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  1. #1
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    Default need advice...HElp!)


    hey all,
    Im just wondering that this is a hit or not but im confused when trying on different brand of -mones. So

    heres my story. When I was wearing 6 dabs of TE at school, I keep getting looks from girls and today i had an

    assembly and i sat to this girl like 1 seat away. I keep seeing her messing with her hair every sec. (what that

    means to me?) And this time a minute later, i see 2 of these girls walk up to sit behind me while other seats were

    open.Well I have tried 2 dabs as a start but nothing happen to me once so I start working up. But I had a tremendous

    hit on Pherlure (1 spray) w/ TE (1 spray) though (I had posted in the Pherlure topic if you hadnt read).
    Now I'm

    am trying TE alone with my own cologne. So I put 6 dabs of TE on me and 2 sprays of my cologne and I got the looks

    as I were telling you above. Man I thought 6 dabs was a OD but not for me for some reason. So I stop at 6 dabs. i

    duno if its a hit or not.
    Last edited by b737pilot88; 01-31-2006 at 03:35 PM.
    "Good looks get you to the door, but it doesn't keep you in!"

  2. #2
    Enlightened One
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    u will find 99% of reactions dont

    go anywhere they are just hormonally turned on - hence they are nervous and hence the body langauge up to u to say

    hello and work with the mones to move forward.

    In other words instead of waiting for them to talk to u say

    hello to em. That works wonders esp when they are in this state of arousal.

    Might i suggest doing a forum

    search under different topics this has already been covered many tiems anywya

  3. #3
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    Today I tested out

    6 dabs TE and half pack gel of SOE and some girl were looking at me. I can't really tell if shes intereseted or not

    But I could see her corner of her eyes looking at me while I standing besides her. But i duno what happened though

    so i moveed on.
    "Good looks get you to the door, but it doesn't keep you in!"

  4. #4
    Phero Pharaoh
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    Quote Originally Posted by b737pilot88

    hey all,
    Im just wondering that this is a hit or not but im confused when trying on different brand of -mones. So

    heres my story. When I was wearing 6 dabs of TE at school,...
    Just so you know, 6 dabs of The Edge is

    probably OD territory for most guys, especially younger guys.

    ODs are not always bad. A good strong edge on

    your pheromone signature can part crowds for you in a good way.

    ... I keep getting looks from girls and

    All such glances (as they appear to be out of the ordinary for you) are minor hits.

    ... i had an assembly and i sat to this girl like 1 seat away. I keep seeing her messing with her hair

    every sec. (what that means to me?)...
    Hair flipping is an instinctive flirting gesture, provided you

    can see the inside of the girl's wrist (her palm must face out toward you or away from her). Girls will

    intentionally flip hair, but they often do it without realizing it. It's a subconcious way of saying, "I

    want that guy to notice me".

    Men, being natural hunters, are easily distracted by movement. Girls, being natual

    man magnets, instinctively move something when they want a man's attention.

    ... And this time a minute

    later, i see 2 of these girls walk up to sit behind me while other seats were open....
    This is often a

    minor hit, too. There could be other reasons for why they sat so close. There could have been trash, an odor they

    didn't like, or someone they did not want to sit close to, or they liked the vantage point, etc.

    The way to

    judge a seating hit is to look around and see if you are surrounded by girls amid a lot of empty seats. If a group

    of them sit close to you with you in the center, it's a hit.

    You definitely OD'd. You just don't know enough

    about reading body language to understand what was happening around you.

    Most guys do not naturally read girls'

    body language and situational language very well. We're good at figuring out if the guy across the room wants to

    take our head off or is about to run away in terror, but we're terrible at realizing when the girls think we're

    the hottest thing since Hercules got together with 50 women.

  5. #5
    Join Date
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    Oh thanks for the tip and

    answer! So is it a minor hit too if I stand beside her and seeing her at the corner of her eyes looking at me but

    she does not say anything?
    "Good looks get you to the door, but it doesn't keep you in!"

  6. #6
    Phero Pharaoh
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    Quote Originally Posted by b737pilot88
    Oh thanks

    for the tip and answer! So is it a minor hit too if I stand beside her and seeing her at the corner of her eyes

    looking at me but she does not say anything?

    Keep in mind that some hits can be negative, too.

    It doesn't sound like you're describing any negative hits. Just want to be clear that we've all reported

    negative hits.

    You know it when it happens.

  7. #7
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    b737...the info these guys

    have given you are accurrate and should prove very helpful.the main thing is when you do see the signs of the mones

    working on a female in a positive light i might add,then you must as watcher stated act on it.thus i will leave you

    with my own little personal quote,which is very fitting for this topic of yours,b737 if see the hits just remember

    this "A Closed Mouth Don't Get Fed" i think you get the picture here b737,good luck in the field

  8. #8
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    ahh your right Finally, I

    should work on my game talk b/c i'm a quiet guy at times and sometime open up.
    "Good looks get you to the door, but it doesn't keep you in!"

  9. #9
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    b737...yea i feel you

    man,because i at one time in my life use to be like that,most of us have at one point or another so don't feel bad

    or go hard on yourself about,i'm gonna give you a few pointers,first of all always make sure you are in hunting

    mode,meaning making sure you are properly groomed,work with what you have look the best that b737 can look,don't

    attemp to be someone else for that is too much work trying to be somebody who you are not,when you have scoped in on

    cutie pie or potential target,for a higher percentist of sucess always scan the area around your desired target for

    two things one is to make sure she is somewhat isolated from any male or female companions,friends the likes,that

    way you can work your game one on one without any distraction or interference,now i must add that if this female u

    want can't or is not seperated from others then you still have a shot but u will be more at ease with her alone,the

    second reason for scanning the surrounding is because you want to see what she is doing at the monment,hence thats

    your ice breaker opportunity,think of something to comment to her on what she is doing,make it something

    humor,something funny to her,make a reccomendation to her about whatever she may be doing,and always always always

    smile when you make initial eye contact with her and with your opening statment to her,trust me it will make her

    smile as well,let me give you some examples,if u all are in a grocery store and u see her down the pizza ailse and

    by the way its one of the best section to meet single women,for they love pizza like crazy plus many hate to cook

    too,as she is looking at a pizza selection,just kind of walk up to her casually and get beside her close but not to

    the point of touching,then say "i would pick such and such one (name or topping) if i were you, you will love such

    and such (name or topping).and maybe u could throw this in afterward b7,"and just to think i was coming over for

    dinner tonight,but i see u are not in a cooking mood.i'm feeling the same way myself hi my name is such and

    such".then b737 she will give her name oh yea i forgot to tell u always notice something on her or about her that u

    should comment on during this encounter,like her nails,hair clothes,those things are good icebreakers as well

    weather it be the initial contact or while in the conversation with her,compliment her on one of those things but

    make it sound sincere like for instance if she has her nails done tell her they look nice and that they go well with

    her outfit color,complextion etc.u get the point,ask do u do them yourself,trust me b737 women are all about details

    and like to know if men notice their efforts off into something,it will pay off for u if she see u notice things

    like that.but never never ever start off by telling her she is beatiful are look so hot and good,by telling her

    those things u have become no challenge to her,she will feel she already got u wrapped around her finger,and will

    have no interest in being with u,because u are no challenge for her and thus can't keep her interest level up,for u

    have already showed your cards to her before the game is even played.u see b7 when women see u r showing them less

    interest then they will show u more interest,most of the time they r always seeking approval for their looks, so

    what u want to do is always give them a little compliment at a time,let them keep guessing if they have met your

    attraction approval,when u do this u will put them in the chase mode of chasing u.which is what u want,when u have

    her in this relationship during u all's dating period.u see women always know that they r flawed in some physical

    area that they constantly work on to try and improve,and its your job to always approach them with this attitude

    that hey u r flawed in my book,u r not all that at all,b7 if u use that attitude then man u will never feel

    intimidated by a beatiful woman, she maybe the hotties thing u have ever seen but don't let her know that,for those

    things she have heard a thousand times before and plus it usually just goes to the head,making her too

    conceited,like i said always let her guess or wonder if she looks good to u.also when first meeting a potention mate

    never shake their hand nor should u extend yours,u see u never want to give the impression of u could be a potential

    friend,u r not looking for a new friend here b7 u r looking for a potential mate.therefore your conversation with

    her should not be about religion,sports, about intimate

    things,relationships,movies,clothings,jewlery,care ers,types of foods,the lastest diet going on.the two things that a

    women will talk to u about all day long and all night is relationships weather past or present,and diets.keep your

    initial conversation with her short and sweet,keep her smileing and laughting,always end on a high note which she

    will remember u by,in other words let your last comment before getting her number be a funny one that gets to her or

    at the very least make her as for getting the number,simply conclude by saying hey (such and such) i would

    love to chat with you at another time do u have a number i can reach u at? if she is available b7 she will give u

    her number.if she is not she will probaly let u no that as well,nevertheless you have won anyway b7 because u r

    horning your skills,in different situations with different women,b7 never forget my brother this is all a number's

    game don't ever get upset or depress if things did not work out with a target,go on to the next one happily,i

    gurantee u that u will see another down the road that looks even better then the one u really wanted,the world my

    friend has much more women in it then men,thus the harvest field is plenty.out of every ten women u meet u may be

    sucessful with just one,thats just how the ball rolls in this always keep your head up and walk and talk

    with confidence when u meet your next target,by the way women loves a man of confidence,and being dominant in the

    things he do,while not being offensive at the same time.good luck b7 u don't have to say things exactly to her as i

    have stated here,be creative on your own but i just wanted to give u a good starting point,for what may work for one

    person may not for another.nevertheless this info should prove very helpful to u.the things i have told u certainly

    have worked for finallythere.god bless my brother.

  10. #10
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    HOLy S**T Finally

    thats a really good advice from you and it helped me alot. Thnx fer taking yur time to type this up


    while reading some examples that u gave me led me to think about girls emotions in them and how they react. I

    didn't really know that gurls like their so called "details" about themself. So ya, i thought it was just simple to

    get to know a girl but compliments about her details is just WOW..

    First of all i thought when wearing the

    -mones, girls would hit on me so thats what i thought b/c i had areally really hot girl came up to me one time at

    school while wearing TE + Plure chatting and getting touchy. I see that as it is working and an obivious hit. But

    trying other products seems to leave me confuse and guessing whos giving me the DIHL reactions. tHE weak part of

    myself is i can't tell whos giving me the stare or who is interested in me so your post helped alot.

    Thats all

    I can say bro ( ) and THNX for this REALLY REALLY hugh advice!!
    "Good looks get you to the door, but it doesn't keep you in!"

  11. #11
    & Double Naught Spy InternationalPlayboy's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by b737pilot88
    HOLy S**T Finally thats a really good advice from you and it helped me alot. Thnx fer

    taking yur time to type this up
    I wish that you had taken a little more time to put it in

    sentence and paragraph form so those of us with bad eyes could read it.

  12. #12
    Moderator belgareth's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by InternationalPlayboy

    wish that you had taken a little more time to put it in sentence and paragraph form so those of us with bad eyes

    could read it.
    Do you even bother to try to read those?
    To compel a man to subsidize with his taxes the propagation of ideas which he disbelieves and abhors is sinful and tyrannical.

    Thomas Jefferson

  13. #13
    & Double Naught Spy InternationalPlayboy's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by belgareth

    you even bother to try to read those?
    No, they're aren't worth the effort or eyestrain. But I might

    take the time if they were a little more decipherable.

  14. #14
    Moderator belgareth's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by InternationalPlayboy

    they're aren't worth the effort or eyestrain. But I might take the time if they were a little more

    Same here.
    To compel a man to subsidize with his taxes the propagation of ideas which he disbelieves and abhors is sinful and tyrannical.

    Thomas Jefferson

  15. #15
    Stranger Australias Hitch's Avatar
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    Bro none of those were

    hits, playing with hair etc....

    A smile and eye contact for me is a hit, if you had a feeling that they are

    interested you gotta balls up and find some conversation angle, even if its superficial crap.
    For me 'hits' are

    little cues I get when conversating with a girl.
    If your crap with the whole 'being whitty' thing try taking a

    cognitive enhancer.
    they're a pill which make you more cerebral and you can conversate (and think of things to

    say) much easier,
    Brainquicken pills are good and 'spike' pills are better.
    take one with a can of red bull, I

    find it helps alot to break the ice

    *(Which is EXACTLY what you need to do)

  16. #16
    Stranger Australias Hitch's Avatar
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    I also find I get

    proximity hits, If a girl all of a sudden conversates with you at a closer range than usual that can be construed

    (IMO) as a hit.

    eg) Im sitting in my tearoom at work and a girl who is interested in me stood over me (rubbed

    her boob on me a little) to 'see what I was reading'.
    " it's not unusual to be dating more than one person, instead of seeing a different girl each night of the week, I see all of them at the same time which takes away the subterfuge, the hypocrisy, and the lying".

    Hugh Hefner ('Madison' feb 06)

  17. #17
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    Quote Originally Posted by Australias Hitch
    Bro none of

    those were hits, playing with hair etc....

    A smile and eye contact for me is a hit, if you had a feeling that

    they are interested you gotta balls up and find some conversation angle, even if its superficial crap.
    For me

    'hits' are little cues I get when conversating with a girl.
    If your crap with the whole 'being whitty' thing

    try taking a cognitive enhancer.
    they're a pill which make you more cerebral and you can

    conversate (and think of things to say) much easier,

    Brainquicken pills are good and 'spike' pills

    are better.

    take one with a can of red bull, I find it helps alot to break the ice

    *(Which is EXACTLY what you need to do)
    are you taking the mickey or is there really such a thing? Can

    ya gimme more info please mate I wouldnt mind trying some myself
    its better to fart & stink a little than to bust your ass & become a cripple

  18. #18
    Stranger Australias Hitch's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Mick
    are you

    taking the mickey or is there really such a thing? Can ya gimme more info please mate I wouldnt mind trying some

    Yea mate, have the 'spike' pills (my mate reckons they're gold but

    i've never tried them as they cost $100 for 50) and have their own type as well.

    I bought the

    brainquicken pills (known as bodyquicken aswell) off a mixed martial arts site ( originally for

    cross-training and then discovered they are utilised by ivy-league academics worldwide for study purposes, I then

    branched them into the dating game and found myself able to be more whitty (I also use Chikara {two sprays} and take

    the pill/s with a can of red bull).

    I found myself more extroverted and girls found me more interesting to talk

    too, think of them as personality optimisers, but if you get some take them in moderation because after a weekend of

    them (I had taken about 8 all up) and drinking I found myself experiencing a little bit of a comedown.
    You should

    also know they aren't approved by the FDA.
    " it's not unusual to be dating more than one person, instead of seeing a different girl each night of the week, I see all of them at the same time which takes away the subterfuge, the hypocrisy, and the lying".

    Hugh Hefner ('Madison' feb 06)

  19. #19
    Phero Dude
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    Have you tried just taking

    ginko? I found that it helped me a lot a few years ago when i was having a bit of trouble in the memory dept due to

    It seemed to speed up my thinking and I found it easier to problem solve. I gather thats what spike

    pills do , just speed up the thought process?
    Red bull drives me nuts anyway, just the same as a glass of coke

    will send me off on a sugar high for hours so i imagine the two combined would have some sort of effect on anyone.

    (red bull/pills)
    early 40's white male or or

  20. #20
    Stranger Australias Hitch's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by gaf

    you tried just taking ginko? I found that it helped me a lot a few years ago when i was having a bit of trouble in

    the memory dept due to medication.
    It seemed to speed up my thinking and I found it easier to problem solve. I

    gather thats what spike pills do , just speed up the thought process?
    Red bull drives me nuts anyway, just the same

    as a glass of coke will send me off on a sugar high for hours so i imagine the two combined would have some sort of

    effect on anyone. (red bull/pills)
    Yeah mate I have tried both Gingko Biloba and Ginseng and I

    found them helpful in that they cleared my head however I didn't feel more 'cerebral'.

    My thinking didn't

    seem to flow like it does with the Brainquicken pills and I had this wierd hot sensation in my face followed my a

    headache when using the herbal stuff.
    Fish oil helps aswell (nasty after taste), the red bull- pill combination

    puts me in this wierd yet positive and energetic mood.
    I found it helped whilst dating but not so much when I try

    to sleep.
    " it's not unusual to be dating more than one person, instead of seeing a different girl each night of the week, I see all of them at the same time which takes away the subterfuge, the hypocrisy, and the lying".

    Hugh Hefner ('Madison' feb 06)

  21. #21
    Phero Pharaoh
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    Frankly, I think a

    spell-checker and course on proper grammar would help you more than all those pills.

    Hair-twirling may not be

    your idea of a hit, but it's a well-documented sign of agitation and is usually associated with sexual interest

    from girls (no signal by itself really meaning much).

    No one needs to read all signs of body language. If

    you're good at picking up on girls' signals, then telling people what you look for is more helpful than telling

    them to ignore the classic signs.

    Everyone has to start somewhere, and when guys talk about things like

    hair-twirling with a lack of interest from the girls, that's a pretty strong sign that they need to learn the

    basics of body language. The advanced stuff isn't going to help them much.

    Everyone has to walk before they

    can run.

  22. #22
    King of the coupons!
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    Your thoughts.

    Pupils always dilated and always smiling.

    Is there a disease where the pupils are always dilated?

    Happy to see you, interested, what?
    Never argue with ignorant people! They pull you down to THEIR level, and then they BEAT YOU with experience. Who said that!? I don't know, but tis gold I tell'ya!!

  23. #23
    & Double Naught Spy InternationalPlayboy's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by MOBLEYC57
    Your thoughts.

    Pupils always dilated and always smiling.

    Is there a

    disease where the pupils are always dilated?

    Happy to see you, interested, what?

    Some good pot?

  24. #24
    Phero Pharaoh
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    Pupils will dilate for any

    number of reasons, including having eye drops put into the eyes, being in the dark (even just standing in a shadowy

    area while there is bright sunlight around you can in some situations cause your pupils to dilate), etc.


    pupils dilate instinctively. We cannot control that.

    So one way to get a girl's eyes to dilate is to make eye

    contact with her and maintain your gaze in a "romantic" expression. Studies have shown that people who gaze into

    each other's eyes for extended periods of time start liking each other more, and with men and women our eyes dilate

    when we see someone we're attracted to.

    I would not go in for a long stare right away. I would start a

    conversation with a girl and, if she were laughing at my jokes, I would gradually close the space between us and

    then get her to look into my eyes, maybe with a teasing facial expression. Anything to get her to look into my eyes.

    I would then intensify my gaze and lock in on her.

    It doesn't always work. But sometimes you can close the

    entire world out just by locking eyes with the girl.

    ON EDIT:
    I used to do this a lot when I helped with

    dance classes. I'd ignore the cute girls who had zoned in on my pheromone signature and wait until we were matched

    up in the rotation. Inevitably, they would look down out of nervousness. I would usually say something like,

    "Something wrong with the floor?"

    If she laughed, I'd take that as a good sign and then coax her into looking

    up into my eyes. I might even command her to do so. Finally, once our gazes were locked, I'd say, "Trust me. I

    won't lead you wrong."

    Quite often, they'd forget we were in a dance class and only reluctantly let go of me

    when it came time to rotate.

    I remember a few classes where the girls were all but fighting to be my partner,

    even for just a few minutes.

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