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  1. #1

    Lightbulb *Alpha A314* Product Description


    thought you guys might want to see a beter description of Alpha A314 since Love-scent has a very small description

    of it. This comes directly from the Manufacturer's website, which I will not post out of respect. Hopefully people

    want be as scared to try this great stuff thats worth the extra cash in my opinion.



    Become the man every woman wants, and every man wants to be

    With it, you can

    --> Be seen as a

    trusted leader both in social situations and at work (KILLER product for professional salespeople or


    --> Rapidly gain rapport and trust. People will like you, trust you, and will want to believe

    everything you say.

    --> Experience profoundly higher levels of true, non-confrontational respect, ala James


    It is:

    --> A great base/primer/gesso upon which to apply other pheromone products

    --> The first

    "refined man" product on the market. A little bit of James Bond in a bottle. A virtual panacea for younger

    pheromone users under 30, and an effective tool that that reinforces all that is good in men over 30

    --> Easily

    mixable into most alcohol based colognes

    There are only a few pheromone products out there that really work. The

    ones that do, for men, typically portray a very 'unstable' Alpha vibe, similar to Colin Farrel.

    But what about

    the traditional man? The man every woman wants, and every man wants to be?

    That's what we call "the other

    alpha". The alpha man who has style. Alpha men like none other than.. James Bond. Now THAT'S a man.

    James Bond

    may be physically attractive to some, but what really attractive is how he acts and how he *seems* (the vibe he

    gives off).

    Can you get some of that "James Bond" vibe with Alpha A314?

    Our users say you can.

    A314 even

    goes beyond romance, into the more practical, daily aspects of life. In fact, it's one of the few "daily" products

    that actually increase your standing at work, or earn you more sales.

    Some of our most enthusiastic feedback has

    been from people who use this in a sales environment, or from a managerial role

    The trusted, refined alpha vibe

    of A314 projects who everyone wants to hire, but can never be paid enough, because they're so overqualified. The

    Colin Farrel Alpha that many other products project, on the other hand, is the image of someone you're lucky will

    show up... a rabble rouser... someone rarely employed.

    That doesn't mean the unstable alpha is bad, however.

    Everythig can be used in the right circumstances... you just have to know when.

  2. #2
    Phero Pharaoh a.k.a.'s Avatar
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    Interesting. But, since this is

    being marketed as a product with business/leadership applications...

    I have to admit that A314 does pack

    a lot of authority into a little bottle. But I'm a manager and, when it comes to "rapidly gaining rapport and

    trust" or creating "non-confontational respect", Chikara has this stuff beat hands down.

    Not to

    mention James Bond is kind of a dufus compared to Jason Bourne.
    Last edited by a.k.a.; 10-23-2005 at 09:55 PM.
    Give truth a chance.

  3. #3
    Phero Dude
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    Quote Originally Posted by a.k.a.
    Interesting. But,

    since this is being marketed as a product with business/leadership applications...

    I have to admit that A314

    does pack a lot of authority into a little bottle. But I am a manager and, when it comes to "rapidly gaining rapport

    and trust" or creating "non-confontational respect", Chikara has this stuff beat hands down.
    Aside from

    work, I go through quite a few professional dealings related to university functions and organizations throughout

    the week. I'm majoring in accounting, and theres so much hoopla about networking and building a resume' and what

    not, so I'm pretty active in developing myself professionally. I always like to switch up my mixes based on what

    kind of social interactions I expect to have throughout the day, and professional dealings require (IMO) a little

    more attention.

    Anyhoo....Chikara has always worked well for me in business environments, but A314 is a good

    product in its own right too. Chikara and NPA was my favorite professional/work mix for a good while. Right now my

    preferred professional/work environtment mix is SOE(or WAGG) Chikara, and A314. People tend to get more submissive

    when I wear this mix...its kinda creepy sometimes. Generally my bosses have all seemed to open up to me more that I

    started wearing mones around them.

    Oh yeah those KZI test bottles (.3 none.rone) worked like a charm in

    professional settings as well.

  4. #4
    Phero Pharaoh a.k.a.'s Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Sigma
    People tend to get more

    submissive when I wear this mix...its kinda creepy sometimes.
    I've noticed this with A314 as well.

    So maybe it boils down to management styles. Do you want to come off as more of a boss or more of a team

    The way I see it, anything that encourages submisiveness also encourages secret resentment and

    Give truth a chance.

  5. #5


    I sure know AA314 when I

    combined it with AE/m sure made my friend follow me around like a puppy dog and asking me permission to do things

    like is it ok for him to go to the bathroom. He treated me with much more respect than usual with less insults.

    this is very odd for him to be this it's not how he acts around me hardly ever.

  6. #6
    Phero Dude
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    Quote Originally Posted by a.k.a.
    I've noticed this

    with A314 as well. So maybe it boils down to management styles. Do you want to come off as more of a boss or more of

    a team leader?
    The way I see it, anything that encourages submisiveness also encourages secret resentment and

    Yeah. As with any mone results, the effects are only as good as your efforts. Just as

    how well mones work sexually is highly dependent on a guys comfort around women, how well the submissiveness that

    -rone products bring in people plays out is highly dependent on how you use your case it depends on your

    particular management style.

    I don't know nearly as much about management styles as you probably do, but I do

    know that I've had managers that I worked well under because I genuinely respected them, and I had others that I

    did the bare minimum under simply because it was expected of me. So I don't think submissiveness is necessarily a

    bad thing when it comes to management, as long as you're able to maintain the respect of your subordinates. The

    tricky part, I think, is trying to be good to your subordinates, without letting them screw you over.

  7. #7
    Enlightened One
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    a slight variation is chikara and

    a314. Even amounts (tried it once with some gel packs) had some odd social interactions guess u could say but

    havent tried that particular combo in any great indepth testing

  8. #8
    Moderator belgareth's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by a.k.a.
    I've noticed

    this with A314 as well. So maybe it boils down to management styles. Do you want to come off as more of a boss or

    more of a team leader?
    The way I see it, anything that encourages submisiveness also encourages secret resentment

    and dissatisfaction.
    That's a problem I've been trying to deal with for a while. As the owner of the

    business I am the boss but my employees are all field people who are expected to think on their feet and make

    decisions. The last thing I want is them to be calling me every couple hours to ask me what to do. Submissive

    employees would be a disaster in my business.

    At the same time, I have to interact with other small business

    owners on an equals basis. There are times, in certain group settings, when getting their undivided attention and

    cooperation is important but it has to be because they want to cooperate and not as a result of submission. As AKA

    says, submission often results in resentment and in situations where we are working towards some goal having other

    players resent me wouldn't be a good situation. I stay away from -none in those situations too. Chikara or SoE work

    best then.

    A314 is a good product for social situations but it isn't very helpful in that particular business

    environment. I've had some fun with it when I've been on job sites and working closely with a female, especially

    in a small office or cubicle. One on one training situations are fun too. One particular lady has in the past always

    been really hard to keep on track. She's always trying to pull training sessions of track. When wearing A314 and

    working with her she was more cooperative and easier to direct. A teacher might find it really useful in a small

    class setting.
    To compel a man to subsidize with his taxes the propagation of ideas which he disbelieves and abhors is sinful and tyrannical.

    Thomas Jefferson

  9. #9

    Thumbs up

    Which A314 did you use

    Belgareth; the old one or new? They've tweaked the mix around 3 or more times they said. Obviously for the

    manufacturers its been the most successful business pheromone product if used alone for them. I haven't tried

    wearing AA314 all by itself, but when I did wear it with some AE/m I never came off as submissive, because my friend

    kept letting me make all the descisions when we went out and thats a little out of the ordinary for him, because he

    normally likes to put in his 2 cents on what he wants to do. Adding AA314 really put me in the Leadership role,

    where as wearing AE/m by itself it was about a 50/50 decision effort on what we want to do. AA314 made it around

    90/10(him). Thats very useful in management positions, salesman, or biger roles, but I'm not sure how useful it

    would be if you were under someone in the job arena and not needing people to trust you or be lead by you.

  10. #10
    Moderator belgareth's Avatar
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    It was Aa314. If you'll read

    what I said, the problem wasn't me being submissive, it was others. While I am not going to be submissive to

    anybody, I don't want or need anybody to be submissive to me. That's especially true in most business situations

    because I need people top trust and work with me. Making them submit only causes long term problems.
    To compel a man to subsidize with his taxes the propagation of ideas which he disbelieves and abhors is sinful and tyrannical.

    Thomas Jefferson

  11. #11


    well for me it made them trust

    me, respect me more, but in a way they submit to me aswell. it guess its a double edge sword in your case


    I got confused from someone else saying it made them seem submissive, but maybe I got that wrong


  12. #12
    Moderator belgareth's Avatar
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    In the small business world

    trust and respect are things you earn. I imagine that you can influence people over the short term but I have to

    work with these people daily. Mones do help in a first meeting but the minute my actions as either a leader or a

    business relation is shown to be other than the impression the mones give, I'm in trouble. Using mones to make

    somebody submissive then have them resent me a day or a week later kills any chance of an ongoing relationship with

    them. I don't need that.

    Some mones may make some people submissive. I can't imagine that happening to me, nor

    do I want others to act submissive towards me.
    To compel a man to subsidize with his taxes the propagation of ideas which he disbelieves and abhors is sinful and tyrannical.

    Thomas Jefferson

  13. #13


    good point

  14. #14
    Doctor of Scentology DrSmellThis's Avatar
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    I'd think a small dose of

    a314 might lend to a "lead by example effect" rather than a submission effect. Comparing with Chikara is a bit

    unfair, because Chikara is a more complete, all in one product, whereas a314 is, IMO, best as an advanced product

    for combining. You could use it as an all in one too with very good effect, but I don't think that would maximize

    its function.

    I wear modest amounts of -none, but a balanced, modest variety of mones, including (but not just)

    a drop of a314, a dab of edge, and a small spray of Chikara. I find that, although I don't consider myself an

    "alpha male", or even a leader; other leaders and alpha males tend to notice me (e.g., the Mayor stared at me for a

    while), gravitate toward me, listen to me, and treat me with high respect. I have no word for this effect -- a male

    of a different alphabet, I guess.
    DrSmellThis (creator of P H E R O S)

  15. #15


    other leaders and alpha

    males tend to notice me, gravitate toward me, listen to me, and treat me with high respect. I have no word for this

    well it only seemed to happen when i added aa314 to my ae+apc mix, so it has something to do with

    the 9 pheromones in it.

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