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  1. #1

    Default Hit Squad Master\'s Unit 3.0 (Newbies Welcome)

    As you guys have requsted, here it is...

    For Newbies especially the new ladies...

    ...the original HSMU was at what I consider it\'s limit (100 post) and 2.0 was getting quite huge so here for your pleasure and convience is HSMU 3.0 .

    1. For you newbies the HSMU is the place for you to place your hits stories and details of such that may help us the rest of us. A lot of answers to some newbie questions may be found right here. And please newbies, check out the phero users cookbook 3.0 at <a target=\"_blank\" href=></a>. There\'s so much info there your head might explode. To be a member of the Hit Squad simply get hits. So far members include myself, Watcher, TallCoolOne, Redcapp, Marz, Whitehall, JPGR and a few others. Some of our new members are Swinger MD, Jamboot, CptKipling, DrSmell this and some others.

    2. Old members, you know what to do. Now lets start it off with

    3. Hit Stories...
    I personally like to hear stories about hits at the work place because I tend to wear pheros at work (when I do work) and I like to hear about the do\'s and don\'ts and what people are wearing and the effects their having.

    A popular thing everyone likes to hear about it the club or party story, that\'s always fun. And another thing. Where\'s all the ladies. We had or two female Squad members and they disappeared on us. Come on, any ladies getting hits out there? (Actually when I originally wrote this there weren\'t a lot of ladies now there are a lot more).

    And JB mix stories. I like to hear about what\'s happening with users of the JB mixes especially JB-X, JBDD #1 and JBM#1 all basically new mixes.

    What we want in a hit story is details, particularly and most importantly what you wore when you got the big hit, where you wore it and the circumstances. These are the major factors.

    And I see PPC is getting popular. Is there a possible JB mix in the future with PPC? Who knows. Someone\'s probably done it already and I missed the post on it. Oh well. I\'m at your service and people, let\'s be careful out there. [img]/ubbthreads/images/icons/smile.gif[/img]

    -The Bat

  2. #2

    Default Re: Hit Squad Master\'s Unit 3.0 (Newbies Welcome)

    Since I normally start off these post I\'ll do so as well. This is pretty much a repost but wih more info:

    I wanted to tell you guys how great a night I had but the night sucked. I wanted to go to a club that was a little wilder than normal fair but everyone cancelled and because of the way I was dressed I couldn\'t get into the places I normally go. I ended up going to a club I hate with a passion. But leaving JB #1 at home was a big mistake. For those who don\'t remember I wore JB#2 with RM and SOE gel (not mixed).

    See the place I went is a club full of posers. You know the type of club where you go in an 30% of the place is dancing. Yet it\'s packed and all the chicks are hanging with the chicks and all the guys are hanging with the guys. (If I wanted to hang with guys I\'d turn gay or just not go out at all). This is why I hate this club mind you. I did have some fun with the women on the raised part of the dance floor but they don\'t really dance with you, they\'re more dancing for show, but they are fun.

    I really wanted to see what type of responses I got in my normal new spots or atleast my normal spots. I didn\'t get not one real dance and the people there are of the sucky variety. With JB #1 I think I would\'ve gotten atleast one dance. I\'ll try this again one day maybe.
    Oh well. Last night was just another night in my continually sucky life so it\'s not that much of a deal but sometimes you should just go home. Next time I\'m not take anyone with me anywhere when I do test run. People are always screwing things up for me. That\'s why we bats run alone. (Except when we\'re in packs which now that I think about it bats are in pack an aweful lot so that tough guy spill just kind of boke down under it\'s own weight).

    -The Bat

  3. #3
    Bodhi Satva CptKipling's Avatar
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    Default Re: Hit Squad Master\'s Unit 3.0 (Newbies Welcome)

    Today I wore modified JB-X (added TE), 1 spray in hair; 3 drops of AE on one lower arm, rubbed together, then did the same with 8\" of SOE, with another 2\" on my neck. (oh and a small dab of JB-X on my chin.) Lots of pheros I know, but i find this is ok if left for an hour or so.

    Was going to meet a girl in a pub car park, i got there a bit early to do some testing. Lots of DIHLing in the pub [img]/ubbthreads/images/icons/laugh.gif[/img] , also some very welcome attention from some 17-18 year olds. Testing was cut short, as afforementioned girl turned up.

    Went outside and started talking to her, and she was DIHL for what seemed like ages, got a bit embarrasing, so i suggested we go for a walk. Found a bench to sit on (the picnic kind) and sat on opposite sides. She was constantly leaning over and flicking her hair (playing with it a LOT! Definately not scared FTR [img]/ubbthreads/images/icons/smile.gif[/img] ). Went to sit next to her and she practically jumped on me, kissed me (ok so i may have had SOME part in this [img]/ubbthreads/images/icons/wink.gif[/img] ), and said
    \" smell nice\" kissed me again
    \"Is there somewhere else we can go?\"
    I said, \"I\'m sure we can find somewhere!\"
    Got up, walked around, found another bench, but a bit more private. So as not to BORE you with details, we ended up hiding behind the bench wearing not very much [img]/ubbthreads/images/icons/wink.gif[/img]

    This is a girl who has a very nice natural scent of her own, her hair smells great! I cant get enough of it!

  4. #4

    Default Re: Hit Squad Master\'s Unit 3.0 (Newbies Welcome)

    Maybe she\'s wearing pheros too. You know Beaches makes a shampoo (although I can\'t see that being effective). I\'ll tell you this JBB does get hits. It ain\'t JB #1 but it\'s good. It\'s sad actually because something tells me if APC had more pheros in it would be the bomb all on it\'s own. Have you worn any of this stuff to work regularly?

    -The Bat

  5. #5
    Phero Pro
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    Default Re: Hit Squad Master\'s Unit 3.0 (Newbies Welcome)

    Interesting hit ....

    Phero: 3dr AE / 1sp Andro
    Lovation: Danceclub

    I walked up one of the stairways to get to the restrooms, the area infront of them was crowded and it took some time to get past the people. Suddenly this supercute face rushed from the right in my sight and \"Wow, you are so cute\" came somehow out of my mouth.I don\'t know why I said that, I think I was up to think it only but it made his way to the outside [img]/ubbthreads/images/icons/wink.gif[/img]. She turned around and smiled at me, a really nice cute smile. I asked her for her name and before I knew what was happening we sat down at a table in the chillout area. At 11:50pm we left the club, because it was late for her. Well ... she\'s still here (at my place), it\'s 11:41am now and she didn\'t get to work [img]/ubbthreads/images/icons/smile.gif[/img] [img]/ubbthreads/images/icons/smile.gif[/img] .OMG guys .. she\'s a goddess .. and it\'s really hard not to show it... remember DocLove Andy .. remember DocLove Andy ... remember DocLove Andy. I\'ll try to give some infos later ... she\'s in the shower right now .. and I have not much time.

  6. #6

    Default Re: Hit Squad Master\'s Unit 3.0 (Newbies Welcome)

    Meeting chicks on the street Andy? Now what would your mom say about that? [img]/ubbthreads/images/icons/smile.gif[/img]

    -The Bat

  7. #7
    Carpal Tunnel Whitehall's Avatar
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    Default First hit from AE

    So got my new AE and have been trying it out. After a post-workout shower at the gym, put three drops of AE in my hair gel and three drops directly on my neck and shoulders. Went to the mall for some shopping chores and was wondering around waiting for my watch to be fixed.

    Walked into one of the smell places (Bed and Bath?) and started to look at the essential oils. Suddenly, a cutie pie 20-something sales girl appears right next to me, really close. I\'m asking hard questions about the product and she\'s looking up at me with her big blue eyes and can\'t put together two cogent words. She\'s wearing a low cut blouse and her cleavage is right under my nose. I didn\'t hit on her (not my type and didn\'t see any future) and kept focused on the business at hand so she got the message and drifted off.

    Still, she zoomed in on me above and beyond the call of retail sales duty. In fact, almost all the female sales people that day were exceptionally friendly and open.

    I\'d say that AE certainly has some mojo. However, it does go stale and malodorous, much more so than the other products I\'ve tried.

  8. #8

    Default Re: First hit from AE

    Not to cast aspersions whatsoever on the power of your charm, \'mones or no \'mones, but just wanted to note that the saleswomen in Bath and Bodyworks seem trained to glom on to whoever walks in the door and hover and buzz till you want to smack them, talking about their specials and their new products and their this and their that till you can\'t hear yourself think...

  9. #9

    Default Re: First hit from AE

    Not to cast aspersions whatsoever on the power of your charm, \'mones or no \'mones, but just wanted to note that the saleswomen in Bath and Bodyworks seem trained to glom on to whoever walks in the door and buzz around till you want to smack them, talking about their specials and their new products and their this and their that till you can\'t hear yourself think.

  10. #10

    Default Vocabulary question

    what\'s \"kino\"?

  11. #11
    Carpal Tunnel Whitehall's Avatar
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    Default Re: First hit from AE

    That\'s probably so but I do know her mind was not completely on business.

    \"Kino\" is short for kinematic or somesuch root and means physical touching. So \"to give a target kino\" means to touch her arm, stroke her hair, hold her hand, etc on up to butt bumping and kissing. The idea is get touched back. Sorta public foreplay.

    Watch next time you\'re on an airplane; the stewardesses give it to first class but not coach.

  12. #12
    Bodhi Satva CptKipling's Avatar
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    Default Re: First hit from AE

    Its definately a good idea to cover AE with something like SOE, started because I dont like the smell. I\'ve tried that twice with -none (JB-X) in my hair, and that seems to work nicely.

    AE does seem to be a killer product, wish I\'d found it sooner!

  13. #13
    Banned User EXIT63's Avatar
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    Default Re: Vocabulary question

    You may find this interesting.
    You\'ll find Kino about halfway down.

  14. #14

    Default Re: Vocabulary question

    Thank you my sweetie. I bookmarked that, it\'s a big help.

  15. #15
    Banned User EXIT63's Avatar
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    Default Re: Vocabulary question

    For you Babe, anything.

  16. #16
    Phero Pro
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    Default Re: JB-X Modification

    Cpt.: How exactly did you modify JB-X? TE in place of the NPA? What ratio? I have not tried any of the mixes yet but I have been experminting for a couple of months with phero.\'s. And I have RM and TE.

  17. #17
    Enlightened One
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    Default Re: Vocabulary question

    Ive just had a look as well EXIT63 i could find this very useful we may as well port a fair few of those terms over here to the forum and implement them, i didnt see DIHL over there at Its very interesting, now i know what kino means i had a vague idea but thanks for that. Marked for future reference.

  18. #18

    Default Re: JB-X Modification

    \"Cpt.: How exactly did you modify JB-X? TE in place of the NPA? What ratio? I have not tried any of the mixes yet but I have been experminting for a couple of months with phero.\'s. And I have RM and TE.\"

    I believe he said he stated substituting some of the NPA with TE to dilute the mix. RM:NPA:TE 40:5:30 (which gives RM:\"NPA STUFF\" 8:3). In theory he made some kind of JB-X bootleg. [img]/ubbthreads/images/icons/smile.gif[/img]

    -The Bat

  19. #19
    Bodhi Satva CptKipling's Avatar
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    Default Re: JB-X Modification

    Yeah thats right. I made it so it would be easier to spray on, well not easier but more cost affective and with less of an OD risk.

    I think i messed up my calculations, I did them when I was tired and rushed it.

    I RE-modified my mix.

    Because NPA and TE are basically in a ratio of 1:4, you have to have 4 drops of TE to make up 1 of NPA. 30/4 =7.5, not very helpfull. I added another 10 drops of TE, so that you do in fact get 8:3 RM:\"NPA stuff\", but instead of the usual concentration of 0.352 mg/ml, you get 0.105 mg/ml.

    Need to increase the NPA stuff % though. Perhaps 8:3.75 (an extra 3drops of TE for every 8 of RM and 1 of NPA.

    I dont know what the *approximate* volume of a spray is, but this is definately a more apropriate dose of -none, means it will diffuse much better.

  20. #20

    Default Re: JB-X Modification

    Why\'d you remodify it was working so well. I would\'ve left it alone, that\'s why I didn\'t remodify JB #1 once it worked so well for me. But It\'s good to experiment. Tell us how your modifications worked once you get a chance to see the effects.

    -The Bat

  21. #21

    Default Re: JB-X Modification

    Phero: SOE

    Last night I was sitting at this booth in a local pub with a few friends of mine. About an hour after I arrive I notice an female aquantence of mine enter. She probably knows me the least out of all my friends but I start talking with her as if we\'ve been best friends for years. We start flirting with each other and before I know it, her hands on my thigh and my arm is over her shoulder while I\'m listening to her tell me how good I smell. She must of mentioned how good I smelt like 3 or 4 times, and in my opinion SOE does not smell that nice, so I know the phero\'s were working for me. She asked me what I was wearing and I just reponded by saying \"ah, you probably never heard of it.\" Any way, this hit was kinda weird cause I totally ridd-off off the whole phero thing up into this point and just decided to work on my confidence and overall attitude around women. I totally discarded the whole phero thing and the only reason I have even been wearing SOE lately is because by the time I decided to not use phero\'s my SOE had already been shipped. Yet, I have been doing pretty good with the ladies lately, and up until last night I attributed all my success to the tips I have been learning on certain email sites and in various articles. However, I never once took into consideration that the SOE I have been wearing could have also been of help - to be honest, everytime I applied the SOE I totally forgot I was wearing it after about an hour or so. Any way, I think attraction on a non-physical level is all about one\'s inner confidence, attitude and strategy. However, I think pheromones can give you an edge. I am pretty interested to see the reactions I can get using some none based products.

    Later Haters


  22. #22
    Doctor of Scentology DrSmellThis's Avatar
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    Default Re: A1 hit.

    I don\'t want to double post, but for my latest A1 Fibronacci mix story, see the \"latest on A1\" thread. Exact amounts included, for you mad scientists among us.

  23. #23

    Default Re: A1 hit.

    Doctor, what does the fibronacci series have to do with all of this? (glad to read old posts if you\'ll direct me)


  24. #24
    Doctor of Scentology DrSmellThis's Avatar
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    Default Re: A1 hit.

    Hit Squad II threads, and the Phero effectiveness threads have most of that. And/or do a search with \"phi\" and \"fibronacci\".

    I often use the sequence to guide my phero mixes.

  25. #25

    Default Re: A1 hit.

    If you have the time/patience- why?

  26. #26
    Bodhi Satva CptKipling's Avatar
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    Default Re: A1 hit.

    It has to do with mathmatical beauty, greek statues and such.

  27. #27
    Enlightened One
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    Default Re: A1 hit.

    Tangent mathematics figuring out beauty and hip ratios etc. Tie this in with the perfect pheromone signature for optimum attraction. Greek statues are very interesting. EBT A1 keeps being a very interesting product. PCC is working well for me as a general mood controller and relaxation agent for both guys and girls around my area.

  28. #28

    Default Re: A1 hit.

    I\'m not sure what you\'re asking me. But I \"grokked\" why use fibronacci series driving home from work, it clicked into place and I \"a ha-ed.\" That\'s deep.

  29. #29
    Banned User EXIT63's Avatar
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    Default Re: A1 hit.

    Wow Red, Stranger in a Strange Land. You never cease to amaze me. Do you really like my song list?

  30. #30
    Enlightened One
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    Default Music list

    Id add the old hit from
    2 Unlimited \"Nothing like the rain\"

    Dunno i just love that old song.

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