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  1. #1
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    Default Don't think Pheremones are for me

    Let me start off by saying i'm a 28 yr old very phsyically active male. I work out at the gym 6 days a week eat healthy and feel people tend to gravitate towards me and start random conversations before ever using any pheremones. I started with Alpha 7 and accidentally put too much and had people in my class complaining although i was never singled out it was embarrasing and went and washed my neck with soap. Since then i would use a spray of chikara and not even a half drop of a7. Every now and then i noticed people complained about a smell so i bought scent of eros unscented and Nude Alpha because i read Nude Alpha was a perfectly dosed nol that you can't OD on...i never wear much just dabs and either canoe or davidoff hot water as cover scents.

    Today i put just a half inch of scent of eros unscented behind my ear neck pulse point with cover scent and a few hours later i rubbed the back of my neck and i smelled what smelled like an oniony musky smell and for the first time i actually smelled something bad from the pheremones because i'm usually not one to be able to smell an od this struck me and concerned me that others may think i just don't shower even though i'm very hygeinic.

    Is it possible that i have natural high pheromones and i'm likely to od or cause a bad reaction from all pheromones regardless of how little i apply? Also if i wear cologne will it be bad for my natural pheremones? i've heard that one for the longest not sure if its a myth or if its true since we are advised here to cover up our synthetic pheromones so I can't see how colognes would diminish our natural pheromones if thats the case

    sorry for the long rant but i appreciate all answers

  2. #2
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    Even if you did have high amounts of pheromones, that doesn't take out the effectiveness of synthetic mones. What you produce is unique to you, and is FAR less than what you get from a few drops of synthtics. I have used SOE in huge amounts all over my arms and neck and after 12 hours I did notice a little musky scent that actually smelled nice with my own scent and left over cologne.

    My advice is to stick to social mones only. When you get close with someone and its more personal and there is attraction, then wear A7 or Edge. Wearing A7 in your class is not a wise move because even if the scent turns on a female, she will think of the fantasy in her head and not come sit on your lap infront of everyone. The reality is that most of the "hits" people speak of would have probably happened anyway without mones. its 50/50. The magic of mones is revealed when you use it in a confined space, and there is already attraction.

    Good luck buddy and dont give up

  3. #3
    Journeyman Crash's Avatar
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    I got to ask.Don't you think working out 6 days a week is a little much for you?You're muscles take the time to grow on off days they don't grow when you work out.I go 3 times a week and my gains are great.You're natural testosterone level is probably really high which would curb me to think something like A7 wouldn't work too well for you.As for the Soe, I happen to like the scented version and have had many compliments on it and never noticed a bad smell.For someone you're age I'd say go with Edge and use one dab at a time or even use the scented Chikara one spray everyday to let it settle into you're body and go from there.Record a private log and let us all know how things work for you.Don't give up just yet because pheromones are like woman they are really hard to figure out.Don't give up just yet.Look at the archives and all the success people had.Maybe read Hornyman's logs and get an idea of what you should use.Otherwise goodluck.

  4. #4
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    Thanks for the replies guys is much appreciated. As far as my working out i have a 2 day split and an extra leg day which normally would be my day off. I don't go crazy on legs just enough for definition. So basically each muscle i work will have 2 days rest before it is worked on again. And i think i'm going to take your guys advice and just use chikara I love the smell of it the most out of every cologne anyway.

    Yesterday i wore it on my suit instead of my skin for work and no bad smells or reactions. Can i wear chikara everyday without a chance for OD? I know skin contact would be better but i'll save those for days i'm casual because in my work suit i really don't have much exposed skin except for my neck and i don't want pheromone skin contact everyday out of fear of OD. Although i hear its hard to OD on chikara.

    If i can wear it almost everyday even on skin without fear of a bad smell i'll be happy

  5. #5
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    I think OD'ing is way too hyped up. Yes its possible to OD from chikara if you dont wash the application points, but if you get caught up in that web of thinking your OD'ing it will distract you from the main goal.
    I personally dont care for OD. If it happens it means it was meant to be, and also its a GOOD thing, since you will see who actually responds to mones. A simple solution to whole OD thing is to smile.

    Heres my workout routine by the way...

    Day 1 : Back, Biceps, Abs, 20 min. cardio on stair machine
    Day 2: Rest
    Day 3: Legs, Abs, 20 min. cardio stair machine
    Day 4: Rest
    Day 5: Chest, Shoulder, Abs, 20 min. cardio on stairs
    Day 6: Rest

    I do all pulling movements on same day, and all pushing on same day, and legs on its own. max 1 hour in the gym to keep cortisol hormone levels low.
    never work out 2 days in a row. I have seen amazing results with this.

  6. #6
    Journeyman Crash's Avatar
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    I'd have to say if you're workout works wonders for you than go with it.I've started doing this program called Stronglifts 5 x 5 and I'm telling you to check this out.I start out every workout with squats for a warmup and go from there.You might say doing legs 3 times a week is much but it works great for everyone on the program and so far since I started it my benching immediately went up and I'm lifting more than everyone else even the guys that are bigger than me.You can blame the steroids they take.I digress . . . As for wearing C7, I like to wear it on my skin because for me it works better especially on the wrists because I talk using lots of hand motions to emphasize a lot and people can smell it easier.Try this when you Soe bottle gets kind of low try adding a few drops of A7 in there or even C7 to ramp it up.You're sure to get a few reactions from woman at work suit or no suit on.

  7. #7
    Phero Dude
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    While the subject is on working out and mones I'd thought it was time Hornyman threw in his workout and mone routine here too:

    I lift weights 3 sets each muscle group 8-10 exercises whole body 2 times a week... Then 2 times a week I do 20 min of core conditioning which is like mild aerobics and a lot of core.

    I end up looking more like a model bodybuilder than a bodybuilder. I don't put on much mass as I'm not trying to keep growing.. i'm about 5'8" and 175 so I'm big enough. Just trying to stay lean.

    Although I'm older (40) and have depressed test levels because of age I take some supplements (not steroids or drugs) which keep my body in good shape. I also manage to sleep 7-9 hrs a night and can get away with more social mixes.

    I've been keeping a log on edge and while it works I am noticing that it is effecting ME negatively... You know how they say with edge npa you don't know how some men will react who inhale it? Well i spray my tshirt and cover with cologne and when I inhale it it kinda puts me on the edge.. My blood flow is directed more to my groin on those days and my mind kinda tunes out.. I'm not the most rational. It makes me horny as hell and I do foolish things sometimes like driving too fast, or without as much care. I really believe the compounds in edge if worn too often place me on the edge and it is not meant for me.

    I have had much better results with Chikara, SOE, A314, and Wolf.


  8. #8
    Moderator belgareth's Avatar
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    I'm older still at 55. I was kind of sick for a while and dropped out of sight. Couldn't work out and was taking some serious meds so I gained a lot of weight. Doc let me go back to a solid physical routine some months ago and I have been working on getting back into shape. My current workout is half an hour of stretches to loosen up my joints followed by 8 sets of fast exercise with undulating ropes. Then I do half an hour of alternating run/walk. That's three days of the week. The other three days I do a 5 minute warmup on the treadmill, then a routine of resistance work and up to an hour of fast walk on the treadmill. Took me a while to get back to where I could do a solid workout again.

    As for mones, most often I am wearing A7 covered either by real musk or Pheros (I still have a whole bottle) and that tends to get me a lot of attention. Never really liked the effect I got from TE/NPA. I always seemed on the edge of ODing.
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