Happy New Year

Forum Folks!

It's been a wild year for me I know and I'm inspired to make 2011 even better if not a little

more peaceful. As far as Love Scent goes, I went sort of AWOL since my unexpected divorce, but I'm resolved to get

back involved in both the business in general and this forum in particular, so expect to see me hanging around more

often and actually answering my email (what a concept).

Also, we finally launched our long-delayed new

website and cart. Hope you like it. There are still some bugs being worked out, so your patience is much

appreciated but let me know what you like and don't like about it.

Now without further ado, on behalf of

Love Scent, let me kick off the new year by announcing our New Year's coupon code for 20% off everything (except

"newyear11" (without the quotes)

And if nothing else, let's all resolve to make 2011 a wonderful

year for ourselves, family, friends and neighbors and stick to it!

AND, don't forget......

become words, words become deeds, deeds become habits, and habits become our character. So watch thoughts with care.

And let them spring from love.
- Buddha

Peace and Love to You All,