I too have had longtime friends get lost in the fog of drugs.

One of my earliest childhood friends who was probably near the top of our high school class now does little more than push brooms.

Another friend from college is much the same.

And the neighboor highschooler who used to mow my lawn walked by my house this week while I was mowing that same lawn, and he was lost in the murkey world of meth (by his own admission).

One of my sister's daughter's teenage friends died from huffing some aerosol product.

But I've lost friends, aquaintences, and classmates to murder, war, suicide, disease, and accidents too.

It's not an easy world we live in.

Although referencing death, this relects living as well:
"Thou art slave to Fate, Chance, kings, and desperate men,
And dost with poyson, warre, and sicknesse dwell,..."

- from "Holy Sonnet #10" AKA "Death be not proud" by John Donne c. 1610