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  1. #1
    Phero Enthusiast tenaciousBLADE's Avatar
    Join Date
    Nov 2006
    Outside the U.S.
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    Talking Introducing tenaciousBLADE (i.e. Myself, saying hello)

    Hey there everybody,
    I’m tenaciousBLADE and this is my

    introduction thread

    This is gonna be pretty long so feel free to read just up `till the

    point you’re eyes are fed-up with it. I don’t mean to cause any discomfort. I realize this long of an introduction

    might not be customary here, and if so, I don’t mind if you disregard this thread – Though I certainly hope you

    won’t delete or edit it. I’ve read A LOT on these forums before joining in, and have the at-most respectful attitude

    towards `em.

    This thread is simply for those interested in my personal info & the reasons I’m in these

    forums (& got to the Love-Scent in the first place). Mostly, I’m posting this for future reference.

    Every part here will be captioned by a title, so you can skip around a few parts if it suits you

    - I try being convenient, as I acknowledge my tendency to sometimes go overboard with the enormous amount

    of words I use lol.
    Sorry for that

    BTW, English is not my native language, nor

    is the language I use daily. Please excuse me for any grammar\spelling mistakes. When I post a long thread/post

    such as this one, I usually write it on Msoft.Word and go over it a few times before I post it – so it would be

    easily readable

    Honesty Declaration:

    In case you even wonder about

    this: Yes, I am trying to be as objective about my personal info, as I possibly can; And even if it might not seem

    so in these forums (which it probably won’t, `coz I’m gonna try and show my most confident side here), I’m being

    totally honest & I won’t declare any great details about myself, unless I’ve heard them consistently from people

    around me (especially women\girls).

    So for those who trust my self-declared info: Thanks!

    You’ve done right!
    And for those doubting me: Well, doubt is either useless here, or it’ll lead

    to slowly trusting me

    Besides, I do acknowledge that most of you probably don’t care the

    least about my honesty lol… But I HAD TO post all of this for my own commitment-to-honesty to be & stay


    How I like these forums:

    I like them a whole damn lot!!

    guys are geniuses for starting up this kind of forum!
    I have

    experience with `mones (see “My experience with `mones” below), and have never before seen such a detailed and

    well-handled source of info about them. Not to mention the honesty over here! As put by “Team-America”: F**k yeah!

    THIS is the way it should be
    I’ve learned more here in a week or two, than I have in the past

    three or so years of using them (although indeed, I’ve used only 2 different products).
    In conclusion: YOU

    And Bruce Boyd (may I call you Bruce?) : YOU ARE MIGHTY!! THANKS SO MUCH!

    OK now… about myself…

    On the surface:

    OK… simple &

    averagely-important details…
    22yrs young, looking good to great (depends on personal taste), long hair, white (or

    is it reddish-Yellow) skin color, blue eyes (though they easily change colors, according to the surrounding


    Not so tall … my height is 170cm… though where I live it doesn’t matter THAT much, as

    there are a lot of girls at my height or shorter.
    My weight varies between 54 to 57.5 Kg.
    Slim, though

    well-built; Not much in the sense of being really muscular (though lately I’ve been practicing\working-out &

    adding-up a bit of muscle-tissue, along with an increase of health, nutrition-wise), but rather in the sense of

    simply being well-shaped.

    Over the clothes:

    I’m one of those guys who

    like to - as described on one of the posts I read here - doll-up.
    As I have long hair (which lots of girls my age

    & downwards love) I like to play with it – in the sense of inventing a new hair-style every now and then.


    also have an eminent dressing style. I get a hell lot of compliments on it, but though I admit to adore those

    compliments, I simply dress up like this because this is what looks good in the mirror. I have a past of very VERY

    low confidence – and this is one of the things that make my confidence go & stay up.

    My taste in shoes also

    stands up – I like cowboy shoes, and have a pair of Italian ones, in addition to a nice pair of Spanish cowboy

    boots, that’s been going with me for `bout 5yrs.

    Also – I have a great cool hat. Each and every time I wore

    it in front of people who haven’t seen it before – I got complimented on it greatly (I have it now for about a month

    or so).

    OK, so you probably weren’t so amused by this part lol… But I had a point here:
    I dress well, in

    addition to looking good; So it might be, that not all of my success (regarding hits) is to be attributed to the

    `mones. What I’m saying is… take that into account when reading my posts\reports.


    the clothes:

    Not a lot of details here, but they ARE kinda` personal. Still, I don’t mind

    spilling them out; as I realize there’s not much chance of anyone I know reading this. Especially, since I’m not

    even from the U.S. And, as I think you guys are ok+ (after reading A LOT on these forums, the last few weeks).

    First, I’m smooth. In the sense of not being hairy (except, of course, my head, and some puberty hair under my

    belly button… and well, you know where else – that is, except some parts there, which I shave… yup, I do… sorry

    you had to read this *timidly-lol*

    Second, and I didn’t realize this fully up until two years ago, I

    have a larger than average size of you know what (`been called a monster before, but I personally think it’s

    nonsense). A fact that somehow, doesn’t seem to help at all for getting girls to hit on me directly (maybe I just

    don’t know how to spread the rumor). But then again, I’m not complaining… It does help in having lots of fun once

    we’ve got to the bed

    My hobbies & The origin of my personal knowledge on psychology &


    Well, I practice Aikido, which is a beautiful & great form of martial art . The

    first-ever sensei of Aikido, said that it uses the energy of love. Aikido is based on knowing your own center, and

    knowing to adjust your flow to the flow of the person in front of you. My point here being that I realize the

    importance of the flow of physical communication between you & the one you’re pursuing.

    I have

    other hobbies, but for now I don’t think they have anything to do with these forums. And this thread is huge as it

    is. If otherwise brought up, I guess I’ll have no problem mentioning them.

    What I know about psychology &

    sociology, is partly driven by my own personal experience (which is complex – I’ve moved to a different country in a

    relatively young age, and even before that, had some traumas… Which I’ve mostly dealt with

    Furthermore, it is driven by my lately received diploma in NLP (Hurray!! )
    Yes, I am now what is

    called an: NLP Life & Business Practitioner. And am very proud of being one at my age. My own teacher was tutored by

    Richard Bandler himself.
    I plan on being an NLP Master someday, not too far from now


    experience with `mones (or: The Proof):

    About three years ago, while surfing the net, I came upon

    a site which promoted a pheromone product. I was more intrigued by the science of it, than the repeated promising of

    `having girls chasing your behind fanatically`.
    But, indeed, I was of course interested in that too . Although

    I was [and still am] young, and although I had a broad sexual experience (starting at the diminutive age of my early

    13s`), I guess I needed a confident-booster.
    Coming to think about it… It might just have been that I was damn

    curious, as the science REALLY intrigued me in a vast intensity, but I simply can’t deny the possibility that I was

    younger and a bit more foolish (then again, it doesn’t matter anymore – does it ).

    Anyhow, the product had

    some success, but not much. I did like its smell, and I did seem to feel more confident with it; but I simply wasn’t

    sure I can attribute the sexual and/or social success to the substance inside that product.

    I spent a lot of

    time with what seemed like a very small bottle, although I didn’t use it quite regularly. Anyways, time passed - I

    kept the bottle, though it had not much left in it – I don’t remember why I stopped using it in the first place. But

    again, time passed & I decided to try a different product. I bought 3 bottles of the new product as it was in a

    discount if you bought more (what a waste ). My new product was called “Euphoria – Pheromone Cologne”… Phh… I

    don’t even know if it has 0.02mg of ANY pheromone inside of that so-called 30ml bottle.

    Before my “Euphoria”

    arrived, I decided to try what’s left of my old `mones. And it seemed to work! (Mind you, I was older… maybe that

    had something to do with it ) I had a lot of fun with this girl that overtime became my girlfriend (and over more

    time, my ex-girlfriend; & she of course went with a buddy of mine and whatnot, but that doesn’t matter now ..

    he’s also an ex-buddy hehe).

    The first night that she drove me home, after meeting each other at a

    place we both simply used to go to (and socialize with lots of other friends), she said to me, just before I went

    out of the car…
    “Don’t you dare think that I’m not wishing to devour your lips right now”. Damn!
    Back then I

    didn’t notice that it might be the `mones. And who knows if I even had them on THAT specific night (lol… I’m pretty

    sure I did). But she had a boyfriend and I’m not the type to go for that so…

    BTW, there were a lot of other

    signs I’ve noticed during my meetings with her up-until & after we became a couple, but this is ALREADY turning too

    much into a specific report, and I still have an important point to get to; so if you want a (truly) specified

    report, just ask for it and I’ll gladly input one. Onto the point…

    The Proof:

    I’ve waited until she broke up with him (or let him fade or whatever that devilish girl did to the poor guy… I’m not

    even sure anymore), which was about a week later, and had nothing, I think, to do with me. I might have been

    the catalyst she was looking for, but not the cause to the break-up.

    We went out for a while. My “euphoria”

    has arrived, but I was still using my first product that night – The night she proved to me that the pheromones DO

    work. We were holding each other very close (we’ve had sex several times already, and it was phenomenal… the only

    thing I regret about breaking-up with her is not having that damn amazing sex), and after taking a strong waft

    straight from my neck (a bit downwards to the back of my ear – where I’ve applied the `mones) she said it to me

    “What do you put on?? That smell makes me crazy!”.

    I don’t know how it is in the U.S., but here,

    when a girl says that you make her crazy, and uses the exact word she did, it’s Party time! (There’s the “mad” and

    the “crazy”… the crazy would be the good one, and the mad would be the “HAA SHUT-UP ALREADY!!”-one hehe… she used

    the crazy in the “Take me NOW!”-kinda`-manner).

    Now, after reading so much in these forums, I realize

    the reason it hadn’t worked that well (or rather, that consistently) before, was that I OD’d. Thought it wasn’t that

    easy to OD; as I now know, that the product I’ve been using had not much `none (which was the only pheromone it had

    btw). You might be surprised to hear it was `none that worked for such a young guy… Well, I guess now would be the

    time to bring up the fact that she was older than me (she was 25yrs old, whilst I was 21 – And she had a history of

    being attracted by older men… if I recall correctly).

    The “euphoria” didn’t work as much. Or at all for that

    matter. I now realize I OD’d BAD on that so-called “euphoria”; that is, assuming it had `mones at all… but now that

    I think of it… if I OD’d so BADly, it might explain her behavior at about the 3rd trimester of our relationship,

    which went into an ugly and very much misunderstood period (at least from my point of view).

    Anyhow, the

    product that DID work, is a product sold on Love-Scent, and not so popular for the `mone content as it is for the

    fragrance. You guessed it: APC/m. It may be that the only reason it worked was that I applied, what I now know to be

    considered large amounts of it, spread through-out my body (large, but not as large as before, as I had only what I

    then thought to be a small amount left. Before, I OD’d. And now that I was `cheep on it`… well, considerably.. haha…

    I had a great serial of hits).

    The “euphoria” was in spray form, and I did a mistake wasting it

    all on ODing-sprays. So lately, when I searched for the next phormula to purchase, I wanted to be extra careful, and

    came across Love-Scent. Boy was that LUCKY!

    Phew… that was long lol… And

    it was just one part of this huge post… I hope you’re up to it
    . And if

    not, I won’t take offense. I just hope this is OK, and nobody decides to delete or cut parts (i.e. edit) of my

    introduction; which has become a life-story by now lol… but hopefully, one that you all will enjoy, and benefit from


    My current `mone-collection:

    I’ve recently

    ordered, after reading all of The Cook-Book (btw, thanks to all the people having to do with creating it), and a

    whole lot of threads on the forums; a lot of products.
    I live abroad, and decided I can afford to

    experiment with a whole bunch of them this time (besides, I got a nice discount… this site is amazing


    So here’s the list (all are `for men` products):
    • SOE Unscented (5 mg/10 ml,

      oil; 4 androstenol : 1 androsterone)
    • NPA (2.4 mg/5 ml, alcohol; 1 androstenone : 1 secret

    • PI Unscented (5 mg/10 ml, oil; androstenone)
    • ACP (1.5mg/30ml, oil;

    • EE (2.4mg/24 ml, alcohol; 1 androstenone : 1 secret ingredient)
      (same as TE, but

      scented otherwise: I took it in "Arouser" blend)
    • WAGG (Secret Ingredients & amounts) [There also

      exists the WAGG-N… I didn’t understand the difference, so I just got the WAGG]
    • AE (3.375 mg/7.5 ml,

      dipropelene glycol and alcohol; 2 androstenone : 1.5 androstenol : 1 androsterone)
    • Chikra (7

      compounds, unknown amounts; more `nol than `none; contains all three: androstenol, androsterone &

    • 1 Perception sample packet
    • 1 SOE sample packet
    • 1 Chikra sample packet
    • 1

      Edge sample packet
    • Free Samples for men
    Yes thank you, I realize it’s

    a lot of products. Well, it’s my money, and it simply means you can ask me questions about combinations (if you’ll

    get an answer depends on a lot of factors, but please, feel free to ask

    I’m here for you).

    Anyhow, if I find anything to be successful, I’ll report. It may take me

    some time… I’m not the most organized person when it comes to time. But it seems to me that the time here is well

    spent, so I assume it’d be delightful to report

    Last one –

    My perfumes:

    Up to now, I’ve used mostly Paco Rabanne XS. But I have a few more, which I also use

    from time to time. Therefore, the full list:
    • Giorgio Armani Black Code (which I recently bought,

      after reading so much of it on the forums & trying it out once in the store)
    • Paco Rabanne XS (I have

      both the Eu De Toilette & After-shave)
    • D&G (Dolce & Gabanna Eu De Toilette)
    • Giorgio Armani Aqua Di

      GIO (after -have balm)
    • Best Of Chevignon (after-shave)
    • I also bought the “Men's Cover Scents:

      Black Code” from Love-Scent

    Epilogue (lol... It was THAT long huh? ):

    That’s it guys & Gals, feel free to ask any questions on anything.
    I hope you’ve not fallen asleep lol. And I

    don’t promise to post that often, but when I do, I’ll make it as interesting as I can… and of course I’ll keep it

    shorter… lol, much shorter.

    I’d just like to quote Appendix C from The Cook Book:

    A mantra for phero users (by golem)

    "Pheromones are just the tip of the iceberg.
    But I am

    the ICEBERG!

    Pheromones are just the icing on the cake.
    But I am the CAKE!

    Pheromones may give me an

    But I am the BLADE!"
    Thanks golem. Ride-On!

    I now have this mantra on

    my desktop

    That has been me,
    hope to be as productive as possible.


  2. #2
    Phero Dude slickracer's Avatar
    Join Date
    Feb 2005
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    welcome. looking forward to

    reading more of your stuff. i love the way you write.

    oh also, did you get the nlp training online or did you

    go into a shop?

  3. #3
    Phero Enthusiast tenaciousBLADE's Avatar
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    Nov 2006
    Outside the U.S.
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    Well, thanks. I wasn't

    sure if it's ok to write so much, but I see at least one person likes my writing

    I wasn't even aware that

    you can get NLP training online.
    I live in a country that isn't so familiar with NLP. So, after reading a few

    e-books & PDFs on NLP, I had to search for a few months untill I found a place to get the training.

    Anyhow, I got

    the training in an intensive course... which means, I went through a process built especially to learn & internalize

    NLP, deeply into the unconscious & the concious mind (a process built via NLP, by an NLP Trainer).
    As to the "shop"

    you refered to... I don't understand the meaning... did you mean a course?

  4. #4
    Administrator Bruce's Avatar
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    Jun 2001
    Eugene, Oregon
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    Amazing post!

    Welcome to the


    To enjoy good health, to bring true happiness to one's family, to bring peace to all, one must first discipline and control one's own mind. If a man can control his mind he can find the way to Enlightenment, and all wisdom and virtue will naturally come to him.

    - Buddha

    Yoga in Eugene
    Fair Trade crafts from Peru

  5. #5
    Phero Enthusiast tenaciousBLADE's Avatar
    Join Date
    Nov 2006
    Outside the U.S.
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    Thanks Bruce!

    extra-gladd to hear that from you

  6. #6
    Phero Master terry0400-40's Avatar
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    Jul 2006
    Where Velvet Darkness is Kissed by Golden Starlight
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    Default A Very Carismatic Personality

    Quote Originally Posted by tenaciousBLADE
    Hey there everybody,
    I’m tenaciousBLADE and this is my introduction


    This is gonna be pretty long so feel free to read just up `till the point you’re eyes

    are fed-up with it. I don’t mean to cause any discomfort. I realize this long of an introduction might not be

    customary here, and if so, I don’t mind if you disregard this thread – Though I certainly hope you won’t delete or

    edit it. I’ve read A LOT on these forums before joining in, and have the at-most respectful attitude towards `em.

    This thread is simply for those interested in my personal info & the reasons I’m in these forums (& got to the

    Love-Scent in the first place). Mostly, I’m posting this for future reference.

    Every part here

    will be captioned by a title, so you can skip around a few parts if it suits you ^-^
    - I try being

    convenient, as I acknowledge my tendency to sometimes go overboard with the enormous amount of words I use

    Sorry for that

    BTW, English is not my native language, nor is the

    language I use daily. Please excuse me for any grammar\spelling mistakes. When I post a long thread/post such as

    this one, I usually write it on Msoft.Word and go over it a few times before I post it – so it would be easily


    Honesty Declaration:

    In case you even wonder about this:

    Yes, I am trying to be as objective about my personal info, as I possibly can; And even if it might not seem so in

    these forums (which it probably won’t, `coz I’m gonna try and show my most confident side here), I’m being totally

    honest & I won’t declare any great details about myself, unless I’ve heard them consistently from people around me

    (especially women\girls).

    So for those who trust my self-declared info: Thanks! You’ve done right!

    And for those doubting me: Well, doubt is either useless here, or it’ll lead to slowly trusting me

    Besides, I do acknowledge that most of you probably don’t care the least about my honesty

    lol… But I HAD TO post all of this for my own commitment-to-honesty to be & stay true.

    How I like these forums:

    I like them a whole damn lot!!
    You guys are geniuses

    for starting up this kind of forum!
    I have experience with `mones

    (see “My experience with `mones” below), and have never before seen such a detailed and well-handled source of info

    about them. Not to mention the honesty over here! As put by “Team-America”: F**k yeah!

    THIS is the

    way it should be
    I’ve learned more here in a week or two, than I have in the past three or so years of using

    them (although indeed, I’ve used only 2 different products).
    In conclusion: YOU ROCK!!!
    And Bruce Boyd (may I call

    you Bruce?) : YOU ARE MIGHTY!! THANKS SO MUCH!

    OK now… about


    On the surface:

    OK… simple & averagely-important

    22yrs young, looking good to great (depends on personal taste), long hair, white (or is it reddish-Yellow)

    skin color, blue eyes (though they easily change colors, according to the surrounding lighting\aura).

    Not so

    tall … my height is 170cm… though where I live it doesn’t matter THAT much, as there are a lot of girls at my

    height or shorter.
    My weight varies between 54 to 57.5 Kg.
    Slim, though well-built; Not much in the sense of being

    really muscular (though lately I’ve been practicing\working-out & adding-up a bit of muscle-tissue, along with an

    increase of health, nutrition-wise), but rather in the sense of simply being well-shaped.


    the clothes:

    I’m one of those guys who like to - as described on one of the posts I read here -

    As I have long hair (which lots of girls my age & downwards love) I like to play with it – in the sense of

    inventing a new hair-style every now and then.

    I also have an eminent dressing style. I get a hell lot of

    compliments on it, but though I admit to adore those compliments, I simply dress up like this because this is what

    looks good in the mirror. I have a past of very VERY low confidence – and this is one of the things that make my

    confidence go & stay up.

    My taste in shoes also stands up – I like cowboy shoes, and have a pair of Italian

    ones, in addition to a nice pair of Spanish cowboy boots, that’s been going with me for `bout 5yrs.

    Also – I

    have a great cool hat. Each and every time I wore it in front of people who haven’t seen it before – I got

    complimented on it greatly (I have it now for about a month or so).

    OK, so you probably weren’t so amused by

    this part lol… But I had a point here:
    I dress well, in addition to looking good; So it might be, that not all of

    my success (regarding hits) is to be attributed to the `mones. What I’m saying is… take that into account when

    reading my posts\reports.

    Underneath the clothes:

    Not a lot of details here,

    but they ARE kinda` personal. Still, I don’t mind spilling them out; as I realize there’s not much chance of anyone

    I know reading this. Especially, since I’m not even from the U.S. And, as I think you guys are ok+ (after reading A

    LOT on these forums, the last few weeks).

    First, I’m smooth. In the sense of not being hairy (except, of course,

    my head, and some puberty hair under my belly button… and well, you know where else – that is, except some parts

    there, which I shave… yup, I do… sorry you had to read this *timidly-lol*).

    Second, and I didn’t realize

    this fully up until two years ago, I have a larger than average size of you know what (`been called a monster

    before, but I personally think it’s nonsense). A fact that somehow, doesn’t seem to help at all for getting girls to

    hit on me directly (maybe I just don’t know how to spread the rumor). But then again, I’m not complaining… It does

    help in having lots of fun once we’ve got to the bed

    My hobbies & The origin of my personal

    knowledge on psychology & sociology:

    Well, I practice Aikido, which is a beautiful & great form of

    martial art . The first-ever sensei of Aikido, said that it uses the energy of love. Aikido is based on

    knowing your own center, and knowing to adjust your flow to the flow of the person in front of you. My point here

    being that I realize the importance of the flow of physical communication between you & the one you’re


    I have other hobbies, but for now I don’t think they have anything to do with these forums. And this

    thread is huge as it is. If otherwise brought up, I guess I’ll have no problem mentioning them.

    What I know

    about psychology & sociology, is partly driven by my own personal experience (which is complex – I’ve moved to a

    different country in a relatively young age, and even before that, had some traumas… Which I’ve mostly dealt

    with ).
    Furthermore, it is driven by my lately received diploma in NLP (Hurray!!

    Yes, I am now what is called an: NLP Life & Business Practitioner. And am very proud of being one at my age.

    My own teacher was tutored by Richard Bandler himself.
    I plan on being an NLP Master someday, not too far from now

    My experience with `mones (or: The Proof):

    About three years ago, while

    surfing the net, I came upon a site which promoted a pheromone product. I was more intrigued by the science of it,

    than the repeated promising of `having girls chasing your behind fanatically`.
    But, indeed, I was of course

    interested in that too . Although I was [and still am] young, and although I had a broad sexual experience

    (starting at the diminutive age of my early 13s`), I guess I needed a confident-booster.
    Coming to think about it…

    It might just have been that I was damn curious, as the science REALLY intrigued me in a vast intensity, but I

    simply can’t deny the possibility that I was younger and a bit more foolish (then again, it doesn’t matter anymore –

    does it ).

    Anyhow, the product had some success, but not much. I did like its smell, and I did seem to feel

    more confident with it; but I simply wasn’t sure I can attribute the sexual and/or social success to the substance

    inside that product.

    I spent a lot of time with what seemed like a very small bottle, although I didn’t use it

    quite regularly. Anyways, time passed - I kept the bottle, though it had not much left in it – I don’t remember why

    I stopped using it in the first place. But again, time passed & I decided to try a different product. I bought 3

    bottles of the new product as it was in a discount if you bought more (what a waste ). My new product was

    called “Euphoria – Pheromone Cologne”… Phh… I don’t even know if it has 0.02mg of ANY pheromone inside of that

    so-called 30ml bottle.

    Before my “Euphoria” arrived, I decided to try what’s left of my old `mones. And it

    seemed to work! (Mind you, I was older… maybe that had something to do with it ) I had a lot of fun with this

    girl that overtime became my girlfriend (and over more time, my ex-girlfriend; & she of course went with a buddy of

    mine and whatnot, but that doesn’t matter now .. he’s also an ex-buddy hehe).

    The first night

    that she drove me home, after meeting each other at a place we both simply used to go to (and socialize with lots of

    other friends), she said to me, just before I went out of the car…
    “Don’t you dare think that I’m not wishing to

    devour your lips right now”. Damn!
    Back then I didn’t notice that it might be the `mones. And who knows if I even

    had them on THAT specific night (lol… I’m pretty sure I did). But she had a boyfriend and I’m not the type to go for

    that so…

    BTW, there were a lot of other signs I’ve noticed during my meetings with her up-until & after we

    became a couple, but this is ALREADY turning too much into a specific report, and I still have an important point to

    get to; so if you want a (truly) specified report, just ask for it and I’ll gladly input one. Onto the point…

    The Proof:

    I’ve waited until she broke up with him (or let him fade or whatever that

    devilish girl did to the poor guy… I’m not even sure anymore), which was about a week later, and had nothing, I

    think, to do with me. I might have been the catalyst she was looking for, but not the cause to the


    We went out for a while. My “euphoria” has arrived, but I was still using my first product that night

    – The night she proved to me that the pheromones DO work. We were holding each other very close (we’ve had sex

    several times already, and it was phenomenal… the only thing I regret about breaking-up with her is not having that

    damn amazing sex), and after taking a strong waft straight from my neck (a bit downwards to the back of my ear –

    where I’ve applied the `mones) she said it to me straight:
    “What do you put on?? That smell makes me crazy!”.


    don’t know how it is in the U.S., but here, when a girl says that you make her crazy, and uses the exact word she

    did, it’s Party time! (There’s the “mad” and the “crazy”… the crazy would be the good one, and the mad would be the

    “HAA SHUT-UP ALREADY!!”-one hehe… she used the crazy in the “Take me NOW!”-kinda`-manner).

    Now, after reading

    so much in these forums, I realize the reason it hadn’t worked that well (or rather, that consistently) before, was

    that I OD’d. Thought it wasn’t that easy to OD; as I now know, that the product I’ve been using had not much `none

    (which was the only pheromone it had btw). You might be surprised to hear it was `none that worked for such a young

    guy… Well, I guess now would be the time to bring up the fact that she was older than me (she was 25yrs old, whilst

    I was 21 – And she had a history of being attracted by older men… if I recall correctly).

    The “euphoria” didn’t

    work as much. Or at all for that matter. I now realize I OD’d BAD on that so-called “euphoria”; that is, assuming it

    had `mones at all… but now that I think of it… if I OD’d so BADly, it might explain her behavior at about the 3rd

    trimester of our relationship, which went into an ugly and very much misunderstood period (at least from my point of


    Anyhow, the product that DID work, is a product sold on Love-Scent, and not so popular for the `mone

    content as it is for the fragrance. You guessed it: APC/m. It may be that the only reason it worked was that I

    applied, what I now know to be considered large amounts of it, spread through-out my body (large, but not as large

    as before, as I had only what I then thought to be a small amount left. Before, I OD’d. And now that I was `cheep on

    it`… well, considerably.. haha… I had a great serial of hits).

    The “euphoria” was in spray form, and

    I did a mistake wasting it all on ODing-sprays. So lately, when I searched for the next phormula to purchase, I

    wanted to be extra careful, and came across Love-Scent. Boy was that LUCKY!

    Phew… that was long lol… And it was just one part of this huge post… I hope you’re

    up to it
    . And if not, I won’t take offense. I just hope this is OK, and

    nobody decides to delete or cut parts (i.e. edit) of my introduction; which has become a life-story by now lol… but

    hopefully, one that you all will enjoy, and benefit from .

    My current `mone-collection:

    I’ve recently ordered, after reading all of The

    Cook-Book (btw, thanks to all the people having to do with creating it), and a whole lot of threads on the forums; a

    lot of products.
    I live abroad, and decided I can afford to experiment with a whole bunch of them this

    time (besides, I got a nice discount… this site is amazing ).

    So here’s the list (all are `for

    men` products):
    • SOE Unscented (5 mg/10 ml, oil; 4 androstenol : 1 androsterone)
    • NPA (2.4 mg/5 ml,

      alcohol; 1 androstenone : 1 secret ingredient)
    • PI Unscented (5 mg/10 ml, oil; androstenone)
    • ACP (1.5mg/30ml,

      oil; androstenone)
    • EE (2.4mg/24 ml, alcohol; 1 androstenone : 1 secret ingredient)
      (same as TE, but scented

      otherwise: I took it in "Arouser" blend)
    • WAGG (Secret Ingredients & amounts) [There also exists the WAGG-N… I

      didn’t understand the difference, so I just got the WAGG]
    • AE (3.375 mg/7.5 ml, dipropelene glycol and alcohol; 2

      androstenone : 1.5 androstenol : 1 androsterone)
    • Chikra (7 compounds, unknown amounts; more `nol than `none;

      contains all three: androstenol, androsterone & androstenone)
    • 1 Perception sample packet
    • 1 SOE sample

    • 1 Chikra sample packet
    • 1 Edge sample packet
    • Free Samples for

    Yes thank you, I realize it’s a lot of products. Well, it’s my money, and it simply

    means you can ask me questions about combinations (if you’ll get an answer depends on a lot of factors, but please,

    feel free to ask
    I’m here for you).

    Anyhow, if I

    find anything to be successful, I’ll report. It may take me some time… I’m not the most organized person when it

    comes to time. But it seems to me that the time here is well spent, so I assume it’d be delightful to report

    Last one – My perfumes:

    Up to now, I’ve

    used mostly Paco Rabanne XS. But I have a few more, which I also use from time to time. Therefore, the full

    • Giorgio Armani Black Code (which I recently bought, after reading so much of it on the forums &

      trying it out once in the store)
    • Paco Rabanne XS (I have both the Eu De Toilette & After-shave)
    • D&G (Dolce &

      Gabanna Eu De Toilette)
    • Giorgio Armani Aqua Di GIO (after -have balm)
    • Best Of Chevignon (after-shave)
    • I

      also bought the “Men's Cover Scents: Black Code” from Love-Scent

    Epilogue (lol... It was THAT

    long huh? ):

    That’s it guys & Gals, feel free to ask any questions on anything.
    I hope you’ve not

    fallen asleep lol. And I don’t promise to post that often, but when I do, I’ll make it as interesting as I can… and

    of course I’ll keep it shorter… lol, much shorter.

    I’d just like to quote Appendix C from The Cook


    Thanks golem. Ride-On!

    I now have this mantra on my desktop

    That has

    been me,
    hope to be as productive as possible.


    Good day Blade runner, great posting, you seem like a very got it together

    carismatic type of guy so you have come to the right place, your self discription was very enlightening and gave us

    a good understanding of what you are about and also your quest for excellence, i also have some riding boots as i

    have ridden a few brumbies ( wild horses ) in my time. It would be real nice if you could post a picture of yuzelf,

    but i can understand also if you would like to keep a low profile 4 awhile, you have some really good products to

    evaluate and i hope that you find most of them to suit your individual chemistry so welcome and all the best. sea


  7. #7
    Phero Enthusiast tenaciousBLADE's Avatar
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    Cool Charismatic eh? THANKS!

    LOL, you quoted all my post though it was so long... I have a Japanese laugh coming out straight from my little

    belly right now.

    Well if you're already asking, no... I'm not Japanese; I just love some of Japans'

    culture... Specialy it's humor, and Manga, Anime, DB, DBZ, DBGT, Naruto, and stuff like that... even Samurai Jack

    qualifies (though it's American, I think).
    Oh and of course, the best series EVER (even better than

    Samurai Champloo!!!
    If you don't know it: get to.

    It's a must.

    Anyblubber, I too love horse ridding. My cousin got a horse a while back & we'd go riding lots

    of times. It's fun, I miss it greatly sometimes. And the boots do make the ride that much more


    About your request... I don't yet feel comfortable uploading my pix here. I don't know if you noticed, but

    I even left out the name of the country I live in (deliberately).
    In time, maybe. But not yet, that's for


    However, I do have some questions for you, if we're already here...

    First, how did you become a

    Full Member so quickly? I mean, you've `only` posted 192 posts, and it seems you're here just a few months. So, I

    recon I haven't fully understood the meaning of these `Stranger`-`Full Member` tags.
    May I be inlightened here,


    Second, I hear you live in a humid place. To my understanding, that means a high percentage of

    humidity (well... obviously lol... I'm so foolish sometimes).
    How would you say it affects the `mone usage?

    it take more to OD? Or is it easier to OD?
    Does it take less time to evaporate? Does that mean it affects the

    surrounding people faster? Does it mean that you have to put more `mones on, maybe?

    You get my drift


  8. #8
    Phero Master terry0400-40's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by tenaciousBLADE

    you quoted all my post though it was so long... I have a Japanese laugh coming out straight from my little belly

    right now.

    Well if you're already asking, no... I'm not Japanese; I just love some of Japans' culture...

    Specialy it's humor, and Manga, Anime, DB, DBZ, DBGT, Naruto, and stuff like that... even Samurai Jack qualifies

    (though it's American, I think).
    Oh and of course, the best series EVER (even better than

    Samurai Champloo!!!
    If you don't know it: get to.

    It's a must.

    Anyblubber, I too love horse ridding. My cousin got a horse a while back & we'd go riding lots

    of times. It's fun, I miss it greatly sometimes. And the boots do make the ride that much more


    About your request... I don't yet feel comfortable uploading my pix here. I don't know if you noticed,

    but I even left out the name of the country I live in (deliberately).
    In time, maybe. But not yet, that's for


    However, I do have some questions for you, if we're already here...

    First, how did you become a

    Full Member so quickly? I mean, you've `only` posted 192 posts, and it seems you're here just a few months. So, I

    recon I haven't fully understood the meaning of these `Stranger`-`Full Member` tags.
    May I be inlightened here,


    Second, I hear you live in a humid place. To my understanding, that means a high percentage of

    humidity (well... obviously lol... I'm so foolish sometimes).
    How would you say it affects the `mone usage?

    it take more to OD? Or is it easier to OD?
    Does it take less time to evaporate? Does that mean it affects the

    surrounding people faster? Does it mean that you have to put more `mones on, maybe?

    You get my drift

    The weather here in Brisbane will

    really be hotting up real soon with the associated humidity and this at times will cause a person to perspire very

    much even when sitting still, and the air conditioning in my old car is not very effective so having to drive with

    the open windows does cause the mones to evaporate much faster, so it looks as if i will have to apply upon arrival

    at my targeted and hopefully airconditioned destinations, and the perspiration just causes the pheros to be washed

    into the clothing, i wonder if they would still be effective? It seems that i became a full member

    after my 100 posts i think, either that or i am at the mercy of some very gracious moderators which is probably true

    considering that i am a bit tempremental at times in my postings, but i am a fairly uneducated person and i am not

    sure how things really work on forums and also the computer which i am new to as well.

    I did not think you were Japanese but i thought you might be from Denmark or one of the

    scandinavian countrys or Germany ect just going from your discription. I dont know much Japanese but i know some of

    the Japanese ladys are real dolls. I have noted Samurai Champloo and will see what i can find.

    You will also have to excuse my spelling as i did have little schooling and i dont know how to operate the

    spelling check features on my pc, yhat is if i have any lol. PS regarding the full member thing, it does not take

    long to become proficient with pheromones and their applications to some degree of competence when so much advice is

    available on this forum to follow. ok all the best.sea ya. terry

  9. #9
    Phero Enthusiast tenaciousBLADE's Avatar
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    I see no reason for the

    `mones to be ineffective on the clothes. There's a mentoning on it in

    the cook book.


    neither from Germany nor the regions... I'm from far away buddy
    The reason I don't wanna reveal it is that

    THAT might tell people who I am, in the unrealistic chance of a person I know seeing these posts.

    I see

    your point about the knowledge on this site. And agree to it fully. It's a great source of information

    guess I'll just have to wait and see what tags I get on me with time

    Anyhow, besides the wind and sweat, do

    you think there's an effect to the `mone usage, caused by the humidity? (Sometimes it's really humid over here so

    I'm curious)
    Like, again, is it easier to OD in a humid place? or the opposite way around? etc.

  10. #10
    Phero Master terry0400-40's Avatar
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    Default re perspiration

    Quote Originally Posted by tenaciousBLADE
    I see no reason for the `mones to be ineffective on the clothes. There's a mentoning on it

    in the cook book.


    neither from Germany nor the regions... I'm from far away buddy
    The reason I don't wanna reveal it is that

    THAT might tell people who I am, in the unrealistic chance of a person I know seeing these posts.


    see your point about the knowledge on this site. And agree to it fully. It's a great source of information

    I guess I'll just have to wait and see what tags I get on me with time

    Anyhow, besides the wind and

    sweat, do you think there's an effect to the `mone usage, caused by the humidity? (Sometimes it's really humid

    over here so I'm curious)
    Like, again, is it easier to OD in a humid place? or the opposite way around?

    Sure i know that it is sometimes wise to be disceet considering the

    disposition of some fellow human beings situated upon the face of this planet. As far as mone usage and humidity i

    am not sure, but i did read a report many years ogo that suggested that a womans perfume was transmitted a lot more

    effectivly on a cool rainy day oposed to a normal sunny day, it is only my own opinion when i say that i dont think

    the mones would be as effective during very humid and hot weather, so oil based may be a better bet as far as

    preserving the mones in those conditions, there are some forum members that would know a lot more than myself

    concerning sutch matters, so i hope you get some positive answers. terry

  11. #11
    Phero Enthusiast tenaciousBLADE's Avatar
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    Smile Oil based might be better for humid places - Good point

    Indeed, my expirience with oil based was better. And it was even better at night,

    when it's colder over here.
    Thanks, it's a good reminder

    I might post a question-thread about it in the

    future, but first I wanna do a bit of trial & error by my own to have a better-based question in mind; and also, I

    should do some forum searches before asking such an obvious question.

    Anyhow, I hope more people come accross

    this introduction thread of mine and leave some friendly hellos behind them - It really motivates me

  12. #12
    Phero Master terry0400-40's Avatar
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    Default A Warm Feeling

    Quote Originally Posted by tenaciousBLADE
    Indeed, my expirience with oil based was better. And it was even better at night, when it's

    colder over here.
    Thanks, it's a good reminder

    I might post a question-thread about it in the future, but

    first I wanna do a bit of trial & error by my own to have a better-based question in mind; and also, I should do

    some forum searches before asking such an obvious question.

    Anyhow, I hope more people come accross this

    introduction thread of mine and leave some friendly hellos behind them - It really motivates

    It is always a good warm welcoming feeling when someone takes the

    time to communicate from their place of inner truth. I am lucky i have a little spare time, which is more than some

    others have due to the demands and pressures that have been created by the industrial revolution. Welcome to the

    Machine, Wish you were here........................

  13. #13
    Phero Enthusiast tenaciousBLADE's Avatar
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    lol good taste you've

    Anyhow yeah... I got that spare time too lately.

  14. #14
    Phero Dude slickracer's Avatar
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    industrial revolution? spare

    time? come on you BUMS get back to work. ahh yes the industrial revolution, dont worry i hate it too.

    but alittle bit about what you guys were talking about. as for myself, my sence of smell is way improved when

    there is humidity in the air. plus sence mones evoparate faster in hotter weater and you got your sweat (from the

    humidity) thats evaportating with the mones you are wearing (if you wearing it on your skin) im sure it'll make it

    so that if you were wearing mones around me, in a hot humid weather, i'll get blasted with a shotgun wave of


  15. #15
    Phero Enthusiast tenaciousBLADE's Avatar
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    Default So back to the humidity & evaporation

    Nah, don't get me wrong... there are also good things about the industrial

    Like the money lol...
    but you gotta be strong to cope. And there's what's called the rat race (see

    "Rich Dad, Poor Dad" by Robert Kyosaki).

    I don't sweat alot, I was brought up in Europe and I guess that makes a

    difference, `coz where I now live people do tend to sweat bigtime when they do.

    As for the

    the evaporation effect you're talking about... You think that means the usual `mone-user in a humid place should

    wear less or more pheros? Would (IYO) that even matter at all?
    Last edited by tenaciousBLADE; 12-05-2006 at 01:49 PM. Reason: Spelling mistakes been fixed

  16. #16
    Phero Enthusiast tenaciousBLADE's Avatar
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    Unhappy Oh man...

    I've just

    94 views and only 14 replys (which makes only 3 replyers besides myself).
    Do people not care for

    introduction threads, or is it just too long for them?

    Well, I don't hold a grudge... Just hope

    it'll change

  17. #17
    Phero Dude slickracer's Avatar
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    reason i dont like indastrial

    revolation is because when i was little, i lived with my grandparents and my mom. and we were rich, and then i came

    to america with my mom and dad. we became middle class and my parents had to work alot and now im working instead of

    being pampered and what not, and i used to have maids and such. anyway, thats why i hate working, but i know what

    you mean tho.

    IMO i wont think too much about that as you will understand what mones would do for you. and im

    guessing sence you wont be moving to alot of different climats other then seasonal changes what works for your will

    have all that stuff about humid, hot, cold weather worked in already.

    but if you really want a concreat answer,

    it depends on so many things. such as what is the mones in, (oil, water, alcohal) where was it applied (putting it

    on different spots will let it out at different rates.) and what mones you are useing ( here is a good example

    P.S. There is also the fact that androstAnone is far more volatile than androstenone. AndrostAnone's MP is

    103˚C, whereas androstenone's MP is 145˚C (according to the Sigma-Aldrich

    catalog). Thus, the vapor pressure is higher and hence it evaporates into the air (where pheromones are active) much

    moreso than androstenone.
    thats why when i buy mone products, the most important thing i look

    for is what it dose to me. and not how many hits i get with it.

  18. #18
    Phero Enthusiast tenaciousBLADE's Avatar
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    Good points. duely noted


  19. #19
    Phero Master terry0400-40's Avatar
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    Default 94 Veiws huh

    Quote Originally Posted by tenaciousBLADE
    I've just noticed...
    94 views and only 14 replys (which makes only 3 replyers besides

    Do people not care for introduction threads, or is it just too long for them?

    Well, I

    don't hold a grudge... Just hope it'll change

    94 veiws huh, i really dont know what to say, But i suppose they are just cruising around in their Chevys, with

    their cold beer and a hot blonds, a little NPA or PI under their ears,& clicking on and checking us all out, trying

    to find out what makes us tick, as the sands in the hourglass trickle down another notch here on the Earth at the

    crossroads. We watch and wait because it is the name of the game. Go on you pheros, Get back to work

    service, which is it to be or not to beee
    Last edited by terry0400-40; 12-06-2006 at 11:15 AM. Reason: spelling fix

  20. #20
    Moderator belgareth's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by tenaciousBLADE

    just noticed...
    94 views and only 14 replys (which makes only 3 replyers besides myself).
    Do people not care for

    introduction threads, or is it just too long for them?

    Well, I don't hold a grudge... Just hope

    it'll change
    Look at any thread, that's about a normal response rate. If somebody doesn't have

    anything to say they don't say anything. I don't think most people comment on more than a small percentage of the

    threads they read.
    To compel a man to subsidize with his taxes the propagation of ideas which he disbelieves and abhors is sinful and tyrannical.

    Thomas Jefferson

  21. #21
    Administrator Bruce's Avatar
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    It makes sense. I think folks are

    REALLY interested to read info like that, but don't necessarily feel a need to comment.

    good work


    To enjoy good health, to bring true happiness to one's family, to bring peace to all, one must first discipline and control one's own mind. If a man can control his mind he can find the way to Enlightenment, and all wisdom and virtue will naturally come to him.

    - Buddha

    Yoga in Eugene
    Fair Trade crafts from Peru

  22. #22
    Phero Enthusiast tenaciousBLADE's Avatar
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    Thanks for the

    encouragement guys
    It's appreciated.
    And you're right... having

    several views means something good by itself

  23. #23
    Phero Enthusiast tenaciousBLADE's Avatar
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    Wink Stock update

    Just a note:

    I lately added IMPI Original and A1 to my personal stock.
    A1 is AMAZING!!! (for relationships at least - as I'm

    now in one).
    And IMPI I haven't tried yet... I' love to get some input on it if anyone has ever tried it and has

    anything at all to say about it

    By the way, there was a long hit report I rote on my computer and never

    uploaded to the forums. It's written in a bit of a faul lenguage but has great info in it and is written in a funny

    & flowent maner. It's not finished, but stops at an ok point. I might upload it soon.. anyone interested in that?

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