So now I have the

pheromones and believe they work. Next I'll have to figure out how to play the game.

Besides practice what

would you recommend for working on "game". Have you found any ingenious source of information about what to say to

an average girl in the first 3 minutes of conversation. After 3 minutes I am fine but getting past that mark without

extreme awkwardness has always been my problem. In that first three minutes you have nearly no common ground without

talking about the weather How I hate the weather conversation.

In my downtime I think of really interesting

questions to ask a girl after I approach them. Works somewhat on weeding out the girls that would bore the crap out

of me. Usually it is something metaphorical like I was wondering what kind of flower you are. If they look at me

like I am from mars I probably wouldnt like to have a long conversation with them. If they say rose then they are

probably boring. Tulips are sweet and generous, orchids are hot stuff. Dasies are people pleasers. Those are the

only assumptions that I have made so far.

Has any one figured out any decent memorable approaches?