Quote Originally Posted by phersurf
First you put down

the tactics that the PUAs use (that work only in LA, NY according to you, I'll tell you an experience I had in

Houston if you want), then you tell us what your tactics are and they're the same. Maybe not the same techiques,

but you're communicating the same things.

You "go and sit by her and treat her like one of the boys". Dude,

this is David Deangelo 101!

"but you aren't beeing subservient trying to hit on her or make her like you"

again, David D, Style and others. They all teach not to try to make a woman like you. Almost all their tactics are

aimed at exactly this outcome. "I'm hot, why is this guy so comfortable around my and not trying to hit on me?"

Your'e subcomunicating that you're the chooser and this an atractive trait.

"I'm always surrounded by

attractive women in bars because this is generally what I use", "If she's not interested in you in that way, great

you have a hot female friend now you can use for social validation with other women" You've got David Deangelo,

Mystery, Style, et al down cold! Congradulations!

You did it on your own! You're a natural. These exact things

are what they teach, this is the "game".

And yes, there are ways to get out of the LJBF zone. All they say is

that it's too much trouble, and there are so many great woman out there, why waste the time. I don't agree, it can

be well worth the trouble.

Unfortunately many of us didn't get this stuff naturally (you probably think to

your self, "common guys, this stuff is obvious"). We were brought up to pursue woman, tell them how beautiful they

are, give them gifts, take them to expensive restaurants.
I read his post over a couple of times and got

the impression it was RJ and NS and "The Game" he was putting down the most, not DD.

I take most of that stuff

with a large grain of salt anyway. I have tried to look over them all (just now getting around to checking out

Mystery). I do think that DD's early, basic stuff is pretty much "old hat" to me, but mostly true. But then again

I've had 30+ years to learn it, and to some of the "youngsters" it may be a revelation.

What I've seen of

DD's later "advanced" stuff does get a little over the top to me, but then again, he is a marketer intent on making

some money and selling to a specific receptive audience, and he tends to aim his pitch at that market.

And of

course, in the end, it depends on what the "customer" wants, and what works for them.
Like the man said, if nothing

else DD's stuff pointed out some of what he felt were his weak spots. He acted on them and was satisfied with the

results. That alone sounds good to me.

I often read over all the "help" books in almost any subject I have an

interest in, and consider each point made by the author. Some apply, some don't (some are downright ridiculous).

But in doing the consideration, I may find a grain of truth or at least a new direction to explore.

No one

"system" will probably work, just like there is usually no *one* right answer to any question or soulution to a

situation. As long as the material gets you to thinking, then it's done something positive. Whether you choose a

"right" or a "wrong" path based on that info is part of what and who you are, and part of the learning/personal

development process.

Now look what you've done. I've gone off and become "serious" again... Time

to put on the Puffy Ami Yumi DVD again or something.