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  1. #1

    Default Tourist Phero Trial..Adventures at Lake Powell

    Hey All;

    Went to Lake Powell this weekend and Page AZ. Now even though this area is at the top of AZ and in the middle of the Navajo Nation, I would recommend a trip here. I went with 4 other guys, with the intent of testing some mixes and products up here.

    Page AZ is by no means the hot bed of nightlife at all. But it has a tourist industry that caters to allot I mean very many foreign tourists. On arrival at the Merriott (nice place highly recommended), we get showered and were ready to go dine and then head out to the GunSmoke Saloon (name sounds western and that is were the western stops…big club grat band – rock and oldies w/top 40).

    Okay the 4 guys with me –

    #1 Dave- 42 y/o , divorced 5’11” tall, athletic build…quiet non-alpha type
    #2 H-Man- 36 y/o male, 6’2” tall heavy build but athletic, Alpha type male
    #3 Jimmy – 31 y/o male,5’7” single, non alpha but good talker
    #4 Ralph – 25 y/o male, single, ladies man (self proclaimed) Very Alpha 6’1” tall
    Me: TCO, single/divorced, 6’5” tall, semi alpha

    Okay night one:

    Got to hotel checked in and showered and applied the following:
    Dave: ½ pack SOE Gel + 2 drops NPA
    H-Man: 1 packet SOE gel
    Jimmy: PI (unscented) 2 drops
    Ralph: PI one drop, SOE Gel ½ packet
    TCO: 3 drops NPA

    Go to Ken’s West Steakhouse (Best steaks in town…or we were really hungry). We were seated by male host. Made sure we had a great table, center floor (live band playing, best view). Host kept asking if the table met with our agreement. We said thank You …was really busy. Waitress, native American gal, mid 30’s , nice bod, nice smile, and was at first rather rude. But after she came with our drinks and was ready to take our order, started joking with us about all the tourists…like we weren’t. And how they never joke. She was just flustered as one waitress called off. We made our order and Ralph kept talking to her, she smiled and laughed at his little jokes. When she came with the dinner order she kept hovering around our table, kept asking if everything was allright. If anyone is reading this and u were there..sorry …as she neglected her other tables a Well ate dinner Ralph was asked where we were going after eating. He told her we would be out and about and did not know where. Anyway when we were paying our bill, Jimmy struck up conversation with a real nice looking German girl (Jimmy was stationed in Germany and spoke the Lingo…Yeah Jimmy). But then the German girl stood up off the bar stool and she clipped out at about 6’ or so. Jimmy just kept talking to her and she was giggling and twirling the hair. At same time H-Man was in conversation with the cashier (she was in early 20’s, a very pretty girl) who kept blushing every time H-man would say anything to her, then we all saw the classic DIHL and goofy brain dead actions for approx 10-20 seconds, then more blushing. Jimmy told the German girl we would be at the Dam Bar then GunSmoke Saloon, she said she would be there later, as she like the band.
    We go the Dam Bar.newer place kinda yuppish, but good atmosphere and good crowd. Dave gets us a table with about 5-7 women there as well. Dave is tripping out on himself. He does not sitr but is taken out to the dance floor by 3 women. The rest of us sit at table, and start to talk to the ladies. I was more inclined to watch the guys interact with the women here. The table we were at was part of a group of 22 tourists from Poland, Germany and Austria. All women except for their Escort/guide – Ed who is a 50ish guy from Jersey. Ed is at bar talking to bartender. Dave is dancing the night away, Ralph is really getting into conversation with a stunning Brunette in her 30;’s, Jimmy and H-man are cruising the bar and dance floor. But what I saw was neat. Every ime they would pass a group of women standing at the far end of Bar, they would stop talking and just stare,smile,flip hair etc. Then one of them approached H-man and struck up conversation, Jimmy soon descended on a cute blonde. While I was sitting and watching started talking to a gal from Poland name Agda a 34 y/o fem, Brunette with blue eyes (hubba Hubba material), She kept watching me scope out the fellas and their pursuits. And through it all she kept asking if they or one of them was my boyfrind…to which I calimed my Hetro-hood. I finally just told her I was doing some research on social- biological behavior patterns in males and females in social settings. This was good enough for her. So Agda became my watcher/helper…she told me who was talking/dancing/flirting with who. We stayed here for an hour or so. Then off to the GunSmoke. Upon leaving the table asked where we were going. Told them the GunSmoke Saloon…they came with us (well all but two and Ed) Agda was on my arm (Saloon was just across the street). So we hit the Saloon, band was kicking, folks all over the place. Found a table(s) and placed all the gals and us on it. Waitress came took order and Ralph started a conversation with her. Jimmy danced the night away with our tourist friends. H-man did not want to stay at table and cruised the floor and bar, Dave dances with two gals from Poland and then comes over and says the girls are hot and have drunk too much for the day and want to go back to hotel…Dave leaves with them. Agda and myself are just talking up a storm, and she is palyig with the hir on my arms, poking me and bumping laughing etc. (Good signals). She then leans in and asks if I want to escort her to her hotel. Which I do and leave the others to fend for themselves. Take Agdo to her hotel and we sit and talk a bit then when I was going to go over and look out the window she gets up and basically jumps me…..

    Next morning the report card goes as this:
    Me- Score (well did not have intercourse …it was her time of the month)
    Ralph- Score with the blonde he left with, other gal passed out on ride to hotel)
    Jimmy- Non-score score – no sex but a choice of three ladies for dinner the next night
    H-man- No-Score…was grumpy..says pheros are [censored]
    Dave- Says did not hook up…but Jimmy thinks he is there was evidence of condom use in room the next day.

    Consensus from night one: All But H-man loved Pheros. All want to try again for night 2. I will post seconds nights findings a bt later as this is lengthily.


  2. #2
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    Default Re: Tourist Phero Trial..Adventures at Lake Powell

    Wow TCO, this is what I call a nice phero experiment .... [img]/ubbthreads/images/icons/smile.gif[/img]

    Franki [img]/ubbthreads/images/icons/smile.gif[/img]

  3. #3
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    Default H-Man

    No wonder this H-Man guy is the grumpy one and the one who doesn´t believe in phero´s, he only had a SOE gel packet, while the others were wearing a-NONE (too).

    Franki [img]/ubbthreads/images/icons/smile.gif[/img]

  4. #4
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    Default Re: H-Man

    hey...all i have is SoE i just got it the other day do i need to get NPA also for the soe to work effectively?

  5. #5

    Default Re: Tourist Phero Trial..Adventures at Lake Powell

    That\'s cool, group phero use. It is like a quadruple threat, or something like that......

  6. #6
    PheroWizard oscar's Avatar
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    Default Re: Tourist Phero Trial..Adventures at Lake Powell


    Looks to me, judging by the descriptions and phero applications, that you were \"prescribing\" products and doses.
    Sounds like great fun!

    I noticed that H-Man not only had an unidentifiable name, but also didn\'t have a marital or relationship status attached to his description. Could it be that he was not prescribed the invisible attractant power of A-None because he was already shouldering the invisible yoke of matrimony? If this was the case, perhaps it was not so much the absence of A-None, but rather the guilt pheros that kept him off the scoreboard.
    Oscar [img]/ubbthreads/images/icons/wink.gif[/img]

  7. #7
    Enlightened One
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    Default Re: Tourist Phero Trial..Adventures at Lake Powell

    Very good TCO it is good to have some backup for our doses mixes etc. With H-man alter ego may have been effective as i find that rone (SOE to) is good for the semi alpha males as it seems to increase their levelness and dependability whist boosting that semi alpha signal. Would like to see how a1-rone goes as well as rone-couplins and a1-couplins mix. Just for side issues here.

  8. #8

    Default Re: Tourist Phero Trial..Adventures at Lake Powell

    Hey, TCO, where are you from? Sounds like you might be in my neck o\' the woods.

  9. #9
    Phero Pharaoh a.k.a.'s Avatar
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    Default Re: Tourist Phero Trial..Adventures at Lake Powell

    What an excellent experiment!

    It got me thinking... I don\'t do the \"boys night out\" thing very often, but when I do it\'s always with the same guys. I don\'t work with any of them, so I wouldn\'t mind if they knew about pheromones.

    The problem is that one of the guys is so alpha that he\'s got to dominate every conversation. He\'s married with no chance that he\'ll wander off trying to meet a girl. So there\'s no way to get rid of him. I don\'t want him to be the center of attention, but I don\'t want him scaring all the women away either. Maybe a mix of A1 + Nol?

    Then there\'s a guy that already scores better than any of us and really doesn\'t need any pheromones. He\'s 31 with a Johnny Depp sort of look, likes to wear suits, and is charming as hell. Not terribly alpha, but a bit dark. I\'m wondering if RM will turn him into a god or if it\'ll over-emphasize his dark side.

  10. #10
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    Default Re: Tourist Phero Trial..Adventures at Lake Powell

    Bump, for all the newbies, this is what a good hit story looks like.

    Franki [img]/ubbthreads/images/icons/smile.gif[/img]

  11. #11
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    Default Re: Tourist Phero Trial..Adventures at Lake Powell

    Yea that was a great story, more people should experiment like he did....

    TCO-\"All want to try again for night 2. I will post seconds nights findings a bt later as this is lengthily\" Too bad he never posted what happened the next day, it would of been a good read [img]/ubbthreads/images/icons/frown.gif[/img]

  12. #12
    Phero Dude
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    Default Re: Tourist Phero Trial..Adventures at Lake Powell

    Hmm I don\'t know why people say it was a good experiment.
    In my opninion it wasn\'t. Now don\'t get mad at me , let me explain :

    As you described you went out with 4 other guys making it 5 total. Also you said you staid together for the most part of the evening (Sitting together at the table...)

    So while sitting together you guys created a OD (not a big one but still ) , specially on the none. Total : 5 drops NPA + 3 drops PI + 2 full Soe gel packets = Phero cloud !!! Since you have been sitting together , one could speak of you as one whole person who OD. You have been lucky though because you haven\'t overdosed too much. I\'m very sure the evening would have turned out very very bad if EACH of you used 2 PI drops or EACH 3 NPA drops making a total of 12/15 drops = VERY VERY BIG OD !

    Proof ? Backup for my theory ? Read the story again, and SEE when the really good HITS kicked in ?! It was when you guys separated (few went dancing others conversated with women in different places...)

    So it was luck (+pheros) that made most of you score as cloud dissapeared.

    SO my opnion is : Group testing is not good. If you still want to do it , be aware that you (if moving as a group) have to think of yourself as ONE BODY, + be very carefull with doses.
    Another thing is : Because you were so close totgether for the most part of the evening , you actually CAN\'t tell for sure WHAT phero WORKED for WICH one of you.

    Best example is from your own story : While together with you H-MAN experienced a very nice hit from the cashier (blushing/blushing DIHL ) WHY? He just used SOE (blushing + DIHL is not very usual with SOE ) I tell you why , because he profited of the other guys -none components !!!!

    ROFL , as soon as he left of with a lady , he didn\'t manage to get laid . WHY ? Well you guys + your -none were not around any the girl didn\'t want to get sexual with him...because she all of a sudden missed the -none signal she \"thought\" H-Man was sending !!!

    Well , guys either separate and test or group test + be carefull with doses...+ each one of you should have a bit -none + some you still get laid even if the others are not around !

    Aight ? Enjoy !

  13. #13
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    Default Re: Tourist Phero Trial..Adventures at Lake Powell

    <<Bump, for all the newbies, this is what a good hit story looks like.>>

    Thank you franki, we don\'t get many hit stories lately. I don\'t mind all the other posts but I would really like to see more hit stories and combos etc. that work.

  14. #14
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    Default Re: Tourist Phero Trial..Adventures at Lake Powell

    Wow it has been a while since i read the whole thing...damn i can be long winded...but i have

    some more notes that i will post later. TCO

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