Most of your overseas clients appear to be annoyed from their countries’ customs, being too greedy, making the phero products a lot more expensive, slowing down delivery.

Originally pheros already cost a lot and using them on a regular basis makes it an expensive habit. But it is worth the fun one gets from it, isn’t it? Especially after a while when one knows how to use the stuff properly and what to expect from it (and what not to expect&#8230 [img]images/icons/wink.gif[/img].

In order to make it more affordable and increase sales, you make the stuff cheaper by giving (sometimes heavy) discounts on the regular prices, Bruce. Bundling them and making many special offers. But that is lowering YOUR margin though offering an excellent and quick service, good products and maintaining this forum for the phero community.

Unfortunately for non US-customers the strong (=expensive) US$ makes phero products even more expensive. And even worse, the overseas customs authorities easily increase prices for foreign customers up to 25% by charging customs!!

So for your foreign customers it does make a BIG difference (25%), how much customs is being charged! And btw, customs slows down delivery a lot! Instead of 5 days to an EC country (much luck, no customs, went through) it can take up to 3 weeks until delivery (both times standard mail).

It ALL depends on what is written on this green (customs) tag on the envelope: if it says something like 10.00 US$ and “skin care product” (which is not wrong) instead of the true amount and “cologne”, almost no customs or no customs at all would be charged, what will cut costs a lot and improve the speed of delivery very much too.

Nobody can do a thing about the exchange rate to the US$, nor about the high prices of the raw chemicals. But is there a way not to feed greedy overseas customs too excessively? I would be very happy, if there would be a solution to this problem.

Well, I imagine it is difficult to ask someone to write out wrong amounts on tags. But it does not bother the US customs, as the pheros are exported from the US. It could only bother custums authorities of the foreign country…

Is there a way of eventually doing something on this problem? Thanks a lot for eventually considering any solution, P.E.