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  1. #1
    Stranger knightzero's Avatar
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    Question No noticeable effect with SoE


    been using SoE for nearly a week now, and I haven't noticed any of the effects on others that other people have

    reported. On the plus side it does seem to have a relaxing effect on me and I do find the odour very pleasant. I use

    several inches from the roll on, on pulse points as suggested.
    Any ideas on how I can improve the performance of


    Also, has anyone noticed how the perfume of the scented version seems to wear off pretty quickly (typically

    after about an hour)... the musky pheremone scent remains (I assume it's the pheremone), but is pretty subtle...

    will this affect its performance?

    Thanks for any responses!

  2. #2
    Join Date
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    no offense but you must not wait

    the miracle with phero! you have already relax effect with soe and its already can mix it with npa to

    increase your sexy vibe..but no question to see the revolution! sorry but you must work your attitude, confidence,

    BL, communication, fashion, ..thats essential..phero is just a complement..not the base! the base is your

    mind...dont forget it..good luck...

    Last edited by CptKipling; 04-28-2006 at 05:36 AM.
    -France - Paris

  3. #3
    Bodhi Satva CptKipling's Avatar
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    Remy is right, you need to be

    allowing the people to be attracted to you. For example, being boring and acting approval seeking will cut off

    favourable reactions right at the bud.

    Information about pheromones: Pheromone Information Library

  4. #4
    Phero Dude
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    I am an outgoing sort to begin

    with so I can attest to the fact that pheromones and personality are a realy good compliment to eachother.Pheromones

    alone wont do it for you,you have to be willing to go out and make contact and be the kind of person that women want

    to be around.It has been said many times here on the forums that pheromones will NOT cause women to throw thier

    panties at you and beg to be the mother of your children,but it will help open doors.
    "The wages of sin is death.But after taxes it's just sort of a tired feeling realy." -Ellen DeGeneres

  5. #5
    Kodachrome Forever! Gegogi's Avatar
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    One of the nice effects of SOE

    I've noticed is it relaxes me under high stress situations. I don't notice much under normal circumstances as I'm

    already relaxed. Apply a couple feet of SOE before an important presentation, speech or performance and it reduces

    anxiety bigtime.

    And, yes, those around you also benefit, but they won't tell you! Being relaxed makes

    folks a little more open and friendly and that's a good thing. However, you still have to practice normal social

    skills to experience these benefits: initiate conversation, smile, be witty, etc. Surprisingly, they will respond

    in-kind. Sometimes they won't shutup or leave you alone...
    "I'm just a dirty hornytoad" -Gegogi

  6. #6
    Stranger knightzero's Avatar
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    I have no problem with social

    skills like initiating conversation and making people laugh etc, but I have yet to see the 'loss of personal

    space' and head turning effects that people keep mentioning..?

  7. #7
    Kodachrome Forever! Gegogi's Avatar
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    I have no problem with

    social skills like initiating conversation and making people laugh etc, but I have yet to see the 'loss of personal

    space' and head turning effects that people keep mentioning..?
    I've never noticed "loss of personal

    space' and head turning effects" myself. However I enjoy the relaxation and ease of friendly relations it brings.

    It ain't a magic pill. People act normal but open up a bit when you interact with them within your personal space.

    As for "head turning" you'd have to be very near and upwind to catch a whim of 'mones fast enough to react.

    Someone cross the room won't notice anything. Besides, even if your scent could travel instantly 50 feet, how would

    they know you were the one wearing SOE? I find the most sucess with people in small enclosed spaces, e.g., my car or

    private office. Clubs and shopping malls are pretty useless unless you get up close and personal with an

    "I'm just a dirty hornytoad" -Gegogi

  8. #8
    Phero Dude
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    If you really want to see effects,

    slap on a large amouint of it. Twenty inches or so. That'll create some interesting effects.

    SOE isn't

    really a product that causes any head turning. I honestly don't think pheromoens don't ever do much in terms of

    head turning. Thats more a matter of yor physical appearance, and mones can't change that. Mones work best when

    you're in a close vicinity of someone for a while...ten minutes or so. I've seen situations where women went from

    perfectly fine and dandy one minute, to fidgety, and sexually tense within the next ten minutes.

    SOE facilitates

    conversation (sometimes excessively so), and puts everyone in a more uplifted mood. It definately lowers social

    barriers. Ask someone out for a casual lunch and try test it out there.

  9. #9
    Stranger knightzero's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Sigma

    facilitates conversation (sometimes excessively so), and puts everyone in a more uplifted mood. It definately lowers

    social barriers. Ask someone out for a casual lunch and try test it out there.
    interesting... I'll try

    that and post again later... I think I may have had elevated expectations after reading the testimonials (which

    weren't the basis for my decision to buy the product :-) ) but anyway..!

    thanks everyone for the replies!

  10. #10
    Phero Dude
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    Quote Originally Posted by knightzero

    interesting... I'll try that and post again later... I think I may have had elevated expectations after reading

    the testimonials (which weren't the basis for my decision to buy the product :-) ) but anyway..!


    everyone for the replies!
    good luck

  11. #11
    Stranger knightzero's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Gegogi
    As for "head

    turning" you'd have to be very near and upwind to catch a whim of 'mones fast enough to react. Someone cross the

    room won't notice anything. Besides, even if your scent could travel instantly 50 feet, how would they know you

    were the one wearing SOE? I find the most sucess with people in small enclosed spaces, e.g., my car or private

    office. Clubs and shopping malls are pretty useless unless you get up close and personal with an

    and as a post script, I'd like to add that I was never under the impression that it could

    travel 50ft instantly and such, I'm aware of the physics of the situation :-p

  12. #12
    Relaxed seduceme's Avatar
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    SOE works wonders if you can

    pick up chicks without mones. It relaxes them more. In that sense, its a moodenhancer.

    No ladys wont faint in

    your mere presence and guys wont give you their wallets simply from wearing mones.

  13. #13
    Stranger knightzero's Avatar
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    as I just said, that's not

    what I was expecting anyway :-)

  14. #14
    Phero Pharaoh
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    Quote Originally Posted by knightzero
    I have no

    problem with social skills like initiating conversation and making people laugh etc, but I have yet to see the

    'loss of personal space' and head turning effects that people keep mentioning..?
    I cannot speak for

    others, but when I experience "loss of personal space" it's not just due to pheromones. I am usually the

    best-dressed man in the area, and am in an open state of mind. The pheromones you wear can affect your mood, but

    they cannot affect the way you dress.

    Some of the guys here say they dress very casually all the time and they

    still get good hits from women. Nonetheless, most women in my area notice a well-dressed man before they'll look at

    a sloppily-dressed man.

    You have to try different things: go to different places, dress differently, act

    differently, wear pheromones, don't wear pheromones, etc.

    If you are constantly waiting for The Big Hit,

    it will probably never come.

    When I first started using pheromones, I thought I was wasting money. I didn't

    expect them to work. A lot of people criticize them and rebuke the industry. But I wanted to try something


    So I ordered a pheromone product which came in a citrus-scented cologne. I thought it was a little

    pungent, but I wore it to work anyway. As soon as I walked in the door, a woman passing down the hallway literally

    slammed herself up against the opposite wall and yelled out, "Whoa!"

    That convinced me that pheromone products

    (at least the legitimate ones) work. Since then, I have tried several other products with no expectations. Some work

    better than others. Some require stronger applications than others.

    I can pretty much decide at the onset of an

    evening out what effect I will achieve by careful selection of products and colognes and strength of application. I

    know what it takes because I experimented extensively.

    You don't accumulate that knowledge by reading the

    forum. You don't accumulate it by dabbing on pheromones for a couple of weeks and doing all the stuff you normally


    You accumulate it gradually over an extended period of time where you meet new people in a variety of


    It helps if you are a "stable man" in a high turnover situation (such as being a teacher whose

    students change out every quarter or semester). You can be the regular guy at the club, the experienced tutor, the

    always-attending book club audience member who sees each guest author, etc.

    Any situation where you are the

    dominant male because of your long-time presence, where the other guys are fumbling around trying to figure out what

    to do, helps you relax and be comfortable with yourself. When you relax in that way, you can take advantage of the

    pheromone advantage because you'll start to notice which women express interest in you.

    I'm a huge believer in

    learning to read body language. Women communicate their feelings and interest in ways most men just miss completely

    because men don't read that kind of body language. We grow up reading the body language of domination and


    Somewhere along the way, American men (at least) lost the tradition of learning how to read and

    respond to women's subtle indications of interest. Probably most men have lost that skill because we're too

    civilized to behave the way our ancestors used to.

  15. #15
    Moderator belgareth's Avatar
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    I think the majority of what

    Friendly is saying is true but partially disagree about clothing. Appropriate clothing depends in large part on your

    persona and the environment you are working in. And there is a huge difference between being sloppy and being


    Dressing well can be a good thing but it can also hurt you. In my case being the best dressed person in

    the room, over-dressing for the occasion would make me uncomfortable and it would show in my demeanor. Instead, I

    dress how I am comfortable. In turn, there is no adverse effect on my comfort level. Friendly dresses how he is

    comfortable and it shows in his self confidence. Women are very much attuned to how you feel about yourself and pick

    up on that. That isn't too say I don't wear a nice suit when it is appropriate. When the situation warrants it I

    wear very nice suits. That isn't common in my working/playing world but when it's appropriate I do that and can

    look great that way. In all honesty, I've had fewer hits dressed in a suit than I have dressed in khaki slacks and

    a polo shirt.
    To compel a man to subsidize with his taxes the propagation of ideas which he disbelieves and abhors is sinful and tyrannical.

    Thomas Jefferson

  16. #16
    Stranger knightzero's Avatar
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    It occurs to me that most of

    the advice given would work just as well without pheremones (most of it being common sense anyway, to my way of

    However, having said that, I think I *may* be starting to see a subtle effect on some people I'm

    regularly in contact with. I'm still not sure whether that's because of a direct effect of the pheremones or

    whether it's the effect of it making me feel relaxed (either as a real effect or a placebo)... however, I shall

    persevere, and keep you updated (if anyone's interested lol)

  17. #17
    Phero Dude
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    Definately keep us updated.

    Friendly is on point with his comments on nonverbal body language.

    Most of the hits you'll notice on a day to

    day basis are not as blatant as the hit stories that show up here (not to say those don't occur though). The affect

    mones have on women is usually projected in their body language, both consciously and unconsciously.

    Women are

    not as up front as we men, they go after men in much more subtle ways than we. Men note having created attraction

    when he approaches a woman, but women will note having created attraction when she gets the guy to approach her.

    Problem is most men are cluelesss when it comes to picking up a woman's nonverbal cues to take action. Often a

    woman's blatantly obvious welcome to approach is not so obvious to to us thick-headed men. Building an

    understanding of both a woman's nonverbal cues, as well as being conscientious of your own gives you a very big leg


    And that's where clothing comes into play. Clothing really is a nonverbal form of expression. What you wear

    should have some congruencey with how you carry yourself. I learned overtime that looking good in a suit isn't

    strictly a matter of how you look in it, its the way you carry yourself in it. Sometimes men stiffen up and look

    uncomfortable in a matter how nice the suit is, it looks badly. Those who seem to feel at home in a suit

    and carry themselves with more relaxed and open gestures are the one's who can really project the sense of power

    that a suit is meant to create.

    Hah well I know that was kind of topic, but its just a thought.

  18. #18
    Phero Pharaoh
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    I can see how my comments make

    it seem like I equate "casual dress" with "sloppy dress" and that is by no means what I intended. I was just

    thinking ahead/writing behind, as occasionally happens.

    I get plenty of hits in casual slacks and polo shirts,

    and what Bel says about feeling confortable in the way you are dressed is important.

    If you want the hits while

    you are wearing a suit, then spend more time wearing suits until you feel comfortable in them.

    However, if

    you're just wearing jeans, and every other guy is wearing jeans, your visual footprint is not going to help you

    rise above the crowd.

    That is, when five guys are standing around, women who come up to them will pay more

    attention on first glance to the man who makes the best first visual impression.

    That could be the George

    Michael lookalike, standing there in tight jeans, high cowboy boots, and wearing an open cotton shirt; or it could

    be the Pierce Brosnan lookalike wearing the $5,000 Armani suit.

    You have to put yourself into the position you

    want to be in. You can do that with clothes and attitude, attitude only, and sometimes clothes only. But the

    easiest way to get the hits is to have the clothes and the attitude.

    In a relaxed setting, if everyone else is

    wearing jeans and t-shirts, you can dress a step up by putting on a polo shirt. If everyone else is wearing jeans

    and polo shirts, you can dress a step up by wearing khakis and a polo shirt.

    In a social setting, if everyone

    else is wearing tan khakis, you can dress a step up by wearing black, white, or grey khakis (just to give examples).

    In a social setting, if everyone else is wearing a "nice" shirt, you can wear a shirt with a tie. If everyone else

    is wearing a short-sleeve shirt, you can wear a long-sleeve shirt.

    The idea is not to approach every situation

    with the idea of looking like James Bond in Armani. It's to be neater, more fashionable, more noticeable on

    first glance

    You don't have to be more noticeable on first glance. It's just another option to


    When I go out to clubs, I am often one of the better dressed men, but I usually see men in $2,000

    suits. They look really sharp. I still get plenty of attention.

    When I am at work, I'm in a professional

    environment. Plenty of guys wear shirts and ties, and sometimes suits. I sometimes go in with a dressy casual

    flair while the other guys are wearing ties.

    My goal is to make the most noticeable visual impression that I can

    without feeling awkward or out of place.

  19. #19
    Kodachrome Forever! Gegogi's Avatar
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    However, if you're just

    wearing jeans, and every other guy is wearing jeans, your visual footprint is not going to help you rise above the

    Actually I agree with most of what Friendly has said. He has many amazingly thoughful and

    perceptive insights into human relations. However, today jeans are not merely jeans and most women (& gay men) can

    spot a pair of trendy designer denims across the room. So, yes, you can stand out in a crowd wearing a pair of

    vintage low slung Lucky, 7 or True Religion if everybody else is wearing high water Wrangler or Levi. Guys never

    notice the kind of jeans I wear. However, women--especially young women--notice and often compliment my taste. And,

    yes, they even know how much they cost.
    "I'm just a dirty hornytoad" -Gegogi

  20. #20
    Full Member BizmanJoe's Avatar
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    Actually, "head

    turning" results can definitely be had with the help of pheros. It's a combo of how you carry yourself (posture is

    important), how you dress, how you look (if you look like a hairy ape that is 200lbs overweight - no pheromone is

    ever going to help you pick up a chick - unless she is into overweight hairy apes in the first place) and the phero

    mix that works for you (experiment!!!).

    I found that SOE works very well with AE for me (many head turning

    results and double takes in closed environments). Also, Davidoff Cool water has a very similar scent to SOE

    scented, so it complements it well as a cover scent. For a more aggressive sexual overtone, you may want to use

    with NPA (1 - 2 drops) or with 1 - 2 sprays of Andro 4.2

  21. #21
    Full Member BizmanJoe's Avatar
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    By the way, to increase your

    natural pheromone ouput, start taking DHEA @ 25 - 75mg depending on your age (50 - 75mg for 30 years and above, 25 -

    50mg if 21 to 29 years old. NOT recommended for anyone less than 21 due to body's natural DHEA output).

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