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  1. #1

    Default Thoughts, Questions, and HITS

    Morning ALL...

    I\'ve been away from this board for a while but have used phero\'s on and off since last summer when I was introduced to them by Bruce\'s site and forum. I\'d say I\'m an average looking, Caucasian, slim/in-shape, male in my late 30\'s, currently living in NYC, Manhattan and have received a good percentage of hits presently and in the past from using a combination (separately applied) of Attraction and Alter Ego. (I\'ll give some detail to the hits/responses received at the end of the post --sorry for it\'s over all length)

    I\'ve recently realized that I was \"under dosing\" in fear of the dreaded \"over dose syndrome\" (OD) and have seen a difference when I increased the application. I even plan to use a larger dose in the future since both products have low levels/content of the \'dominant alpha male\' androsteNONE pheromone and include a balance of the more \'playful approachable attractant\' androsteNOL pheromone. I\'m beginning to wonder if having a large amount of the ...NOL type phero in your mix counters the feeling of unapproachability that is magnified when one wears too much of the ...NONE phero which can create very negative experiences in large doses?

    Well, anyway... I\'m looking to make another purchase and have a few questions to ask the board. Please forgive in advance any redundancy on a subject that may have been covered already but the forum has grow tremendously and I have not or may never actually have the time to read through it all.

    My initial thought is to purchase a Chemistry Kit and mix up each of the three pheromones separately in either an ethanol base (sprays) or oil base (drops/dabs) with a relatively high content so applications would be minimal. Then I can apply each individually in different amounts, covered by one of my favorite colognes, to test the best ratio for my own chemistry, personality, and age group.

    However, that being said there also seem to be many new interesting products on Bruce\'s virtual shelves which can accomplish the same idea to a large degree. So I\'m still undecided at present regarding my next order.

    In the mean time though, I\'d appreciate any thought to the following questions that have been rattling around in my now phero obsessed brain...

    Has anyone mixed NPA or Androstenone Fragrance Additive (AFA) or both with (into) Attraction? Unfortunately Bruce has told me Stone Lab, the manufacturer of AFA, has not released the ratio content or balance of both the NONE and NOL contained with in it. Although, it does contain 3mg\'s of total pheros, breaking down to .4mg/ml which might lead to a nice mix if done at the right proportions.

    Is Scent of Eros (SoE) an oil/ethanol mix similar to Stone Lab\'s Alter Ego (AE) or is it some type of other base? I\'ve noticed people complaining that it\'s very thin.

    Aside from variables regarding weather/temperature and sweating, do the thicker oil based products last longer on the skin as opposed to ethanol or alcohol based sprays? I\'m also wondering if the difference has a result in the type, quality, and amount of hits one receives using a product. An alcohol/ethanol base might be responsible for the greater degree of hits (noted on this forum) with an alcohol based androsteNONE product like NEW Phero Additive (NPA) rather than some of the other oil based products with the same type of pheromone ...NONE content.

    On that same subject about similar products with the same pheromones and content... is the new Rogue Male (RM) by Stone Lab oil, ethanol or a mix of both? Why is it Primal Instinct is toted as being the most potent and receives some of the most hits as well as praise when there are other products with the same ...NONE content? Is this because of the quality of pheromones used?


    My first real MAJOR hit came at the end of last summer at a restaurant in East Hampton, Long Island, NY. I actually met my parents there for a late lunch and was dressed casually in faded jeans, black boots and a black T-shirt. I looked OK I guess, had a light tan at the time. I had applied both Attraction and Alter Ego about 4 hours earlier, in fairly large doses and covered it with an essential oil mix I had made using vanilla, sandalwood, and vetiver. The scent was sweet, woody, and earthy yet very subtle which was what I wanted that particular day. Well, the waitress serving the opposite section we unfortunately chose happened to be a very beautiful young girl! It was so obvious that she was attracted to me that my father kept looking at me and laughing. She would seem to make excuses (rearranging table settings that were already set) to walk by, always smiling, wanting eye contact and attempting to get my attention. As blatant as it was I was still uncertain and settled in my own insecurity because of how pretty she was! This never happens to me, believe me it\'s far from the norm in my life. Thinking back I still have trouble accepting it and regret not following up on it. What puzzles me though is that our own waitress who was a little older and not as attractive apparently did not respond to the pheromones I was wearing... at least not in a way that was noticeable to me?

    More recently, every time I wear them (Attraction and AE), I continue to get huge compliments on the cologne I use as a cover. Lately I\'m wearing \'Chrome\' again for the summer and at first my mom kept mentioning about how nice I smell, then my sister said something as well. Next an ex-girlfriend I\'ve managed to remain friends with went crazy over my scent when I ended up meeting up with her one night a few weeks ago also wearing Attraction, AE, and Chrome. We hadn\'t seem each other in almost a year and she continued to comment all night on how different I looked, how great and long my hair had become, and how amazing I smelled. For the record I looked absolutely the same, nothing dramatic had changed other than some new clothes and the pheros [img]/ubbthreads/images/icons/wink.gif[/img] Wearing the same combination, I met up with her a month later to drop something off. Once again, she couldn\'t refrain from mentioning how good I smelled, and upon leaving made a significant gesture by touching my hand in a certain way letting me know her interest. This all from a girl who I was convinced had no feeling for me in that way anymore?

    Lastly, I went to an appointment I had early in the week also wearing the same combo as previously stated (why mess with what\'s working) and although I did notice a slight change in this one girls professionalism I hadn\'t realized the full effect until the secretary asked me on the way out what cologne I had been wearing. After I answered, she replied with, \"Cause your driving all the girls here crazy!\"

    Next I\'m going to try using a different cologne, maybe \'Armani Emporio He\' or possibly \'Oduer 71,\' to convince myself it\'s the pheros and not the particular scent I\'ve been wearing. I might even increase the pheromone dose just to see how far I can push it but not until I\'m sure it\'s the mones instead of the cologne.

    Whew! Looong post... again I apologize for not keeping it short.

    Thanks for reading...

  2. #2

    Default Re: Thoughts, Questions, and HITS

    wow, good post but alot of questions!! let me ask you a question, how much AE do you use, as well as attraction? have you ever tried AE alone? how does it do for you? i have never tried attraction but i was considering giving it a run...

  3. #3

    Default Re: Thoughts, Questions, and HITS

    Just need to clear up a mistake in my prior post. I confused Scent Of Eros (EoS) for what I had read on the forum about Rouge Male (RM). Apparently Jambat mentioned RM having the thin alcohol base, not EoS, which makes sense since Stone Lab\'s products mostly use this type of base. Jambat... is it similar to the oil/ethanol base of Alter Ego (AE)?

    So what about Sent Of Eros (EoS)... it\'s sold in a roll-on applicator bottle so does that mean it\'s an oil base?

    One more thing... last year Alter Ego (AE) was listed as containing: 0.20mg/mL of NONE, 0.15mg/mL of NOL, and 0.10mg/mL of RONE but I recently read in the very helpful \'CookBook\' that it has an even distribution of 0.15mg/mL for each of the three different pheromones it contains. Did they change the old ratio or was my info wrong?

  4. #4
    Phero Pharaoh BassMan's Avatar
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    Default Re: Thoughts, Questions, and HITS

    SOE is in a di-glycol base. Thick like an oil, but alcohol soluable. Same class of compounds as antifreeze.

    AE is still .2 none, .15 nol, .1 rone to my knowledge.

    What changed was AFA, which was .2 none, .19 nol and is now .2 in both.

  5. #5

    Default Re: Thoughts, Questions, and HITS

    Hey ROLLTIDE...

    Yup, that\'s me I guess [img]/ubbthreads/images/icons/smile.gif[/img]

    I\'m always full of questions when I\'m new to something and seeking to learn as much as I can. Figured what better place than this forum to pick people\'s minds so to speak. Hope it\'s not a prob?

    Well, I generally used the two together, however there were a few occasions where I tried using Attraction alone (2 sprays) at holiday gatherings with family. It was just as experimentation and to be honest I didn\'t notice anything out of the ordinary. Although there was this one time during good-byes where my sis sniffed my neck deeply then mentioned how nice I smelled. But that could have also been the Cool Water cologne I had on.

    Lately when I apply pheros, it\'s as follows: One spray of Attraction on front of neck and shirt, then a spray on each side of my neck, after it dries I\'ll add one drop of AE on each side of neck, spread behind ears and into hair line, and also use one drop spread out between the top sides of my forearms. I transferred my AE to a dripper capped small colored bottle which makes applications a lot safer and more user friendly. The bottle Stone Lab chose is very precarious to use and you have the likely hood of ending up with a very attractive sexy floor if you get my point! Afterward I use about 2 sprays of cologne.

    To be honest I can\'t say how well they work because it\'s all I\'ve used thus far but I\'d say I have definitely seen some positive results. I\'m by no means finished experimenting and plan to finally get around to test it more in public places like bookstores, cafe\'s, etc... with in the next few weeks and using varied dose strengths. I also want to place an order for some new products soon, possibly something with more NONE, as I\'m learning that perhaps I need more of the dominant pheromone due to my age group. Not entirely sure though? When I first decided to make an initial investment and purchase some products, I reasoned, after reading and researching a bit, that those which include NOL in high amounts would be a safer risk for a first time phero newbie like me. This was naturally due to the problems people reported with OD\'ing on NONE and becoming overly intimidating to the very women they were attempting to attract in the first place. I have a very laid back sometimes quiet shy personality so I wasn\'t sure what kind of reaction higher doses of NONE would bring out in those around me, especially since I think I already appear stuck up and unapproachable at times by mistaken assumptions of course.

    Regarding Attraction... I believe it, as well as AE, are both fine products and feel that way about most of what Bruce sells. It has almost double the amount of NOL in it compared to it\'s NONE content and I\'d say for an alcohol based spray it\'s a bit low on the mg/mL concentration. The numbers work out to 0.04mg/mL of NONE and 0.07mg/mL of NOL for it\'s 30mL bottle. Most spray bottle mechanism deliver any where from 0.1mL - 0.2mL depending on the manufacturer and size. I believe Attractions bottle delivers approx. 0.13mL per spray which would mean you\'d have to use almost 10 sprays to equal the same dose of NONE for 2 drops of Primal Instinct. I\'m convinced, excluding certain exceptions, that meeting someone with more than 2 drops (4 dabs) of a product containing that amount of NONE is risking a negative response. In terms of NOL, I\'m not sure if one can OD on this type of pheromone? If anything I would think it would create even more of a silly atmosphere and a crazy type behavior, which I\'d label positive but I\'m not completely sure.

    Anyway, I changed my Attraction bottle to a colored glass bottle with a better sprayer, which I tested to deliver 0.17mL per spray. This allows me to get a little more pheromone for each spray which is not much but if I were to use it alone I\'d only need about 4-6 sprays to put me in a good comfortable application zone.

    Anyway, hope that helped a little?

  6. #6

    Default Re: Thoughts, Questions, and HITS

    Excellent info... thanks BassMan.

    There seems to be some conflicting details floating around the forum about some of the products for sale. Who do you trust? I recently received a reply from David at LoveScent in reference to AFA which stated, \"Stone Labs hasn\'t given us the exact amounts in this formula.\" Not to undermine your credibility, you seem very trust worthy by your posts, but where did you come across this specific information? Just curious since there seems to be a few discrepancies about the Stone Lab products. <shrug>

  7. #7

    Default Re: Thoughts, Questions, and HITS

    \"SOE is in a di-glycol base. Thick like an oil, but alcohol soluable. Same class of compounds as antifreeze. \"

    Does this cause any problems then if I were to mix SOE with NPA?? Since NPA is alcohol, does this mean that SOE will soluablize (yeah, I just made that one up) in mixture with NPA?? ANd if so, is this bad or good, or what like I haven\'t taken chemistry for a while *(By God no one ask me to balance any equations!!)

  8. #8
    Phero Pharaoh BassMan's Avatar
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    Default Re: Thoughts, Questions, and HITS

    Soluablize, eh? SOE will dissolve [img]/ubbthreads/images/icons/smile.gif[/img] quite nicely in NPA. Or the other way around. This is a good thing. All it means is that once you put them together, you won\'t get the nasty looking stuff at the bottom of the bottle that happens when things don\'t mix right. Sorry for the jargon. I used to work at Technical Language \'R\' Us...

  9. #9
    Phero Pharaoh BassMan's Avatar
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    Default Re: Thoughts, Questions, and HITS

    I left my credibility in some female\'s bed a _long_ time ago. Not to worry... [img]/ubbthreads/images/icons/smile.gif[/img]

    I got the info about the .2 and .19 off the label of a bottle of AFA that I bought last fall. I don\'t know how David came to his conclusions - perhaps we are referring to different products? AFA is Stone Lab\'s additive. NPA is Lacroy\'s stuff - and they really _don\'t_ give out the formula.

    The change to .2/.2 I am less solid about. I remember reading it in a forum post. You might try a search for AFA. It\'s in the old excel spreadsheet at .2/.19 I believe.

    Sorry for the confusion.

  10. #10

    Default Re: Thoughts, Questions, and HITS *DELETED*

    Post deleted by Bruce

  11. #11

    Default Re: Thoughts, Questions, and HITS


    lol, no worries... just cautious, well... sometimes... been all to familiar with that scenario as well. [img]/ubbthreads/images/icons/smile.gif[/img]

    As far as Love Scent goes, they should post content info when readily available on the appropriate page for each product they sell. David might have made a mistake but he was clearly aware of the products I was inquiring about. He named them and the company/manufacture in the e-mail reply he sent me.

    Thanks again.

  12. #12

    Default Re: Thoughts, Questions, and HITS


    Thanks... DUH, I feel stupid! Would have never thought to look there or even do a search. The link is much appreciated.

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