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  1. #1
    Stranger Idtapthat's Avatar
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    Post NPA and Chikara - A detailed account

    Hello everyone I am new to all of this. I just want to say WOW. This is exactly what I have been looking for. This

    stuff is close to magic in my mind. And if you have watched Harry Potter before, you know that people go to Hogwarts

    to practice their magic! This "art" is gonna take some time to get down.

    This is going to be a little long. But

    I just want to be as detailed as possible because it is what I would want to read if I was trying to get a better

    insight of different accounts...Here goes.

    Little about me:
    I am a 23 year old male. I am 5"9 170lbs. I go to

    the gym 4-5times a week and would consider myself in good shape. I am olive skinned (middle eastern) and although I

    do get girls here and there, I am too shy to really approach someone randomly for fear of hurting my ego. Although I

    do have my random moments where I feel I MUST talk to a certain girl because she is just so "my type" of chick (my

    type of girl is the dark exotic kind..think brazilian, latina..mmmmm ) This is why I sought out


    I wanted an edge I recently purchased Chikara and NPA. I hoped to use both. This thread is dedicated

    to the accounts I have experienced.
    So when the package finally came, I was very eager to try the stuff out. Like

    the newbie user I was, I expected women to make mad dashes to my vicinity. I was mistaken.
    Let me first comment on

    the scents. Althought he Chikara smells good, It is too "sweet" smelling for my taste. It almost has an AXE body

    spray type smell. The NPA on the other hand didnt smell bad at all. I didnt get what everyone was talking about.

    Anyways, My applications consisted of using each one by itself, then applying the two in a variety of different


    Since I was afraid of the "BO" effect, I decided to spray Chikara on my wrist one time and rub them

    together. It was around 2:00pm in the afternoon on a thursday. I went out and ran some errands. I went to the bank

    and was honestly disturbed by how sweet smelling I was. Let me quickly say that the Chikara scent stays on you for a

    long time. In my case, I had to shower to get it off. I didnt notice anything out of the ordinary and I feel that is

    significant because personality wise, I am a bit of an introvert and pay very close attention to everything that is

    happening around me.

    So I came back home and decided to get ready for the weekend (no class the next day) I

    took a shower, put on some nice threads, and decided to use the NPA. I used 1 drop because I didnt want to over do

    it my first time. I dabbed it on my neck behind my ears. Then, I used 1 spray of Chikara on my wrists followed by 2

    sprays of my regular cologne which I have recieved a few positive comments on from my friends. Its called Dunhill.

    So off I go to downtown to meet up with a few buddies at this trendy bar in Downtown San Diego. I walk up to the

    bouncer and wait to give him my ID, A group of two gay men and one SMOKIN hot latin girl come to the door. She looks

    at me up and down and starts running her hands through her hair and she kind of flicked it in my direction. Mind

    you, I was standing maybe 1-2 feet away. I took that and put it in the back as a "response" and not a hit. I couldnt

    decide if it was my NPA, Chikara, how I was dressed, or if she was just being a tease to get attention. Anyway I

    went inside, kind of scanned the room and headed towards my friends. About 10min later as I was half way into my

    second drink, I make eye contact with the latin girl, she is hugging one of her gay friends and looking right at me

    and she has the biggest smile on her face. I smile back. I was prob about 8 feet away from her. I keep smiling and

    break the gaze to see if any other girls are feelin me. ff 20min later. She is in the same area. Looks at me,

    smiles, walks out the door to the patio and waves at me with her fingers as she is doing so. I wait 5 secs and make

    a B-line to where she went. I go outside and im just scanning her body up and down. Finally, I caress her shoulder

    and she turns around. At this time, Her gay friend introduces us automatically. As if I asked. I greeted her in

    typical eurpean fashion and kissed each cheek and leaned over to her hear to ask for her name. I made sure to do

    this so that she could get a good whiff of the NPA on my neck. She latched on to my arm and we talked for about 15

    min. She was kissing the same spot where I had put on the NPA. Im gonna mark that instance as a HIT!! booyaa. It was

    at that moment, I said HOLY CRAP IT WORKS!
    Later on in the evening... Some chick comes up to me and

    yanks my arm. And is pleading with me. Shes all like, "Dont you remember me? omg..I know one of your friends blab

    albalbal" Finally I realize who she is. I had never really talked to her before. She was very touchy feely. Grabbing

    my hands. Finger lock yadda yadda. I give her my phone and tell her to put her number in it and she eagerly does so.

    5 secs later, Her BOYFRIEND comes in to see what was going on! LOL her BF!! wow..Anyways. She ends up trying to make

    and excuse as to why they are together, and I tacked that whole incident as a hit as well. I got her number, Ill def

    call her next weekend. That was just the FIRST NIGHT.

    2 dabs of NPA 1 spray of Chikara and 2 sprays of

    I head out for downtown again. This time, I head out with some other friends to another cool club that just

    opened. As I pull up to a crowded light in downtown, I roll my window down. I quickly notice a girl in the car next

    to me with her window down staring at me like Im some movie star. I was taken back by it. Grinned at her and gave

    her a little wave and off I went into the parking garage. I make my way to the club.
    In the Club:
    I didnt get too

    many signs in there. I was beginning to think that maybe I used to much "stuff". Sure enough, I turne around and

    there is this smokin blond in a tight dress behind me. She looks at me and grinds and looks me up and down. I chit

    chatted for a min or two and her "boy toy" wisks her to buy her a drink. I did notice that guys in the club were

    being a little weird. They seemed a little confused when and some were pretty respectful I(more so than usual.) The

    blond had a friend who kept staring at me like I was Brad Pitt. We chatted for a little bit and I said I would see

    her later and walked around. Through out the night I had 1 short kinda chubby girl eyein me like i was a piece of

    cake. Shortly before the club was closing down, Some drunk blond chick literally stuck her arms infront of me as if

    she was trying to make her way through a crowd and grabbed my hand and tried to pull at me. I pulled her towards me

    and she started rubbing her ass on my crotch. Keep in mind I had ZERO alcohol that night and drank nothing but water

    so I would remember every single hit. The club closed and I left with my buddies. I ended up taking myself, my

    buddy, and two girls back to their place. One of whome was hot but I knew she had herpes. eww. My I ended up staying

    for the sake of my friend. I wanted him to do his business... I went inside with herpes girl. She

    proceded to lock the door and maul me. Just attacked me. Me and this girl were friends before and she has NEVER done

    that before. It was a bit of a shock. I had to pry her off. It was hard to do so but I had no other choice. There

    was no way I was going to risk getting an STD from her . Night ended when my friend came in and saved me


    2 sprays chikara, 3 dabs NPA and 1 spray cologne.
    YEP downtown again... There was a huge St

    Patty's day party. Some trendy hotel was having a pimp ass pool party on the 4th floor. There were fine girls

    everywhere. I met some friends at the hotel party and stayed there for about 20min before we left. Didnt notice any

    hits. But as we made our way to the loby, some lady was staring at my like I have never been stared at before. As if

    i was george clooney or something. I couldnt help but laugh at her. She had to be called by her friends to snap out

    of the trans she was in. It was very bizzar. Two of my friends (a couple) ended up arguing after snorting coke

    and I had to get out of there. They totally ruined the mood. So after dinner I met up with my room mates we

    made our way to a kegger by the beach. It was me my room mate, his girl this other guy I know and his girl who I

    knew through a mutual friend. To make this long story a bit shorter, Ill break the party down for you guys. The

    owner of the house was very nice and had a very hot asian girlfriend. She couldnt keep her eyes off me. I kept

    catching her staring at me and looking away when I looked her way. I think her bf felt it and kept grabbing her and

    saying how much he loved her was kinda weird. Lots of hair play on her side when I was standing next to

    her. That dudes girl who I knew was being very friendly! She kept wanting to talk to me (never happened before)

    wanted me to take her to a baseball game Wtf!!? It made me feel a little weird. Anyways....

    Overall!! This stuff

    works, Girls I knew were extra nice and very touchy. They guys I am noticing seem to try and stare me down more.

    More backs to my face and some are more submissive. I still need to get used to the pheromones and learn to read

    people better. i am interested in different kinds of products such as PI and SOE etc....I am looking forward to the

    results and more testing. Thanks for reading! Any questions or comments are greatly appreciated. I

    actually enjoyed typing this.

  2. #2
    Stranger Idtapthat's Avatar
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    oops, i searched but i guess i

    missed Indigo's thread on this. Someone might want to move this to his thread as a reply.. soweyy...

  3. #3
    Phero Enthusiast
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    that was an awesome report! it seems like by the third night you may have had a little

    residue and that's probably why the effects seemed more pronounced each time. but at the same time, you'll notice

    more and more the effects, as you learn how to look for them.

    you may not be able to smell NPA right now, but

    just wait a couple months. I've been using pheromones since last April, almost a year. At first, I couldn't

    smell a thing. Now, I can smell extremely well. it's actually good when you can smell it because you can sense

    how much to use a lot better.

    I like your combos of Chikara/NPA. i'll have to try that myself. I know you

    say you don't like the too sweetness of Chikara - I like it though, even if does smell like Axe. I love how it

    lasts long too.

    haha, I liked your use of celebrity analogies. watch a lot of movies, eh?

    yeah, wait until

    you use PI... I guarantee you'll be hooked. PI is the king of androstenone.

  4. #4
    Full Member bubblebob's Avatar
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    Welcome to the


    Really great report! I enjoyed reading it very much.

    I've never tried using Chikara together

    with a -none heavy product. In fact, I'm using heavy -none products very seldom. But the reports about PI, A7 and

    yours here about NPA+C7 inspire me more and more to give this thing a shot. Well, A7 is on its way and will be

    tested intensely!

  5. #5
    Moderator Mtnjim's Avatar
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    Which clubs did you hit?


    to the forum.
    Freedom begins when you tell Mrs. Grundy to go fly a kite.
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  6. #6
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    Yeah man! Actually I

    completely Stopped using my old cologne all together and stick str8 to chikara! I also bought NPA and i use them

    both.. i dunno much about it yet... but i've been getting Some like almost everyday from this chick that cant stop

    telling me how good i smell and this chick is like practically latched to my neck every night! i gotta admit.. C7 is

    a good ass smell! i love it! And with NPA.. I've been using it and cant really smell BO from it, but i come to

    think that it makes me feel for confident in everyday situations.. I also live in SD man.. I goto DECOS like very

    weekend! and everytime i go, i always get the same hits with C7! its good stuff man! keep us posted..

  7. #7
    Stranger Idtapthat's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Mtnjim View Post

    clubs did you hit?

    And to the forum.

    Thanks! Nice to see San Diego folk on this forum.

    First night, I went to Confidential which is off of 4th ave. by Belo and Red Circle. I had access to Belo too. So I

    was goin back and forth. Next night I went to that new club, Club Sin. nothing special. Drink price is outrageous. I

    drank water though, so it didnt bother me much. Then on Saturday (st patty's day) I went to Hotel Salomar which had

    a really cool pool party. Where do you usually go?

  8. #8
    Moderator Mtnjim's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Idtapthat View Post
    ... Where

    do you usually go?
    Cafe Savilia usually, for the tapas. You can't tell from the forum, but I'm an old

    coot, and the 20 somethings at the clubs wouldn't be too interested. By the way, did you see that big fight on St.

    P.'s day?
    Freedom begins when you tell Mrs. Grundy to go fly a kite.
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  9. #9
    Stranger Idtapthat's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Mtnjim View Post

    Savilia usually, for the tapas. You can't tell from the forum, but I'm an old coot, and the 20 somethings at the

    clubs wouldn't be too interested. By the way, did you see that big fight on St. P.'s day?
    I heard that

    place is cool. I wanna take dancing lessons there and dance the night away with a hot little brazilian Tell me

    about the fight though. Im not surprised about it. Angry Irish were romping through the streets that night..hahah

  10. #10
    Moderator Mtnjim's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Idtapthat View Post
    ... Tell me

    about the fight though. Im not surprised about it. ...
    Apparently someone recorded a big fight and it hit

    UTube. Channel 8 picked up the recording off of UTube. I didn't see it myself though.
    Freedom begins when you tell Mrs. Grundy to go fly a kite.
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  11. #11
    Stranger Idtapthat's Avatar
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    Okay im gonna go all out

    today. I want to experience the OD effect so I know how far i can take it! Im gonna go 2 sprays chikara and 4 dabs

    NPA...Stay tuned to this post. Ill edit it with the results later tonight! Im thinkin ill hit up the mall and then

    who knows.
    Last edited by Idtapthat; 03-24-2007 at 03:55 PM. Reason: update

  12. #12
    Stranger Idtapthat's Avatar
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    Default update

    ....Okay so maybe that

    wasnt such a good idea. I def OD'd on the NPA and chikara. I went to the mall and was met by a lot of hostile dudes

    and I recieved a lot of glares. I noticed however, that I caught the attention of more middle aged women. I feel

    that the NPA works well but It needs to be mixed with something else like SOE. Which is why I ordered some SOE to

    test out. I am looking forward to trying it out. From now on, I will keep on 3dabs of NPA at most.

    Question to

    anyone: Does taking a shower rid the body of the pheromones we put on ourselves? I usually spray and dab myself in

    the morning before I head out. Then at some point, I go to the gym (usually afternoon) I always wonder if im hurting

    myself by dabbing and spraying again after I hit the showers and get ready for the evening..What do you think??

  13. #13
    Full Member bubblebob's Avatar
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    I was wearing this combo

    today, too - 1 drop of NPA (I have filled the mones into a bottle with a glass dropper - like AE has), 1,5 sprays of

    Chikara (the first one was only small) and additionally a few inches of SOE. At work everything went smoothly, but I

    cannot say that I had any definitive hits. But as I stopped by at the health food store on my way home, the cashier

    was extremely smily and flirty, giving me looks as I was already on my way out etc. That was a very good hit, I'd


    This happened around 8 hours after application. The change (from not much reaction in the beginning to

    good hit at the end) might have something to do with the nol-to-none conversion that happens over time. So I thought

    there might be some room to add a little more none to the mix to make it more edgy from the beginning - and maybe

    refreshing with some SOE after a couple of hours to make sure the none doesn't become overbearing. Good idea or

    not? What do the professionals think???


  14. #14
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    Update: So I have been messing

    around with NPA and Chikara since i first got it. I am trying to measure my results with the following amount:

    sprays chikara on chest
    2dabs of NPA (one behind each ear)
    1 spray of my cologne on my wrists (rub together)

    So far, I must say, that the main thing I have noticed is a lot of dirty looks from dudes. I also feel very

    aggitated. I get that feeling a kid gets when he is waiting for school to get out to he can meet johny at the bike

    path to fight infront of everyone. My Accounting professor has been flashing me smiles and has been super nice to me

    lately. My Chem professor (lady) gets tounge twisted when I ask her questions after class. I am starting to notice

    signs from older ladies. Maybe they are just a little more forward in showing their attention and since it usually

    takes a lot for me to notice when a woman is interested, that might be why I only notice older women.

    However, I

    have noticed that everytime I go to the computer lab and sit down, girls in my vicinity start playing with their

    hair. I was oblivious at first. I am startin to think it might have something to do with my scent (go figure! lol.)

    This cute girl that sits next to me in one of my classes is a bit more talkative and friendly.

    To cap it all

    off: Older women are giving me more obvious signs (eye contact smiling) than ladies my age (20s)
    Girls my age have

    been playing with their hair more and I sense a little bit of intimidation from them. I really feel like im

    intimidating some chicks that I see may be interested in me. Im trying to be nice but still convo dies out quickly

    after a nice start.. Hmmm. I think I need to work on steping out of my comfort zone to make them warm up a little.

    Because I definately sense the attraction. SOE should be here any day now so that might help. I will keep you people


    TMW: Im going to try -
    1 dab NPA on my finger then swab under both ears
    2 sprays Chikara (one on

    chest one on wrists then

    OH, BTW, I will be heading to Las Vegas from the 4-7th I am looking forward to the

    testing that may go on there. Considering some PI or something to fool around with over there. But I think my NPA

    will do just fine. Any suggestions or requests for experimenting in Vegas are welcome. Just call me Ginea Pig.

    Thanks for reading.

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    dude i also bought NPA..

    i have a question tho.. what is considered a DAB?? as soon as i open the bottle, there is a little hole and an

    arrow.. so whats a dab? do i just hold my finger over it, turn it upside down and back up right again? and what

    ever is on my finger is considered a dab?? please help.

  16. #16
    Moderator Mtnjim's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by STEEL-RESERVE View Post
    ...there is a little hole and an arrow.. so whats a dab? do i just hold my finger over

    it, turn it upside down and back up right again? and what ever is on my finger is considered a dab?? please

    If you are under 30, that is a dab. If you are over 30 take out the insert and use the whole

    opening for the dab.
    Freedom begins when you tell Mrs. Grundy to go fly a kite.
    --Lazarus Long

  17. #17
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    cool.. thanx man.

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