjoyed when she first held you in her arms,a scent that she doesn\'t even know is there,but has imprinted in her brain more indelibly than any memory, and in more detail than can be achieved by the most sophisticated retinal or voice scan devices.
    Then she tells you you have BO. [img]images/icons/tongue.gif[/img]

    Think that\'s it?

    Oscar [img]images/icons/wink.gif[/img]

  11. #11

    Default Re: Scents and Products...What Works?


    I too like the citrus smells. The original Christian Dior was very citrusy, and I could mix NPA directly into it.

    I\'ve also had \"success\" (a.k.a. my wife does not want to puke [ask JacQue about that feeling [img]images/icons/wink.gif[/img]]) with a home-brew. I used about 12 drops of Bergamot e-oil (spicy, citrus smell), 6-9 drops of Patchouli e-oil (rich, sweet earthy smell), 24 drops of carrier oil (I like Jojaba oil), and 9 drops of PI, all mixed well in a 15 ml dropper bottle. One or two drops on neck, wrists, and mixed in the hair and we\'re ready for action.

    [ August 24, 2001: Message edited by: Lex ]

  12. #12

    Default Re: Scents and Products...What Works?

    I checked out some carriers today. Some glycerin and Jojaba oil. They where six bucks a bottle. I\'m trying to get down to one pheromone and call it a day. Looks like it will probably be NPA. But I haven\'t throughly tested the Edge yet. [img]images/icons/wink.gif[/img]

  13. #13

    Default Re: Scents and Products...What Works?

    I\'ve found that only one p\'mone does not always cut it. E-oils and PI, and a kick-started APC work well in open places (e.g., bars), but I\'ve found that when I am very \"close\" to my wife, AE (also kicked a little with NPA) works better than strong smelling e-oils or cologne. The AE fragrance is mild enough that she wants to get *real* close to smell me. [img]images/icons/laugh.gif[/img]

  14. #14
    Phero Pharaoh a.k.a.'s Avatar
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    Default Re: Scents and Products...What Works?

    I imagine everybody has a different \"best\" scent. I\'ve been using Havoc by Body Shop for several weeks and it\'s become my new favorite. It has a fresh scent that seems to blend well with everything I\'ve tried (Edge, Ylang-Ylang PI, AE, PF and even APC). The best part is that you don\'t need to use a whole lot to cover up the phero smell.
    Before trying Havoc, I thought Drakkar was a great mix. Now I like Havoc better, and it\'s half the price.

  15. #15

    Default Re: Scents and Products...What Works?

    Hey What does Havoc smell like? I have seen it in the shops, but never smelled it.

  16. #16

    Default Re: Scents and Products...What Works?

    Isnt the body shop owned by some australian woman, poppy king thats the one. Thought they went bankrupt.

    Might be a good company to buy shares in, actually come to think of it i wonder if anyone has thought of buying into pheromone companies such as stone labs or even lcroy chemical.

    Heck we could make a bit of money in the next few years mmmm, ok im off to my stock broker.

    Hey bruce can we buy into your company as shareholders, lets make some money oh yeah.

  17. #17
    Phero Dude
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    Default Re: Scents and Products...What Works?

    I doubt WE\'D make money.... We\'d spend all our dividends here! Could we get dividend payments in pheros? Just imagine a stock split! [img]images/icons/shocked.gif[/img] [img]images/icons/laugh.gif[/img]

  18. #18
    Phero Pharaoh a.k.a.'s Avatar
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    Default Re: Scents and Products...What Works?

    Hmmm... It\'s hard to describe scents. It\'s very fresh. I\'d say it\'s a sort of smooth woodsy/herbal type of blend with a hint of citrus.

  19. #19

    Default Re: Scents and Products...What Works?


    Sounds good. I will try to find it this weekend.
    Thanx; TCO

  20. #20

    Default Re: Scents and Products...What Works?


    Here is some info on Havoc:

    \"Havoc Eau de Toilette

    Cool and energetic, Havoc combines fresh herbaceous notes of subtle lavender on a mossy foundation. 100 ml $26.95

    I\'m guessing that it\'s the same one that a.k.a. is talking about.

  21. #21

    Default Re: Scents and Products...What Works?

    Hey Lex thanx for the Info.

    Just tried this combo..maybe someone else may want to as well.

    1 part NPA - to 4 parts of Tsar.

    This was the first NPA Tsar mixture I have tried. I have used TE and Tsar before with good results. But my gf really was taken by this combo. She said it smelled familiar but different at the same time. And it was very well received....
    Let me know your thoughts.

  22. #22

    Default Re: Scents and Products...What Works?

    TCO, I\'ve not heard of Tsar, but I did find a local \"The Body Shop\" store. They have Havoc, so I\'m stopping by there to see what this stuff smells like.

    My wife just \"told\" me that the Addidas aftershave (the citrus one) \"has to go\", and I can tell you that for an aftershave, this stuff is way, way too strong. It\'s more like a cologne. When I first used it after I shaved one morning, the whole house lit up with the smell of this stuff.

    I\'ll let you know about the Havoc. [img]images/icons/smile.gif[/img]

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