Or, I’m thinking of acquiring a drug habit... [img]images/icons/wink.gif[/img]

Well, in keeping with my current better living through chemistry (pheros) mentality, I\'m a little tempted to experiment with these. I’m not normally the sort of person who uses (prescription or non prescription) drugs, but this stuff looks like it might be worth a quick try, if only out of interest. The theory is (and this is only form information on web searches, tomorrow I should be able to access some research papers on the subjects) they aid the memory and especially learning process by increasing the number of cholinergic receptors in the brain. Its usually taken in combination with choline.

Personally I’m most interested in Piracetam (commercial name Nootropil by UCB ) and Lucidrill (centrophenoxine). Ill probably also take some extra Choline If I try it.

cost wise that would work out as about $45 a month, which means Id have to be fairly impressed with the results to keep doing it, but is low enough that I am curious to try it.

It’s not FDA approved, but (as far as I can make out) is an over the counter med here in europe.
The supplier I may use is QHI

if your intrested check out ceri

Life extention foundation

and Im currently about to trawl through this collection of articles.

And please bare in mind that I’m not normally the sort of person to go for hype, but a lot of the testimonies etc: do seem like that. the way I see it, if its got no proven major side effects Ill give it a shot.

So anybody used or done any research on these? I figure Phero users are the type who would go for these things. [img]images/icons/tongue.gif[/img]