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Thread: Alter Ego

  1. #61
    Moderator belgareth's Avatar
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    We aren't trying to offend you

    B&G, but to illistrate a point. You need to experiment on your own. All of us will offer guidance but since we are

    all unique your results will differ. Since you don't know any of us, your safest course is to test for yourself and

    take all of our claimed experiences with a grain of salt.

    I do want you to have a good exerience at a minimal

    cost so I made my suggestions based on what you said about yourself. Have you tried anything yet?
    To compel a man to subsidize with his taxes the propagation of ideas which he disbelieves and abhors is sinful and tyrannical.

    Thomas Jefferson

  2. #62
    Phero Enthusiast chicago's Avatar
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    B&G: Most of these guys

    here attacking me have not even had sex with more than ten women all their lives. The way they think says it all.

    The females that had sex with them was not their pick. Guys like these get left overs from guys like me. I don't

    reply to their attacks, because truth does not need defending. The person with limited belief tells you are headed

    towards big disappointment. That person is in a deep sleep and refuses to see reality. Back in the old days if you

    did not belief with the old wise men they would kill you, but today they only attack you, because it makes them feel

    B&G who do you wanna listen to ?. Someone who had sex with 6 females all his life or a guy like me who lost

    count of how many girls I had sex with estimated in the

    A ride for cinderella
    Last edited by chicago; 04-08-2011 at 04:00 PM.

  3. #63
    Moderator belgareth's Avatar
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    Nice fantasy, Chicago. You may

    believe that tripe but hopefully nobody else does. And, nobody is aiming at you in particular. The point is to take

    what we all say with a grain of salt. If you choose to feel picked on, that is up to you but I am including myself

    in the list of people not to believe at face value.

    Personally, I don't really care how much success or

    failure you have or how often. It sounds too much like bragging to me. Is there some reason you think its so

    important to screw so many women? A sign of manhood of something?
    To compel a man to subsidize with his taxes the propagation of ideas which he disbelieves and abhors is sinful and tyrannical.

    Thomas Jefferson

  4. #64
    Full Member kgk4569's Avatar
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    I are burly manly man.


    I'm just going to cut through all the arguments here.

    1. Don't believe everything you read on the internet,

    it may be true, but until you can prove it, pretend it's bullshit. And if it doesn't directly affect you in some

    way, you are best off ignoring it or forgetting it.

    2. What I do may b\have different effects, than when you do

    almost the same thing. What I like is probably different from what you like. So, what pheromones work for me, might

    not work for you. We can HELP and give you guidance, but it ultimately depends on you and the situation.

    Here is

    what I have to say about Pheromeones:

    Based on MY feild tests, they work. I do not sleep with every women they

    work on, as a matter of fact I haven't slep with any I used them on, but that's a matter of personal choice, not

    ability. I test things like appoachability, attitude, and demenor. I do this as an experiment.

    No Pheromone, no

    matter how awesome, is the "God-Mone" (I'm coining that, feel free to use it), without drugs you can not make

    someone lose self-control.

    End Arguments.

    Kip Makes a rule (and refers to himself in third


    Honestly if you report a hit, lets just take it at face value. If you have to make up hits, then

    you have to deal with your own sad life. Otherwise continue, it is good to hear and helps others such as B&G learn.

    But please in the future it would help n00bs if you were more descriptive on how you approached the woman in


  5. #65
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    Well, it's my first

    comment here, so please have patience with me. I have been using Alter Ego for about 4 years now(10 bottles).

    Although I tried other ‘mones too including P.I., for some reason AE as a standalone product is the one I will

    stick with. There is something in the smell and results that really appeals to me.
    The way I get closer to women

    is by dancing: I am for 5 years a ballroom dancer. Before even using pheromones, I knew there are 9 women out there

    that know to dance to 1 guy, as guys are shy when it comes to dance lessons. May be some folks want to exploit this

    reality to their personal benefit.
    I use one dab of AE on each side of the neck and one dab on the chin. That’s

    it. In time, I’ve learned that less is always more, especially when it comes to pheromones. I never had somebody

    walking to my seat, kissing me out of control or jumping on my bones.
    Everybody was able to hold themselves

    together, although it was obvious when AE was working and when not. Honestly, my rate of hits is 3 maybe 4 out of 5.

    At one time by OD-ing one girl got a headache making us both losers.

    The reaction I’m getting from women is

    like a slight opening in her defence system, an extra 25% of attention. To me, that is enough to “get in” if I would

    be interested to pursue that person. Knowing that AE gets me that edge, I am no longer after any skirt that comes my

    way, instead I am going for the one I like, usually “best in show” since the pretty one is harder to get.

    Although I turned 54, I see myself in all aspects (physical, emotional, professional, financial, social and

    intellectual) a balanced and competitive male. I am with this hot, tall, long black hair, above average beautiful

    Asian lady for almost 4 years...and she is 20 years younger than me. I’d say she is a fair 9, when the overwhelming

    majority will be a 6.
    What I’ve noticed, is that AE has this stamp(signature) effect on the woman’s smells

    database. You only have to use it ones for her to feel attracted to you. At one point as an experiment I used no

    mones just to see if there is any drop in interest. Curiously, there was none, she seemed to have the same strong

    attraction although I did not apply anything.

    Final thought, ones I broke up with a woman and wanted to go

    back, the pheromones would not restore the initial magic.
    One way wonder?

  6. #66
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    Nice info Gottlob. I was wondering

    if you are covering the AE with a cologne or wearing it raw?

  7. #67
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    Quote Originally Posted by belgareth View Post

    sounds too much like bragging to me.
    One thing I've learned in life is that the guy talking about the

    most chicks sees the least action.

  8. #68
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    Quote Originally Posted by Blacky Chan View Post
    One thing

    I've learned in life is that the guy talking about the most chicks sees the least action.


    is generally the case. Women confuse and frustrate these type of guys.

  9. #69
    Moderator idesign's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by chicago View Post
    B&G who

    do you wanna listen to ?. Someone who had sex with 6 females all his life or a guy like me who lost count of how

    many girls I had sex with estimated in the hundreds.
    THAT all depends on what one's goals are. If it

    includes sleeping with as many women as possible well, that's a personal choice, have at it. Personally, I don't

    see anything resembling a "superior" trait in that pursuit, either in manliness or sexual prowess.

    If one's

    priorities lie in other areas then that's another choice, and has nothing to do with being "old and angry" or

    settling for your dregs. What you may not understand chicago is that some people just don't want what you want,

    plain and simple.

    I have a feeling that B&G would be happy just getting laid in general, and if pheromones help

    him so much the better. If he wants to follow in your footsteps then he can try. What others are warning him about

    is getting set up for failure when he thinks one thing will happen and he falls flat because he has unrealistic


    OTOH, I enjoy reading your posts. They're outrageous and quite amusing, and I really don't care

    if they're true or not. But you have to expect some ribbing and a little flak from the crowd... honestly

  10. #70
    Stranger blackandgifted's Avatar
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    My main goal is to

    attract the opposite sex, AND GET LAID!and be the alpha male i always desired. i understand women are not going to

    magnetize themselves to me. But if these pheromones work i should get some type of attention.

    I read some of

    these reports and it sounds too good to be true, hows some people report a glance or women starting a conversation

    how do we know pheromones is the cause of this?? it could be just dumb luck. These members saying they got a "HIT"??? WHERE IM FROM A HIT IS GETTING A CHICK TO TAKE

    not a chick glancing at you, i get that everyday.

    you can go to the

    bar/club and see a dude that can get whatever chick he wants!!! what seperates him from me?? i thought some of these

    pheromone products will give people the edge. But some of these dudes on the thread try to act mad scientist mixing

    and blending different products.

    THE MAIN GOAL IS TO GET LAID, Why do you think men spends hundreds of dollars

    on colognes buy fancy cars houses, etc. if your on the same page with me hit me up.

    and chicago's blow job in

    his car really doesn't count, its a stripper! thats what they do. i frequent stripclub's myself the more money you

    have the more attractive you are,LOL

  11. #71
    Full Member kgk4569's Avatar
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    Don't buy mones, you won't

    get the results you are looking for.

    1. Not all strippers are whores.

    2. The thing that separates them from

    you is most likely your attitude. If your words in anyway reflect your attitude you come off as desperate, and

    lacking confidence.

    Personally I'm doing this for a social engineering experiement. Eventually I am going to

    write a book about it, and this will be a section or two.

    If a chick glances at you there is a good chance she

    might be interested, if you don't take advantage of this then it is a problem with YOU. if you run up in there damn

    near humping her leg, then again the problem is YOU. If you walk up calm and casual,maybe a little shy, but not too

    much, show a decent conversation, then hey, you are all good.

  12. #72
    Stranger blackandgifted's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by kgk4569 View Post
    Don't buy mones, you won't get the results you are looking for.

    1. Not all strippers

    are whores.

    2. The thing that separates them from you is most likely your attitude. If your

    words in anyway reflect your attitude you come off as desperate, and lacking confidence

    Personally I'm doing this for a social engineering experiement. Eventually I am going to write a book

    about it, and this will be a section or two.

    If a chick glances at you there is a good chance she might

    be interested, if you don't take advantage of this then it is a problem with YOU. if you run up in there damn near

    humping her leg, then again the problem is YOU. If you walk up calm and casual,maybe a little shy, but not too much,

    show a decent conversation, then hey, you are all good.

    What? im not desperate and lacking


    and you just proved my point. Im talking to the wrong people, social engineering experiment!?

  13. #73
    Moderator belgareth's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by blackandgifted View Post
    What? im not desperate and lacking confidence.

    and you just proved my point. Im

    talking to the wrong people, social engineering experiment!?
    If you are sure that we are teh wrong people,

    what are you doing here? You have been offered advice and don't take any of it. Are you here hoping for a miracle

    or just to argue?
    To compel a man to subsidize with his taxes the propagation of ideas which he disbelieves and abhors is sinful and tyrannical.

    Thomas Jefferson

  14. #74
    Phero Enthusiast chicago's Avatar
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    I agree with B&G, women

    looking and playing with their hair is not a hit. Women do that

    Last edited by chicago; 04-08-2011 at 04:00 PM.

  15. #75
    Phero Enthusiast chas's Avatar
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    Does anyone like my new avatar ? I

    don't look like it by the way

    B&G - my view is this. Using 'mones is meant to a * fun experiment *.

    Many people start by buying the gel packs because they are low cost. You won't go far wrong by trying the 'Scent

    of Eros' gel packs for making you approachable & adding 'The Edge' gel packs for a sexual vibe. Later on, you

    could experiment with the other gel packs (e.g. Alter Ego or Chikara) before paying a lot more for the full sized

    bottles. Younger people produce more natural 'none than older people but why not give it a go - if you OD, put less

    'mones on ? It is a meant to be a fun experiment.

    Some of the people on this forum have been here for

    years & are older than you. Some *are* looking at it from the view of a social experiment - & some are looking back

    on their extensive practical experience with women & passing on their advice.

    But - a person in their

    20's will look at the process of meeting women differently from someone in their 40's +.

    'mones are

    only an * additional * asset to help your relations with women. If you read the posts in the Women's Forum you

    will see that some of the women take exactly the same approach as you. They want an effective 'mone to wear to get

    (usually) one particular man to show a sexual interest in them (I realise that you do not have a particular women in

    mind). But it doesn't work like that - we judge women on their looks, clothes, smile, personality - & lastly

    'mones. & I think that they judge us men like that as well...

    Just experiment, go with the flow, try some

    gel packs & pick up some tips from this forum.

  16. #76
    Phero Enthusiast chicago's Avatar
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    3-27-09 Friday
    Pheromones: 2

    drops of AE/M

    I went to a bar in southwest area of Chicago. I walk in to small cozy place playing nice dance

    music and its kinda dark. Its packed with a European crowd mostly polish people. Chicks look like super models. I

    start approaching and making small talk with the hot chicks. I found out some can not speak English. After

    approaching many chicks, but no solid hooks. I head back to the bar and get another drinks. $18 for Grey goose on

    the rocks. I'm not cheap but thats kinda high. $40 for 2 drinks including tips. I approaching two girls sitting in

    the booth by them self. I sit down and start talking. One got a divorce this week and the hot one broke up with her

    long term boyfriend. They are celebrating tonight. They are kinda drunk and are spilling their guts out talking to

    me. I'm not saying a word I'm just listening. After an hour they invite in to go with them to another venue. I

    said I would love to but I take taxi everywhere its cheaper than a DUI. The hot one said No problem lets go in my

    car. We drive about half an hour and arrive to the next venue. Its twice the size the last one. We enter and get $35

    bracelet for all you can drink all night. Great deal. All three of us get drunk as hell. I pull the hot one to the

    dance floor and go for a make out, We are grinding and making out on the dance floor. We ended up closing the venue.

    The other chick (divorce one) invite me and the hot one back to her place for some food. We all went to her house

    and ate. Fuck-in hot one throws up few times and falls a sleep. I start making out with the divorce one and went

    into her bed room and had sex. I really wanted the other one. after that I Called a taxi and went

    Last edited by chicago; 04-08-2011 at 04:00 PM.

  17. #77
    Phero Enthusiast chicago's Avatar
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    I just found out

    today I'm going on a road trip to Cincinnati, Ohio. I'm taking my AE/M and my laptop. I will keep you guys updated

    on results.
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    Last edited by chicago; 04-08-2011 at 04:01 PM.

  18. #78
    Newbie dunecrazy's Avatar
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    cool man keep us posted!

    Have a good trip. Looking forward to another story

  19. #79
    Full Member kgk4569's Avatar
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    Nice Chicago. BTW you never

    answered my questions as to where you are from, and what the misconceptions are that American guys have, I am really

    interested to hear your views on this.

  20. #80
    Full Member kgk4569's Avatar
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    And yes B&G, I am doing a

    social engineering experiment. Look up social engineering if you want to understand it more.

    Also you do come

    off as desperate.

  21. #81
    Moderator belgareth's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by kgk4569 View Post
    And yes

    B&G, I am doing a social engineering experiment. Look up social engineering if you want to understand it more.

    Also you do come off as desperate.
    Social engineering can mean a lot of things. While this thread is not

    the place for it, I'd like to kow more about what you are trying to accomplish. There is always open discussion for

    such things.
    To compel a man to subsidize with his taxes the propagation of ideas which he disbelieves and abhors is sinful and tyrannical.

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  22. #82
    Full Member kgk4569's Avatar
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    *grumble grumble* I was trying

    to not have to explain it. thats why I told him to look it up, I'll just leave it at it's none of the bad


  23. #83
    Moderator belgareth's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by kgk4569 View Post

    grumble* I was trying to not have to explain it. thats why I told him to look it up, I'll just leave it at it's

    none of the bad things.
    I was just being my usual nosey self. Social Engineering is an interesting field of

    To compel a man to subsidize with his taxes the propagation of ideas which he disbelieves and abhors is sinful and tyrannical.

    Thomas Jefferson

  24. #84
    Full Member kgk4569's Avatar
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    Aye it is. This all started

    back when I was younger trying to become a hacker, I discovered the feild I am the best in is SocEng. I was promoted

    and asked to write an article about it, But the more I tried, the deeper I got. Eventually I branched out into

    studying body language, and now pheromones. Someday I hope to write that article in the form of a book.

  25. #85
    Phero Enthusiast chicago's Avatar
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    Belgareth: social engineering is

    ?the art and science of getting people to comply to your

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    Last edited by chicago; 04-08-2011 at 04:01 PM.

  26. #86
    Moderator belgareth's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by chicago View Post
    Belgareth: social engineering is “the art and science of getting people to comply to your

    That's an over simplification. I've studied it to some degree and was asking for specifics.
    To compel a man to subsidize with his taxes the propagation of ideas which he disbelieves and abhors is sinful and tyrannical.

    Thomas Jefferson

  27. #87
    Full Member kgk4569's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by belgareth View Post

    an over simplification. I've studied it to some degree and was asking for specifics.
    Bad as it sounds,

    he basicly hit it right on the head.

  28. #88
    Phero Enthusiast chicago's Avatar
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    Belgareth denial is not a river

    in Egypt
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    Last edited by chicago; 04-08-2011 at 04:01 PM.

  29. #89
    Moderator belgareth's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by kgk4569 View Post
    Bad as it

    sounds, he basicly hit it right on the head.
    It's still a simplification. We could break it down into

    several modes, if you'd like. Legal methods, social pressure methods, peer pressure methods and so on. I was

    curious as to what you were trying to accomplish, despite the ignorant remarks made by Chicago.

    Management, if

    done well, is social engineering as is leadership. Even raising children could be called social engineering. The

    government uses taxation and propoganda, among other tools to attempt social engineering. It is a very wide field

    that I have studied to some degree. As a matter of curiosity I was asking for more details. If you mean to simply

    manipulate individuals, that's fairly small in scope but can be interesting.
    To compel a man to subsidize with his taxes the propagation of ideas which he disbelieves and abhors is sinful and tyrannical.

    Thomas Jefferson

  30. #90
    Moderator belgareth's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by kgk4569 View Post
    Aye it

    is. This all started back when I was younger trying to become a hacker, I discovered the feild I am the best in is

    SocEng. I was promoted and asked to write an article about it, But the more I tried, the deeper I got. Eventually I

    branched out into studying body language, and now pheromones. Someday I hope to write that article in the form of a

    I'm two types of engineer, both technical fields, but social engineering is interesting, mainly

    because of how it affects us all. Over the years I've tinkered with it a few times, mostly back when I was a

    corporate manager. The principles work surprisingly well on small and medium sized groups. Never have had the chance

    to test it on larger groups though.
    To compel a man to subsidize with his taxes the propagation of ideas which he disbelieves and abhors is sinful and tyrannical.

    Thomas Jefferson

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