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  1. #1

    Default PI great for this newbie ( long story)

    I bought PI/m the other week, then found this site and thought that a heavy none product wasn\'t a good choice. But i couldn\'t have been more wrong. I\'ve had amazing success just with that.
    The Pi arrived, i put some on went to the bank/supermarket etc, and experienced unusual behaviour from woman (all ages).
    That night i went to a bar, ordered a drink, just standing at the bar with my drink, these two girls in front of me were looking for there cigerette lighter, i just pulled my lighter out and past it to them, next thing a know these two girls are buying me drinks for the next few hours, i hooked up with one, but she lost interest when she found out i was 25, they were about 32, got the other girls number later on in the night, because they keep hanging around, with little prospect from those two i looked elsewhere.
    Getting another drink at the bar, i look around had this lady fully steering at me, said hi, and i was in, spent the rest of the time at the bar with her, she was 39 and married, and keen as a horny rabbit, but a bit to old for me, even though she was hot.
    The next day, i reflected, high none products do attract the older ones, decided when i go out tomorrow i\'ll target younger woman.
    Went out to a different bar the next night, and as i was walking down the main street to the bar, these two girls behind me (looked about 25-30) were discussing which bar to go to. I turned around and said to them \"you should go to ......., thats where i\'m going\" next thing i know i\'ve got a girl on both arm walking to the pub.
    Stayed with them all night and went home with one of them, found out she was a young looking 36 yr old.
    Reflecting on these events, i believe the mones did give an edge, i love chatting up women, and if there older then me i see it as more of a challenge, therefore more fun. PI for me let me step it up a notch. My flirting was more aggressive, and bordering on being rather arrogant. but they loved it.

    My plan is still to see if PI will get the young ones, before i get a nol product, but i keep getting side tracked, whats peoples success rate with heavy none products on younger girls (20-27), is it worth continuing our should i purchase something else?
    I\'m off to france for work at the end of the week, can\'t speak french, so i think thats going to be interesting. If you give a dam i\'ll keep you informed. people want hit stories i\'ll give em

  2. #2
    Phero Dude
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    Default Re: PI great for this newbie ( long story)

    Most of my luck with -none definitely comes from older women.
    They are all over me like flies on cow [censored].
    I only get the odd hit from the younger ones, but there is something unstable about their reaction to me.

  3. #3

    Default Re: PI great for this newbie ( long story)

    I got the same reaction from PI but with some experimentation I am really liking the reactions from mixing PI and SOE.

  4. #4

    Default Re: PI great for this newbie ( long story)

    When you guys talk about older women....what age range are you considering as \"older?\" Are you talking about 30+ as older? Or 40+?

    I ask because I\'m just starting out...waiting on my first shipment to come in and would like some guidance. I\'m personally looking to get those from age 32 to 40. So, would this fall in the older group you\'re referring to? Thanks.

  5. #5

    Default Re: PI great for this newbie ( long story)

    I have seen no age limit I have hits from women 30+ to 70+!
    The other day I was at a restaurant and we were all leaving I held the door for 40+ women and she became my best friend for the moment, wanted to take me home grabbed me by the arm, the reaction was wild. My wife didn\'t know what to think of that! I had on PI with SOE.

  6. #6
    Phero Pro
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    Default Re: PI great for this newbie ( long story)

    Hi dazza! Welcome to the forum.

    I have also have noticed that I usually get hit on by the older women with -none products. Usually from the late twenties and up. I have also noticed that I get some of the most wild reactions at least 1/2 hour to 3-4 hours after I put about two drops on.

    I have had some interesting rxns from some of the youger ones. For example I had about 2 dabs of RM on and a 20 year old that I had dated a while back started to hit on me. I also had about 4 inches of SOE on my arms though. I have also noticed that the younger ones are more inclined to bolt when you have -none on (I would imagine around that time of the month). They some also seem more inclined to go into a daze, DIHL, and do nothing. The older ones seem to act on it more.

  7. #7
    Phero Pro jose's Avatar
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    Default Re: PI great for this newbie ( long story)

    Here\'s my two cents on the subject of older women(even though they don\'t like to be called that). I\'ve attracted women from 28 to 55 while wearing PI, just two dads and with other combinations. I tend to agree that women 35 plus seemed to act on it more than the younger ones. I once met a married couple at a bar, she was in her 30s and was giving out the obvious signs (hair flipping, sitting up straight, her body pointing to me). Anyway after her husband left to go to the bathroom, she definitely made a pass at me. Of course I declined her advances but it did feel good, anyway they are more willing to act.

  8. #8

    Default Re: PI great for this newbie ( long story)

    So i guess i should invest in soe, its seems everyone uses it to some extent.
    i called them older based on the cut off of the effect from a -none product working effectively which seems to be around 30. I had a couple of old ladies in the park nearly spit their false teeth out as i walked past, when they were trying to say hello to me.
    The young ones 18-25 that seemed to get hits off -none, looked how could a say sexual predators/nymphomanic/slut type, would this be a relavent assumption?

  9. #9
    Phero Pro
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    Default Re: PI great for this newbie ( long story)

    Let\'s just say that the younger ones that respond to -none products tend to a bit more . . . agressive. My theory is that the younger ones tend to be overwhelmed with the scent of -none and just sit and stare. Usually when I get responses from them it takes a long time for them to snap out of it and act on it. My guess that the older ones are a bit more experienced and know what to do when they encounter -none.

    SOE is a great product to have. I tend to use it as a mood uplift myself. I have done some very goofy things on the dance floor when I have OD on it. Seems to act like alcohol in that it acts as an uninhibitor. Hey and no hangover too! [img]/ubbthreads/images/icons/laugh.gif[/img]

    There are some interesting threads on the archive about using a -nol product as SOE to loosen a target up. Then apply a -none product then . . . blam! Anyhow I have also read about how -nol converts to -none so it seems that perhaps that natural way of seduction is the best way to go. [img]/ubbthreads/images/icons/wink.gif[/img]

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