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Thread: Iran

  1. #1
    Phero Guru
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    Default Iran

    "Fox News: ‘It’s Too Late…We’re

    Already Probably At War With Iran’
    Fox News’s Neil Cavuto skips past the “should the United States go to war

    with Iran” debate and informs us we already have."

    Interestingly enough, Mar/Apr weather presents the most

    ideal conditions for a military move.
    There is a cure for electile dysfuntion!!!!

  2. #2
    Moderator belgareth's Avatar
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    I went to the Fox News site and

    couldn't find anything by Mr. Cacuto that sounded anything like that. Was it recent? Do you have a link for it?

    Maybe I'm blind! You know how old age can cause seeing problems.
    To compel a man to subsidize with his taxes the propagation of ideas which he disbelieves and abhors is sinful and tyrannical.

    Thomas Jefferson

  3. #3
    Phero Guru
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    There is a cure for electile dysfuntion!!!!

  4. #4
    Moderator belgareth's Avatar
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    Ok, thanks. I was hoping for a

    little more. Maybe they'll have the transcripts on the Fox News site in a day or two. I'd like to know how he

    follows that up.
    To compel a man to subsidize with his taxes the propagation of ideas which he disbelieves and abhors is sinful and tyrannical.

    Thomas Jefferson

  5. #5
    Moderator Mtnjim's Avatar
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    I have been sure S O Forces have

    been bouncing around in Iran since we landed in Iraq. After all this Administration doesn't know how to spell very

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  6. #6
    Phero Enthusiast Netghost56's Avatar
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    No good can come of this...
    "The needs of the many outweigh the needs of the few. Or the one."

  7. #7
    Phero Dude
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    What do you mean "no good can

    come of this?" The military industrial complex is going to make a mint on the sales of armor piercing ammunition,one

    thousand pound general purpose bombs and lazer guidance packages.Not to mention all the logistical support that

    Haliburton will be providing for the venture.And lets not forget the oil companies who will profit from the influx

    of Iranian crude oil.General Motors has been seeing some tough times lately and there will be huge contracts to

    replace or augment the current fleet of Hummvees and Bradley AFV's as well as General Electric making money off the

    sales of new engines and parts for the M1A3 tanks.Lets not forget that alot of the M1 tank fleet is outdated and is

    in serious need of upgrading to M1A3-SEP specs.Oh...did I forget to mention the Striker AFV's? They are due for

    replacement and/or upgrading too.Colt firearms has the contract to replace all of the M16-A2 and A3 rifles within

    the next few years too so this will provide the financing to get that done faster.Hughes Defense systems can hardly

    keep pace with the number of TOW missiles we have used up in Iraq so they are goona need to get moving too.The Air

    Force has been chomping at the bit for more money to upgrade its aircraft from the antiquated F-15 and F-16's to

    the new F-22's at a hundred million plus per copy.And the F-117's are getting old.Thier composite airframes have a

    limited shelf life so they will need to be replaced soon too befor they start falling out of the sky.And after

    all...we have a war with Iran to fight so we need to get the ball rolling and get this money spent fast!
    "The wages of sin is death.But after taxes it's just sort of a tired feeling realy." -Ellen DeGeneres

  8. #8
    Phero Enthusiast Netghost56's Avatar
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    "The needs of the many outweigh the needs of the few. Or the one."

  9. #9
    Carpal Tunnel Whitehall's Avatar
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    When the head of a nation says

    they are going to kill you and your friends and neighbors and is getting the means to do so, PLEEAASSEE pay


    I'm reading Winston Churchill's memoirs of WWII. It is chilling to see the leftists and

    liberals in the West advocate appeasement.

    The first volume, "The Gathering Storm" covers the issue


    Yes, we are at war with Iran and have been since Jimmy Carter. The strategy to win is to forment

    overthrow or replacement of the theocracy.

  10. #10
    Phero Dude
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    Whitehall,I have personaly

    regarded the state of relations between Iran and the United States as war since the late 1970's.Something that we

    Americans are so very well known for,and that so many people freely take advantage of is that we have a very short

    memory.Let me bring everyone up to speed...

    in U.S. history, events following the seizure of the

    American embassy in Tehran by Iranian students on Nov. 4, 1979. The overthrow of the Shah
    of Iran

    by an Islamic revolutionary government earlier in the year had led to a steady deterioration in Iran-U.S. relations.

    In response to the exiled shah's admission (Sept., 1979) to the United States for medical treatment, a crowd of

    about 500 seized the embassy. Of the approximately 90 people inside the embassy, 52 remained in captivity until the

    end of the crisis.

    For those who dont know,siezing an emabssy is an act of


    President Carter applied economic pressure by halting oil imports from

    Iran and freezing Iranian assets in the United States. At the same time, he began several diplomatic initiatives to

    free the hostages, all of which proved fruitless. On Apr. 24, 1980, the United States attempted a rescue mission

    that failed. After three of eight helicopters were damaged in a sandstorm, the operation was aborted; eight persons

    were killed during the evacuation. Secretary of State Cyrus Vance
    , who had opposed the action,

    resigned after the mission's failure.

    We sent combat troops to a foreign country,also an act

    of war.

    In 1980, the death of the shah in Egypt and the invasion of Iran by

    made the Iranians more receptive to resolving the hostage crisis. In the United States,

    failure to resolve the crisis contributed to Ronald Reagan's defeat of Carter in the presidential election. After

    the election, with the assistance of Algerian intermediaries, successful negotiations began. On Jan. 20, 1981, the

    day of President Reagan's inauguration, the United States released almost $8 billion in Iranian assets and the

    hostages were freed after 444 days in Iranian detention; the agreement gave Iran immunity from lawsuits arising from

    the incident.

    Information was taken from YAHOO encyclopedia.


    Russians would have invaded,we gave weapons to Iraq instead and told them to go raise hell,and they did.For eight

    years they raised hell and it all came to nothing.In the Islamic world,things like this are remembered for centuries

    as if they happened yesterday.But in America,we easily forgot once the new season of sitcoms started.If we go to war

    against Iran,I realy wont mind all that much,except for the fact that we will be going to war for corperate gains

    more than the principals behind it.On the plus side,most Iranians realy do kinda like us in a quirky,sorta backwards

    way.Many Iranians have been bucking against the theocracy for years because they remember the good times...the days

    befor the theocracy.Back when they were allowed to think the world wasnt flat and that women were lower on the food

    chain than cattle.Back in the days when you could go to a university in Iran and learn stuff like engineering and

    science instead of beard growing and wife beating and when freedom of thought didnt get you the death scentence.And

    women were allowed to attend universities too,just like the men...and they didnt have to cover themselves head to

    toe or risk being shot like rabid animals.Hell...Iranian women were allowed to sunbathe! With men present!!

    "The wages of sin is death.But after taxes it's just sort of a tired feeling realy." -Ellen DeGeneres

  11. #11
    Phero Enthusiast Netghost56's Avatar
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    remember the good times...the days befor the theocracy.Back when they were allowed to think the world wasnt flat and

    that women were lower on the food chain than cattle.Back in the days when you could go to a university in Iran and

    learn stuff like engineering and science instead of beard growing and wife beating and when freedom of thought didnt

    get you the death scentence.And women were allowed to attend universities too,just like the men...and they didnt

    have to cover themselves head to toe or risk being shot like rabid animals.Hell...Iranian women were allowed to

    sunbathe! With men present!!
    When was this??
    "The needs of the many outweigh the needs of the few. Or the one."

  12. #12
    Phero Dude
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    Oddly enough,durring the reign of

    the Shah of Iran.He was a secularist king who wore armani suits and built universities.He was also horribly

    corrupt,but that can be said of the leaders of any country.His corruption is what generated the anger that got him

    overthrown.The catch was that when Komeini took over,he clamped down like a vice with a rendition of islamic law

    that made the Taliban look downright permissive.In otherwords,this was all taking place in the 1940's through the

    1970's...The Shah was not a big fan of Islam and that was ultimately his undoing.
    "The wages of sin is death.But after taxes it's just sort of a tired feeling realy." -Ellen DeGeneres

  13. #13
    Phero Guru
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    actually some of you may be

    surprised at my position on this subject given my other views. I am all for taking out any and all nuclear weapons

    programs within Iran and for regime change. Hopefully, we can get this done without too too much collateral damage.

    Most Iranians are fine people. If those Mullahs want to live in the past, we can sure help them.
    There is a cure for electile dysfuntion!!!!

  14. #14
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    Quote Originally Posted by koolking1, 2/13/2005

    we were to use tactical nuclear strikes to take out Iran's nuclear sites we would be facing their entire Army, real

    quick-like, heading into Iraq. It would be a bloodbath for both sides. They would lose but, oh my, what a cost.
    Quote Originally Posted by koolking1, 3/24/2006
    actually some of you may be surprised at my position on this subject

    given my other views. I am all for taking out any and all nuclear weapons programs within Iran and for regime

    change. Hopefully, we can get this done without too too much collateral damage. Most Iranians are fine people. If

    those Mullahs want to live in the past, we can sure help them.
    Flip-flopper? Just kidding. From

    our discussions about the draft last year, I never really got a good sense about how you think Iran should be

    handled. Seemed to me at the time you opposed offensive military action against Iran.

    Guess I was

    right again about the "tactical strikes" on Iran as opposed to a full-scale invasion requiring possibly a service


  15. #15
    Phero Pro
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    Old topic, but since the UN

    resolution was passed yesterday for a cut off date for Iran to halt its nucleur program otherwise sanctions would be

    imposed, thought I would bring it up again. Irans response again was, we dont care, nucleur power is our right, dont

    f*** with us.

    For those that think the West or west ideology like the USA has been at war with Iran only

    since Carter years in the 70s, should read up on history, the West ideology has been at war with these despotic

    powers of the east since the Persian empire, and it was constantly Greece that had to deal with them and defend

    western culture, in many major battles and wars on Greek soil, until Alexander the Great, once and for all had to go

    there and finish them off, at least for a couple of thousand years.

    Now they are back, different ideology,

    but same intention.

  16. #16
    Moderator Mtnjim's Avatar
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    One thing I find really strange is

    the Wack job radicals calling for the death of all Jews, when one of the great Profits in Islam (Jesus--yes

    that one) was a Jew from the House of David. Guess they're too stupid to get it.
    Freedom begins when you tell Mrs. Grundy to go fly a kite.
    --Lazarus Long

  17. #17
    Full Member BizmanJoe's Avatar
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    Wink Try Luteine

    Quote Originally Posted by belgareth

    went to the Fox News site and couldn't find anything by Mr. Cacuto that sounded anything like that. Was it recent?

    Do you have a link for it? Maybe I'm blind! You know how old age can cause seeing problems.

    Luteine... it really helps. LOL.

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