Okay, I'm convinced my body

just can't take pheremones 2 days in a row. I must have some natural pheremone production, or my body retains


Anyway, I did the same 2:3 NPA and AE mix, but got little to no results from girls today. I think I had

some NPA left from earlier probably on me (regardless of using antibacterial lotion and showering), and that made

this application more intense.

Overall, it seemed girls were intimidated or nervous around me for the most

part. Heck, even guys seemed intimidated or scared.

In my first class, I notice my professor was almost

scared of me.

I got some extended eye contact from one chick, possibly a DIHL, but she had sunglasses on, I

couldn't tell. She was about 10ft away, and just stared, holding her ear, with her head sort of tilted to the

side, as I walked by...I looked at her a few times and her head just was fixated in my direction it seemed. But

that's the only "sexual" reaction I may have had all day.

From that point on, it was intimidation all the


Myself, I felt an unshakeable confidence today like I have never felt before. Whether or not it was a

placebo, or the NPA coupled with my own growing ego or what-have-you, it was quite intense. Then, back in my room,

I watched a short film called "the Secret," which has changed my life forever. After that my confidence was more

than I could ever even explain. I seriously felt high on myself.

I approached a girl on the bus (the same one

who blushed as we chatted at the sandwich shop yesterday)...today she seemed nervous and scared...had her arms

crossed across her chest. The bus was pretty crowded and other people gave me occasional hostile glances.


ran into a girl I know, and she introduced me to her friend. The girl I know seemed to want to talk to me more, but

her friend looked at me like she was terrified?

Then, I just walked past some girl who seemed to give me good

eyecontact and greeted her. She shyly greeted me in return and smiled.

I got my Liquid Trust today also I put

on 3 sprays, and some Armani Black Code (smells good), and went back out.

People seemed more receptive/friendly

after this. Perhaps the LT, or maybe just the NPA wearing off...who knows.

I broke the ice with a cute girl

who works at the coffee shop. I'd seen her somewhere before, and in the past we've flirted with eyecontact on

several occasions. She seemed happy/flattered that I had talked to her.

Perhaps the most exciting and

interesting experience today and yesterday has been my unwavering ability to concentrate. I took a test this

morning and the extra confidence played an immense role in my performance. If anything, whether I get hits or not,

NPA seems like it helps me study and focus better. I can't believe it, because I've never studied so efficiently

before. Especially being sooo tired, I would usually procrastinate...but I've constantly kept my focus and kept

pushing myself.

Lastly, I think the thing that will help me get consistent sexual hits with NPA is sweating.

That's right, I think if I sweat off my mones, then anti-bacterialize and shower, I will surely start fresh with a

clean slate the next day. I noticed I haven't been sweating much lately, and sweating is actually healthy...I've

been slacking and not going to the gym much lately. Time to get back into it.

Anyway, tomorrow I'm going to try

the same mix with 3 sprays of LT added. I'll post back.

Btw, slickracer, what kind of anti-bacterial soap do

you use to shower with?