I need a

plan. What is the best way to experiment? I think I am seeing results, but I can't tell if it is me or not. I know

I have charm and I am good looking. But I find this stuff fun. That, and I think I found the comfort in compulsive

spending here as a hobby for getting over my gf.

I have a problem huh:

I am not kidding about


-SOE Roll-on


-AE Bottle






-Edge Gel


-Edge Gel /f


-Xcite /f





-LS Cover Scents (x2)
-LS Atomizer

-LS Roll-on Bottles (x5)

Oh, and now I am broke.

So the way I have been doing this is not right I think. I am not using just one product (except SOE, I think

that works well for me alone). For example, I put on a ½ - 1 drop of PI, well I know that is not good for me because

I have seen bad reactions from NPA, so I first put on A314 because everyone says how great of a base it is and how

it seems to lower the negs of the –none. Then I will add SOE to that as well for the friendliness. Then I will add

the Chikara to the hair, and top it off with a light cover scent and some LT, even a bit of Masters under the nose

for me (this whole OD mix made me high yesterday, but it worked). So my thinking has been, well I have PI for

sexual, A314 for Comfort, SOE & LT for openness, Chikara for scent and secret ingredients, and masters to life me up

(It only lasts like 5 minutes I think).

So what is the best way? I do not want to experiment with everything

as a standalone. Well, yes on the –nol, it seems ok for me.

Thanks everyone.

PS: 25, M, Good-looking, Charming, Shy, but definitely have a

f*** off / hard guy vibe (not to the ladies, but it is noticeable, maybe perceived as cocky or over confident (even

thought I don’t have balls anymore, they will come back)).