I bought PI/m the other week, then found this site and thought that a heavy none product wasn\'t a good choice. But i couldn\'t have been more wrong. I\'ve had amazing success just with that.
The Pi arrived, i put some on went to the bank/supermarket etc, and experienced unusual behaviour from woman (all ages).
That night i went to a bar, ordered a drink, just standing at the bar with my drink, these two girls in front of me were looking for there cigerette lighter, i just pulled my lighter out and past it to them, next thing a know these two girls are buying me drinks for the next few hours, i hooked up with one, but she lost interest when she found out i was 25, they were about 32, got the other girls number later on in the night, because they keep hanging around, with little prospect from those two i looked elsewhere.
Getting another drink at the bar, i look around had this lady fully steering at me, said hi, and i was in, spent the rest of the time at the bar with her, she was 39 and married, and keen as a horny rabbit, but a bit to old for me, even though she was hot.
The next day, i reflected, high none products do attract the older ones, decided when i go out tomorrow i\'ll target younger woman.
Went out to a different bar the next night, and as i was walking down the main street to the bar, these two girls behind me (looked about 25-30) were discussing which bar to go to. I turned around and said to them \"you should go to ......., thats where i\'m going\" next thing i know i\'ve got a girl on both arm walking to the pub.
Stayed with them all night and went home with one of them, found out she was a young looking 36 yr old.
Reflecting on these events, i believe the mones did give an edge, i love chatting up women, and if there older then me i see it as more of a challenge, therefore more fun. PI for me let me step it up a notch. My flirting was more aggressive, and bordering on being rather arrogant. but they loved it.

My plan is still to see if PI will get the young ones, before i get a nol product, but i keep getting side tracked, whats peoples success rate with heavy none products on younger girls (20-27), is it worth continuing our should i purchase something else?
I\'m off to france for work at the end of the week, can\'t speak french, so i think thats going to be interesting. If you give a dam i\'ll keep you informed. people want hit stories i\'ll give em