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Thread: the sun

  1. #1
    Phero Dude slickracer's Avatar
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    Default the sun

    ok i been working night

    shif for the last 6 months and havn't seen the sun in the longest time, if i do see it its only for about at the

    most acouple of hrs with direct exposure of mabey less then an hr a week. sence i started working there, i noticed

    that i am starting to getting pale. im not pale and white yet, but i just have a light tan, where as before i had ,

    and to quote " a wonderful tan to die for".

    most the time i get the sun is when i smoke a cig before going to

    bed and i go outside. i would just stand in the sunlight with my arms spread (like from the titannic movie) and

    just soake up the sun and it would feel really really good.

    so is it like bad for my body to not get enough

    sunlight other then losing my tan? i heard about things like seasonal deprestion where most white americans get

    every winter from not getting enough sunlight. i don't really get depressd and havn't experianced any depression

    so i know im good on that, but are there anything else i should know about this? like im not going to morph into

    like mole people?

    other then that, i have though about going to a tanning bed get my tan back, but i have never

    done that before and kind of putting it off.

  2. #2
    Full Member bubblebob's Avatar
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    Hmm, I only know of the sun

    playing an important role in the production of vitamin D inside your own body. But I'm not sure at the moment what

    the consequences of vit. D insufficiency are....

  3. #3
    Phero Dude slickracer's Avatar
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    thanks for the info.


    i was just wondering sence, im going to be working for them for a while. they are going to pay for my schooling for

    advertising and computer graphics. and also, im in the process of getting promoted to being a quality auditor (which

    opens up a whole different careear path after i get certify,) but my main thing is still advertising and sales.

    another bonus is that, my aunt just started her own computer graphic company in southeast asia and im going to be

    sponsering her so if i ever fail here in usa (which i doute) i can go over there.

  4. #4
    Moderator belgareth's Avatar
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    There is a condition known as

    seasonally affected disorder that looks a lot like depression caused by lack of sun during the winter. It normally

    goes away when the sun comes back in the spring. DrSmellThis can probably tell you a lot more about it.
    To compel a man to subsidize with his taxes the propagation of ideas which he disbelieves and abhors is sinful and tyrannical.

    Thomas Jefferson

  5. #5
    Phero Dude Marlboro_man's Avatar
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    I can say that I suffer

    mildly from this disease. I hate the climate that I live in during the winter N.E. US. It's really a combo of

    things IMHO. The obviouse less exposure to sunlight which I love, but there is also less daylight, and more time

    spent indoors which affect me negatively as well. I believe it has to do with a lot more than just lack of sun. I

    always notice a big change in myself in the spring when the days get longer and I am outdoors more often!!!

  6. #6
    Phero Dude slickracer's Avatar
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    thanks guys, yeah i think im

    going to just go tanning

  7. #7
    Administrator Bruce's Avatar
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    Wouldn't hurt. I used to get sort

    of down in the winter, but the last couple of years I have been spending lots of time meditating, especially at

    night when everyone is sleeping and that has conteracted the winter blues in a big way. That being as it is, I

    still notice a more optimistic attitude as the days start getting longer. Working out at the gym and sitting in the

    sauna, helps too.

    Good luck
    To enjoy good health, to bring true happiness to one's family, to bring peace to all, one must first discipline and control one's own mind. If a man can control his mind he can find the way to Enlightenment, and all wisdom and virtue will naturally come to him.

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    Yoga in Eugene
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  8. #8
    Carpal Tunnel Whitehall's Avatar
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    Try going to a sun tanning

    booth. That gives your body an all-over dose of actinitic rays (deep blue and near UV) that stimulates the


    I'll do that if I'm "sun-starved" just for the boost. Takes less than an hour. However, don't try

    it before going to sleep and it will keep you up.

    Night shifts will throw off your whole body. There has

    been lots of research on the subject that you should know.

    A couple points:

    1) get to bed BEFORE you

    get ablast of sunlight. The light will reset your clock.

    2) Melatoin is the best sleeping aid but the

    effects wear off after a few uses so save for when you need it. You might find yourself waking up 4 hours later but

    one can then go back to sleep.

    3) Alcohol and drugs just make adaptation more difficult. Shiftworkers do

    well to live clean.

  9. #9
    Stranger Chai Tea's Avatar
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    You won't become a mole

    person. You will become a mole. And sooner than you think.

    I live in a famously unsunny place. It has a

    worldwide reputation for its unpleasant winter climate.

    So, beer is the coping mechanism of choice for

    natives here. Where the jobless rate is high, and many are shift workers if they work at all. Second is addiction

    to tanning beds; or a combination of tanning beds And beer. A close third, for those with college degrees, is

    pharmaceuticals. Then there is bowling, watching football, and fraternal club parties, playing cards, playing cards

    and drinking beer while bowling, and tournaments of all kinds.

    But Bruce has the real answer. Your brain

    is the best drug company in the universe. Meditation, qigong, reiki, tai chi, being outdoors as much as you can.

    Being nude. Swimming.

    Isolation. Location, shift work, or outlook can impress you with isolation.

    Isolation is never true.

    Bruce speaks true.

    Oh, I almost forgot. Good loving sex is healing. And

    laughing as much as possible.

  10. #10
    Stranger Tamalkrishna's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by slickracer View Post
    ok i been working night shif for the last 6 months and havn't seen the sun in the longest

    time, if i do see it its only for about at the most acouple of hrs with direct exposure of mabey less then an hr a

    week. sence i started working there, i noticed that i am starting to getting pale. im not pale and white yet, but i

    just have a light tan, where as before i had , and to quote " a wonderful tan to die for".

    most the time i get

    the sun is when i smoke a cig before going to bed and i go outside. i would just stand in the sunlight with my arms

    spread (like from the titannic movie) and just soake up the sun and it would feel really really good.

    so is it

    like bad for my body to not get enough sunlight other then losing my tan? i heard about things like seasonal

    deprestion where most white americans get every winter from not getting enough sunlight. i don't really get

    depressd and havn't experianced any depression so i know im good on that, but are there anything else i should know

    about this? like im not going to morph into like mole people?

    other then that, i have though about going to a

    tanning bed get my tan back, but i have never done that before and kind of putting it off.
    I would suggest

    you not to go for night shift. All your problems will be automatically solved.

  11. #11
    Phero Guru Rbt's Avatar
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    Not only is lack of sunlight

    exposure a supposed factor in what is called "Seasonal Effective Disorder, which may be both a physical and mental

    malady, but there is the matter of getting enough Vitamin D. The medical community is pretty darned certain that

    Vitamin D is important to physical health. Suppliments can help, natural dietary sources are better, and "natural

    sunlight" is best.

    I too had a job once that although a "daytime" job, I went in just at sunrise and did not get

    out until sunset (or after). Some of the work did take me outside for a while during the day, but I still suffered

    physically and mentally.

    A "tan" is really not good for your skin unless you like to have your skin look and

    feel like leather and increase your risk of cancer. But some sun is necessary. If you can't get out for at least an

    hour a day I'd either look into getting some "sun replacement" lights (and not just a "tanning" light - that's

    basically just a UV source) and vitamin suppliments, or getting a different work schedule. Short term you may not be

    too badly affected with lack of sun, but long term I think it will not be good for your health.

    Unless you are

    dating vampires.

    But that may not be good for your health either...

    And speaking of vampires, this seems to

    be something of a Zombie thread from 2007...
    Last edited by Rbt; 02-28-2011 at 02:29 PM.
    The opposite of love isn't hate.
    It's apathy

  12. #12
    Banned User
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    Cool Sunny Places

    20 minutes of sun per day is what I have heard is best for health. You can also go some place

    sunny (& fun) to replenish - Hawaii, Mexico, California, Florida!

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