Hello people I need some advice on a pheromone problem I have. A year ago on a saturday night before I

went to the club I put some apc on on both side of my crotch hair and to dab on both side of my neck. I know apc is

considered a low pheromone product but I still got alot of bad reaction from females before I went in the club. When

I did go in I found women avoiding me as if I stink or something but I payed it no mind. I went home and washed it

off. The next day my pheromones didn't go back to normal and still strong. From that day on and even today my

pheromones are still strong. They are so strong I get women and men sneezing and coughing and rubing their noise

around me even in a enclosed a place. I can't breathe out of one nostril and the other one is stuffed up with this

junk. Even my on mother is advoiding me and even hostel towards me. If I was a gay man I would be happy from all the

positive men reaction I get. I think it's because I put off a pheromone of a strong alpha male. All I ask for is

some adivce on how to treat this problem or product to buy. I shower everyday and use two antibacterial soap and

antiperspirant deodorant to keep clean, but nothing works.