The stated ingredients are very

simple, so it's not like they have a complex formula to keep a secret. Sounds a bit suspect to me, especially as

Ive heard that line before from a pheromone manufacturer, about being proprietary. Someone got their -none product

lab tested to find it hardly had any -none content if I remember correctly. Most good products do tend to state the

overall content if not the individual break down.

How are LT users measuring the effects? Reaction from

others or how it makes you feel? I would think the wearer having the closest proximity and exposure time would be

most affected if LT actually works. If it doesn't affect you, is there a risk any reactions you notice in people

while wearing LT could be due to other factors and more a placebo affect? Especially with the claims of the limited

time of effectiveness by some.

As for the amount, there might be dosages quoted in the medical studies done

on the nasal version for social anxiety?