Today I used only one drop of PI split and put on each side of neck, and used i dab of WAGG in each side of

the neck and 1 dab for each wrist and covered with polo black (the coverscent from L-S)..
Wow watta result

The woman we do our project for was very interested in telling me everything..
Plus one of the girls from

my group was laughing and playin around.. And everytime she had to go out and smoke I just HAD to come with her..

Normally she sometimes wants me to go with her but not always.. Often she has one of the other girls that

smoke to go with her or one of our classmates when he comes by..
But today even when he was there and the other

girls from the group she just HAD to have me with her and talkin to me all the time.. Really a nice day today..!

But some of it was the mones, but I also would like to belive polo black is helpin here because it's a

little sweet in the smell and makes the women smell it more because they like these kinda smells and therefor they

smell the scent (that also carryes my mones with them) more and thereby gives an better effect..