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  1. #1
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    Unhappy A sad sad person needs help


    probably going to offend someone, but I assume most people here are geeks looking to improve their social standing?

    Well if not, I certainly fall in that category myself. I'm here because I need help. Here's the story:

    I'm a

    somewhat shy person trying to make friends. I've got low self esteem and all that other baggage. Problem is I'm

    having a hard time making friends. I guess one of the main issues is I have a big 'back off' sign on me or

    something. I'm not aware of it, but apparently people think I'm aloof. In reality I'm very very open to being

    friendly, but people don't get to know me long enough to find out.

    Then comes another level of

    problems....people who DO get to know me really like me, and say I'm smart/funny/sweet, but after that I can't

    break through to them. They like me, but don't really befriend me. Nobody calls me to hang out and stuff.


    can't figure it out. Almost everyone is always surprised at how warm and funny I turn out to be, but why don't

    they go further? Is my signature scent 'off' or something?

    Anyway, I'm looking to pheremones for help. I

    realize pheremones are not a magic solution, but I'm just looking for a boost rather than a magic potion. I find

    that any little boost like a good dress or good hair day greatly increases my confidence, so I'm thinking the

    effect of pheremones should act as a similar boost.

    So, making a long story short, what pheremone suggestions do

    you have to get people to warm up to me? I'm getting desperate. It's no fun being a loner, and I' feel like my

    life is on hold.

    Thanks for any suggestions.....

  2. #2
    Moderator belgareth's Avatar
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    Off the top I'd say to try

    something with Nol in it if you are just looking for friendship assistance. SoE might be a good choice. It seems to

    encourage people to talk. Otherwise, spend a little time looking up posts by Naughtiegirl, Silksand and


    Could you tell us a little more about yourself? How old are you? Are you involved in activities?

    A mistake guys make in relationships all the time is to get too clingy, we latch onto a person and expect them

    to reciprocate. It makes us seem weak and needy, which we often are but that is not an attractive trait. Get

    involved in activities and make yourself stay busy.You'll meet a lot more people that way and have a lot more

    opportunities for friendships. You'll also become more interesting too others because of your busy schedule.

    There's a lot that applies to dating that can be applied to life in general so spend some time readuing dating

    advice and considering how it might apply to friendships.
    To compel a man to subsidize with his taxes the propagation of ideas which he disbelieves and abhors is sinful and tyrannical.

    Thomas Jefferson

  3. #3
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    Thanks for your help,


    I'm twenty-something. Yeah I try to involve in activities, though it's hard sometimes since I tend

    to be a little workaholic and always have some side projects of my own. For the most part my day is filled, but just

    no friends in it. If I had friends I'd make time for them, but since I don't I try to keep busy with


    As for the clingy/needy thing, no way! It goes against everything that defines me. I'm more the

    independent type who finds neediness extremely unattractive.

    I'm not exactly a tomboy since I'm not into sports

    and stuff, but I'm guy-ish in my attitudes towards life. I mean, I'm not butch or anything, but I don't believe

    in stuff like fluff and mushiness. My screenname best describes me....a girl next door who happens to be more

    practical than anything else.

    Anyway, I'll check out the posts by those names you mentioned. Hopefully I'll

    find something there I can apply.

  4. #4
    Voodoo child Bkflip's Avatar
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    Working up to diffrent situations

    is best,try to be alitle more bold each time. Even whith the pheromones.
    -Rub her feet?

  5. #5
    King of the coupons!
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    Quote Originally Posted by girlnextdoor
    Thanks for

    your help, Belgareth.

    I'm twenty-something. Yeah I try to involve in activities, though it's hard sometimes

    since I tend to be a little workaholic and always have some side projects of my own. For the most part my day is

    filled, but just no friends in it. If I had friends I'd make time for them, but since I don't I try to keep busy

    with activities.

    As for the clingy/needy thing, no way! It goes against everything that defines me. I'm more

    the independent type who finds neediness extremely unattractive.

    I'm not exactly a tomboy since I'm not into

    sports and stuff, but I'm guy-ish in my attitudes towards life. I mean, I'm not butch or anything, but I don't

    believe in stuff like fluff and mushiness. My screenname best describes me....a girl next door who happens to be

    more practical than anything else.

    Anyway, I'll check out the posts by those names you mentioned. Hopefully

    I'll find something there I can apply.
    I could be wrong, but to me, you sound hard, and hard is ONLY

    accepted in certain areas of life. If you're around people that aren't into what you're into, it just doesn't

    work because like you, everyone has there idea on what they're friends are into, if that makes sense. I once judged

    people according to my standards ... wroooooong! That kept my friend list short, but know lots of people that loves

    my company. I haven't been a place that I haven't made a mark in which people are not glad to see me coming. I cut

    out the judging people according to ME, and life has gotten better. Yudda Yudda Yudda

    As fer da 'mones ... SOE

    would be my bet. I've never heard any women talking about using WAGG, but that could be an experiment in itself!

    As always, in my way of thinking ... In a LOT of cases, the problems is the reflection we see in the mirror.

    reserve all rights to be wrong!

    Good luck!
    Never argue with ignorant people! They pull you down to THEIR level, and then they BEAT YOU with experience. Who said that!? I don't know, but tis gold I tell'ya!!

  6. #6
    Moderator belgareth's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by girlnextdoor
    Thanks for

    your help, Belgareth.

    I'm twenty-something. Yeah I try to involve in activities, though it's hard sometimes

    since I tend to be a little workaholic and always have some side projects of my own. For the most part my day is

    filled, but just no friends in it. If I had friends I'd make time for them, but since I don't I try to keep busy

    with activities.

    As for the clingy/needy thing, no way! It goes against everything that defines me. I'm more

    the independent type who finds neediness extremely unattractive.

    I'm not exactly a tomboy since I'm not into

    sports and stuff, but I'm guy-ish in my attitudes towards life. I mean, I'm not butch or anything, but I don't

    believe in stuff like fluff and mushiness. My screenname best describes me....a girl next door who happens to be

    more practical than anything else.

    Anyway, I'll check out the posts by those names you mentioned. Hopefully

    I'll find something there I can apply.
    You sound like me in many ways. I'm a computer geek who spent

    most of his life in a technical department with a bunch of other geeks. Even when they moved me into management I

    didn't fit in well because of my mindset. Many of my other activities were solitary. I am a firm, uncompromising

    person when it comes to my personal standards.

    Starting my business was the best social move I made. I'm still

    a workaholic and am working today. However, my work and social obligations have required me to meet more people, to

    get out more and be involved in civic activities more. Guess what, I found I enjoy it and have a talent for it. The

    mones have helped a lot but finding activities where I interact with people has been a boon to me.

    You sound

    like the type of woman that has always attracted me. My wife is a driven person with a lot of independence of her

    own. I love it! It can intimidate a lot of people though. Keep that in mind.
    To compel a man to subsidize with his taxes the propagation of ideas which he disbelieves and abhors is sinful and tyrannical.

    Thomas Jefferson

  7. #7
    Kodachrome Forever! Gegogi's Avatar
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    I don't think it's your

    pheromone signature. It's probably you. Pheromones help but 95% of who you are and how people perceive you is up to


    I spent most of my life by myself in a practiceroom grinding my axe. Classical musicians channel most of

    our passion into music and forget to incorporate it into our lives. So, we tend to be dull socially to say the

    least. Many of us neglected socialization skills most kids learn in secondary school. I still suffer from lone wolf

    syndrone but, with years of practice, learned to turn it on and off. It's all about acting and projecting the

    persona you want others to see, feel and hear.

    I forced myself to get out and do social things: tennis,

    dance, acting, hiking, church choir, etc. Each time I fell hopelessly on my face or felt leftout at some point. I

    noted my mistakes, made adjustments and drove back in. Acting classes probably helped me the most as learning to

    create a character had great benefits in my life. How you walk and carry yourself, use of your voice, facial

    expressions, body language, etc., all shout who you are. Even if I felt like a loser, I could make myself appear to

    be a friendly, confident and happy man. Those around me believed it, and eventually I did too. And people are

    attracted to those qualities (and won't leave you along sometimes!).
    "I'm just a dirty hornytoad" -Gegogi

  8. #8
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    First off, I don't think most

    of the people here are geeks. Actually I thought it was the opposite the first month I've been here. When you go to

    a lot of sites that talks about seduction, picking up women or how to be a player, most of them will tell you to buy

    pheromones. For some reason, a lot of the people in here have read a lot of those articles and have real experience

    on picking up women in a bar or any place.

    You are a girl, right? I don't know much about how girls hang out and

    what they do but one of the best ways to get friends is to join a club in a college. Music club, swimming club,

    volleyball, etc. I've never been to this kind of trouble though. I can't emphatize. I'm asian. When I went to

    school, there was 30 other people in that school that came from my country. We hang out, talk, cheat of each other

    and some developed romantic relationships.

    I don't really know what to recommend to a girl for social

    interactions. I don't really have experience for it. I use pheros to hook a girl. You should probably try the

    women's forum for advice even though it's been dead lately, there are still lots of active women that


    A suggestion I could make is date a guy with lots of friends. This is a great way to make friends or

    hang out. My cousin met a guy with lots of friends and they always go skiing, swimming, and vegas a lot of times. Of

    course they had money to spend and all. This is probably a bad way to meet friends. Most women I know, a soulmate is

    all they need to be fully satisfied. Once they find a soulmate, they forget about their friends.

    Edit: I think

    you bring yourself down all the time. "Sad sad person", you shouldn't say that to yourself or else it will become a

    self fulfilling prophesy. Always think about positive things or look at positive things.

  9. #9
    Phero Dude
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    Quote Originally Posted by gamecity
    You are a girl,

    right? I don't know much about how girls hang out and what they do but one of the best ways to get friends is to

    join a club in a college. Music club, swimming club, volleyball, etc.
    I agree. I joined a business frat

    my sophomore year and have developed quite a bit both socially and professionally through my interaction with

    various schoolmates and professionals. I was kind of a shy kid back in high school, and though I had a good group

    of friends back in the day, I never did too well around people I wasn't comfortable around. Although joining this

    frat isn't the only way that I better developed socially, I did develop my networking skills through being in this

    frat, and made quite a few friends along the way. I attended various social and professional events, which allowed

    me to interact with all sorts of people that I might not have on my own. I more or less forced myself into

    situations that I felt awkward in, until after awhile, it all felt quite natural to me. Eventually I worked my way

    up to president of the organization, constantly working with different people and speaking publically quite often,

    and here I am now.

    Shyness is more or less a defense mechanism for those who fear the awkwardness of being put

    into social situations they aren't comfortable in. Though people by nature are social creatures and are usually

    most content in the company of others, if the fear of socializing is too prevailing, one might find complacency in

    keeping to themselves. Avoiding interaction with others is the best way to avoid social awkwardness after all.

    Though pheromones generally give people a leg up socially, they will not alleviate the fear of social interaction.

    They will however make people look more favorably upon you, which can help a person who is inherently shy in a

    number of ways. 1. The fact that you're wearing them is a definate confidence booster, 2. they affect the way

    you, as the wearer, feel 3. they make people much more receptive to you.

  10. #10
    Phero Pharaoh a.k.a.'s Avatar
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    I think most “geeks” are competent,

    intelligent people that don’t get out much.
    I was a complete looser before pheromones.(It wasn’t always this

    way. Just how I turned out after ten years of marriage and 15 years of a dead end job.)
    It took more than

    pheromones to turn my life around, but pheromones made it a whole lot easier.

    I wish I knew what

    products to recommend, but I’m a guy and have little experience with women’s products. (All I know is that Pheromol

    Factor seemed to work for my last girlfriend.)
    I can only encourage you to experiment. I’ve found very few

    products that DON’T make me more popular.
    Give truth a chance.

  11. #11
    Phero Guru Rbt's Avatar
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    One other possibility, as I look

    back 30+ years from where I am now, is that many of the people around you may essentiall be in the same boat as you

    are. They may be as equally "sad." Much is gained from experience over time. They may still be getting the hang of

    socializing and getting used to opening up to others. Much of what I learned in college wasn't "booklearning." but

    getting to know myself and learning social skills.

    I recently made a statement about wishing that I knew "then"

    what I know now. Getting over my reluctance and fear of socializing was a major part of that wish. Yes, it was a bit

    of "geekishness." Now I know better. Like some of the others who replied above, it can take time and some effort. A

    change in job, a change in attitude, a "just get out there and join in" effort. Mistakes will be made. Progress may

    appear slow. Just try to advance one step at a time and you will eventually find yourself well along on your

    The opposite of love isn't hate.
    It's apathy

  12. #12
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    Thanks everyone for the

    replies! I feel much better now as most of you seem to understand the lonely outcast syndrome . In a weird way

    I don't feel so alone now.

    I guess I'll have to work on improving my socializing skills. The first step is

    always hard but I'll have to somehow try it. On the bright side I did place my order for pheremones, and I can't

    wait to get it! I'm hoping it will increase condfidence a tad and make people a little easier around me.

    I did

    have a question though...I ordered SOE as i heard this is a great socializing phero. But does it work on guys as

    well? Most of the hits I've been reading about seem to make girls more chatty and friendly, but does it make guys

    open up as well? I come in contact with mostly males in my sphere, so I want to give them buddy/pal vibe so they

    feel comfortable to chat or joke with me. Guys are always weird around me because I'm neither a hot chick nor 'one

    of the guys', so they don't really know how to treat me. They're just uptight
    I considered some of the

    male products, but will it cause chicks to act crazy around me?

    Also, I'm sending out resumes and want to

    attract the employers to mine in particular, regardless of their sex. What's the best for this, SOE?


    again for all your help, I feel rejuvenated and excited about things now!

  13. #13
    Phero Dude
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    Quote Originally Posted by girlnextdoor

    everyone for the replies! I feel much better now as most of you seem to understand the lonely outcast syndrome

    . In a weird way I don't feel so alone now.

    I guess I'll have to work on improving my socializing skills.

    The first step is always hard but I'll have to somehow try it. On the bright side I did place my order for

    pheremones, and I can't wait to get it! I'm hoping it will increase condfidence a tad and make people a little

    easier around me.

    I did have a question though...I ordered SOE as i heard this is a great socializing phero. But

    does it work on guys as well? Most of the hits I've been reading about seem to make girls more chatty and friendly,

    but does it make guys open up as well? I come in contact with mostly males in my sphere, so I want to give them

    buddy/pal vibe so they feel comfortable to chat or joke with me. Guys are always weird around me because I'm

    neither a hot chick nor 'one of the guys', so they don't really know how to treat me. They're just uptight

    I considered some of the male products, but will it cause chicks to act crazy around me?

    Also, I'm

    sending out resumes and want to attract the employers to mine in particular, regardless of their sex. What's the

    best for this, SOE?

    Thanks again for all your help, I feel rejuvenated and excited about things now!

    I'm definately looking forward to seeing your transformation after coming here...should be fun.

    SOE is

    probably the best route to go overall, but as far as women's products go, I can't help you too much. Definately

    check out the women's forum for all the lady stuff. Just don't forget about us here

  14. #14
    Phero Dude
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    I think it might be important to

    note that in alot of ways we all end up feeling alittle like the lonely outcast at some point in our lives.Tha

    doesnt just apply to people here,but many of the people I know have had stretches that lasted years where their only

    real scocial activity involved family.Many of my personal relationships(non-romantic) are of the "hit and run"

    variety.I meet someone,scocialize with them for a time but bug out befor either they become tedious or I become

    tedious to them.With so many things going on in peoples lives these days its difficult to carve out time for

    work,family,responsabilities AND friends.So in many cases friends tend to suffer alittle bit.

    People in

    different parts of the country/world also tend to have a different attitudes towards meeting people and making

    friends also.For example,I live in the Seattle area where people tend to keep to them selves and dont reach out to

    strangers very easily.They tend to be closed and only realy communicate with people they know from work or school or

    someone they were introduced to by a friend from work or school.When I travel to other parts of the state or to

    different states,people tend to open up to me much more easily than they do at home.People in other areas seem

    considerably more friendly and open.This is especialy true of a little town in Canada that I used to visit on a

    regular basis.On several occasions I was able to meet women in passing at a retail establishment or resturaunt/pub

    and ask them out and get a yes befor they even knew my name.Im no Brad whats-his-name or Bill Clinton...Im a

    short,average looking bald guy who is friendly.The standards that they set on going out with someone are very

    different than they are here.They understand that it doesnt mean that they have to be the mother of my children and

    swear a blood oath to give thier souls to me at the end of the date.Its just a date....thats

    more...unless it turns into more by mutual consent.

    Understand also that in many cases men are very easily

    intimidated by women.We can talk a good game about what studs we are and how women cant resist us,but when push

    comes to shove,guys can be very shy and easily scared.The vibe that men may get from you is that you are "out of

    thier league" or somehow "untouchable." I have seen interviews with women in Hollywood that complain that they cant

    get dates.Men seem to think that these women wouldnt stoop to dating them and as a result they dont get hit on...and

    in every case,it drives them nuts.Heather Locklear had a hell of a time getting dates because she played a bitch on

    TV and guys would assume that she was on in real life too...even though she was a babe she had a hell of a time.

    Without knowing you it would be impossible for me to judge weather or not you project an intimidating presence,but

    considering that most women dramaticly underrate themselves,its a safe bet that guys may consider you to be "out of

    thier league," or that you outclass them intelectualy...guys always get kinda skitish about that.And women find it

    threatening and will tend to avoid it too.

    Okay...thats my two and half cents worth...the doctors want me to

    take my meds and be a good boy now so I will leave it at that
    "The wages of sin is death.But after taxes it's just sort of a tired feeling realy." -Ellen DeGeneres

  15. #15
    Kodachrome Forever! Gegogi's Avatar
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    I'm originally from the Seattle

    area and the natives are much more friendly in Hawaii. It's really like a different country from the PacNW.
    "I'm just a dirty hornytoad" -Gegogi

  16. #16
    Phero Dude
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    The PacNW IS a different country

    than the rest of civilization.People here are so closed and unscocial that a guy like me has to travel in order to

    flourish.My point to girlnextdoor is that it happens in many regions of not only the States...but all over the

    world.Some places are just friendlier than others.If the case where she lives is that people are just very

    closed,she is gonna have a tough time meeting anyone no matter what.On the plus side however,a nice dose of the

    right pheromone product should help open people up alittle and make things go alittle smoother.
    "The wages of sin is death.But after taxes it's just sort of a tired feeling realy." -Ellen DeGeneres

  17. #17
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    try products with copulins for

    socializing with women. I suggest pcc.

  18. #18
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    Quote Originally Posted by tim929

    knowing you it would be impossible for me to judge weather or not you project an intimidating presence,but

    considering that most women dramaticly underrate themselves,its a safe bet that guys may consider you to be "out of

    thier league," or that you outclass them intelectualy...guys always get kinda skitish about that.And women find it

    threatening and will tend to avoid it too.

    Okay...thats my two and half cents worth...the doctors want me to

    take my meds and be a good boy now so I will leave it at that

    Thanks Tim. No, I live in a pretty

    friendly town, so it's definitely an issue with me. I suppose I fit the typical profile of a loner.

    As for me

    scaring away guys, hahaha, that's a joke. I'm pretty mousy, and probably look like a 6 on my best day.


    it's definitely a personality issue, and I'm glad you brought it up. I definitely need to work on it. It would be

    a good idea to get a personality development book.

  19. #19
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    Quote Originally Posted by Sigma

    definately looking forward to seeing your transformation after coming here...should be fun.

    SOE is probably the

    best route to go overall, but as far as women's products go, I can't help you too much. Definately check out the

    women's forum for all the lady stuff. Just don't forget about us here
    I'm definitely looking

    forward to transforming as well! Did any of you folks go through a major tranformation and become super-studs? It

    would be nice to see the changes of a loser turned into god.

  20. #20
    Kodachrome Forever! Gegogi's Avatar
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    I wish! I actually was doing

    pretty good BP (before pheromones). However, they have helped enhance the social, professional and sexual aspects of

    my life, so I'm happy. The improved responses inspired me to enhance other aspects of my life, e.g., workout

    regularly, new wardrobe, new car, take more risks, get out and have fun, etc. It's like a feedback loop: the more

    confidence you get, the more successful you become, the more successful you get, the more confidence you you become,


    However, I'm afraid 'mones are kind of like a new guitar. A guitar may have beautiful workmanship and

    killer sound but you still have to do a lot of practice and study to squeeze worthwhile music out of it. So dabbing

    a little EW behind your ears won't make cute guys drop from the ceiling on you. You gotta work your stuff to the

    full potential. The 'mones can only enhance the energy and actions you project.
    "I'm just a dirty hornytoad" -Gegogi

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