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  1. #1
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    Thumbs up News Center Update

    He got fired

    for sexualy harrassing a woman

  2. #2
    Kodachrome Forever! Gegogi's Avatar
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    Cool, I hope his penis shrank a

    couple inches.
    "I'm just a dirty hornytoad" -Gegogi

  3. #3
    Enlightened One
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    are or were u still wearing the

    mones around him and everyone else - well there u go see these things happen to the nicest (hehe) of people im sure

    he will now modify his behaviour or stay unemployed

  4. #4
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    Default im just wearing nol products due to money

    i overheard he was fired for s.h. .........................................s?h? oh sexual


  5. #5
    Moderator belgareth's Avatar
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    Oh darn! I'll bet that ruined

    your whole day. Such a shame.

    The do say that time wounds all heals. Now aren't you glad you didn't get

    into a physical confrontation?
    To compel a man to subsidize with his taxes the propagation of ideas which he disbelieves and abhors is sinful and tyrannical.

    Thomas Jefferson

  6. #6
    Phero Enthusiast Numanoid's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by bolounit
    He got fired for

    sexualy harrassing a woman
    HA! That's funny. He did slip up after all...

  7. #7
    Doctor of Scentology DrSmellThis's Avatar
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    Good riddance. Hope he didn't

    let the door hit him in the @$$.

    Guess he wasn't such an alpha male after all.
    DrSmellThis (creator of P H E R O S)

  8. #8
    Enlightened One
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    nah he was more the intimidating

    violent type * basically a large beta monkey who keeps his place on the heap with intimidation and psychical

    violence (wouldnt want to be his wife)

    As for s.h had to eb sexual harassment (social harassment) shit hit

    (fan) perhaps

    Good riddence good to see monkeys like that get fired for those sorts of things.

  9. #9
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    I know martial arts enough to

    know about boxing and ground fights. If you have training in boxing, you will win on a standing fight. The boxer can

    dodge and deliver fast powerful punches that can screw your head up. He will have great mobility with his


    But if you have training fighting in the ground then you will win against the boxer. All you have to

    do is take him down and fight him there. His boxing punches, reflex and agility won't work in the ground. The

    ground fighter will have the mobility, stamina and position all the time which will allow him to severely injure the

    boxer. Fighting in the ground is the reason why Karate, Tae-kwon-do, etc people hardly go to UFC. These martial arts

    are trained to fight standing up. Most of these guys have no training fighting in the ground. A wrestler in UFC can

    defeat them easily.

    Anyway back to the point. If you want to take him to the edge then wear some heavy

    androstenone products. You also have to mock him on whatever he is saying. If he says "I'm a great boxer." You have

    to jokingly mock him like "You're a boxer? With those skinny legs/arms, your grandma can kill you". You have to

    always win with the smart remarks and never back down in a jokingly verbal fight. You will always have to have the

    last word. This takes a lot of guts. To do what you want to do takes a lot of guts in order to accomplish. You will

    have to abandon your previews way of life which is sitting down, being quiet and allowing him to verbally mock you

    for his own ego which will be hard for you. Actually it might even be impossible for you.

    My comment on violence.

    Violence is all over the world. Strong powerful people will step on the weaklings. It happens in schools, business,

    companies, streets, countries, etc. It is the only thing that will never change, the powerful will always step on

    the weaklings. It's happening in Iraq right now. It's happening in third world countries. Their government is so

    corrupt, that people are dying of starvation. Microsoft is bullying other companies so that microsoft can make a lot

    of money. US gov officials are taking money/donations from big companies. In our day of age in this world, you need

    to be powerful in order accomplish something you want or something great. You need to be ahead of other people in

    terms of mentaly, or physically or emotionally.

    Violence is the only solution to a lot of problems but people

    are weak and cowards that they don't use it. People are attach or chained to their way of life that they won't do

    anything to change it. They like to watch tv, eat nice food, hang out, have fun, take care of their children,

    family, etc. They hold on to life even if it's a pathetic life. Third world countries have so many people starving

    and yet the government officials take vacations at $20k/per night hotels. The people sell their bodies for sex, do

    cheap labor, and some even work on jobs that will make them sick just so they have food on the table. They are too

    cowardly to take actions or take violence in their hands to change the government. LOL if a corrupt country has a

    civil war, the outcome of it will surely improve the lives of the people in the country no matter who wins but

    people are too afraid. Yet the governement officials hire assassins to kill or put fear on anyone in the news or

    media that will give them a bad name. Violence is a weapon that the strongest and powerful can wield and use. A

    person needs to use it just to be on the same leveling field of the game. Violence is an action that the weak will

    be against on because they lack the courage or understanding or they have never been in a situation that they need

    it. The weak will always let people walk all over them and it will be ok according to their mind.

    LOL I wrote an

    essay already. Anyway, I don't suggest violence in your case. I don't suggest allowing him to walk all over you

    also. If you practiced jiujitsu, or ninjitsu or wrestling then you have a great chance to win. All anyone needs to

    do is protect the head, go in, grab, take him down and beat the crap out of him in the ground. If he assaults you

    verbally, then assault him verbally.

    If he mocks you then you mock him. Or you can talk to him in a nice way and

    say "hey, stop, it's not funny anymore, you are crossing the line and I'm not going to take it". Think about what

    you want to do then do it. Don't plan the perfect situation with the perfect words or the perfect scenario. Think

    hard about what you want to say and do then confront him and do it. It's your life, your decision will affect who

    you are in the future. This reminds me of a quote. Batman said something like this, it's not who you are inside or

    what you can do that defines you. It's what you do or your actions that defines you.

  10. #10
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    LOL I should have read the

    whole thread. He got fired already. I wrote my piece for nothing. HAHA!!

  11. #11
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    I bet you feel like


  12. #12
    Kodachrome Forever! Gegogi's Avatar
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    Default violence begets more violence

    Violence is the only solution to a lot of problems but people are weak and cowards that they don't use it.
    On the contrary, violence begets more violence and eventually spirals out of control. cowards and idiots

    use violence against the weaker and less able. They rarely use it against somebody more powerful than them. Violence

    is best used as the last resort when all other avenues have been exhausted. Plus if you attempt to solve "a lot of

    problems" with violence you're destined to enjoy daily beatings and bufu sessions in the big house with other

    violent crimmals. And I might add, that's where you belong if you embrace that life...
    "I'm just a dirty hornytoad" -Gegogi

  13. #13
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    I had a similar experience that

    only got better recently no knuckle fight challenges lol but plenty of cockiness, foolish remarks & just plain

    rudeness I found it challenging at 1st to argue it out but in the end I just got sick of it! so I was quite generous

    with the PI-w 4 drops on my face (coz he used to like to get up real close & try to intimidate me) it sure fixed the

    problem its like hes really shy around me now & when he DOES speak its all compliments LOL! so i'll go with

    what visionary said use pheros that are A-nol like SOE or WAGG maybe even try a lil copulins but be

    careful here because you dont want him to start getting horny over you

    Good luck anyhow

  14. #14
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    Quote Originally Posted by Cloud9
    I bet you

    feel like this?
    I do! I skipped a few & went straight to replying lmao!! that'll teach me

  15. #15
    Moderator belgareth's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by gamecity
    I know

    martial arts enough to know about boxing and ground fights. If you have training in boxing, you will win on a

    standing fight. The boxer can dodge and deliver fast powerful punches that can screw your head up. He will have

    great mobility with his feet/legs.

    But if you have training fighting in the ground then you will win against the

    boxer. All you have to do is take him down and fight him there. His boxing punches, reflex and agility won't work

    in the ground. The ground fighter will have the mobility, stamina and position all the time which will allow him to

    severely injure the boxer. Fighting in the ground is the reason why Karate, Tae-kwon-do, etc people hardly go to

    UFC. These martial arts are trained to fight standing up. Most of these guys have no training fighting in the

    ground. A wrestler in UFC can defeat them easily.
    I've been involved in martial arts for about 30

    years in one form or another. We are taught how to avoid being put into a position of grappling and how to deal with

    it if we are. You may be correct about boxing, I don't know a thing about it, but any properly trained fighter in

    the martial arts knows how to handle that effectively.

    In the past I've found very few reasons to allow

    situations to degenerate into a fight. Fighting can almost always be honorably avoided. As a matter of fact,

    avoiding violence is more often the honorable path. Being able to rip you apart because I am better trained and

    faster proves very little other than that I am not smart enough to have avoided fighting, despite my triaining.

    I suggest instead that you study General Sun of China. He stands out as probably the best single military mind

    ever. He found ways to avoid fighting as a matter of course.
    To compel a man to subsidize with his taxes the propagation of ideas which he disbelieves and abhors is sinful and tyrannical.

    Thomas Jefferson

  16. #16
    Doctor of Scentology DrSmellThis's Avatar
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    If you talk to the president

    of Iran, he will give you all the classic, macho reasons why Israel and the US need to be wiped from the map. The

    reasons sound good on the surface to dim people with certain affiliations. There are lots of people who think we all

    ought to be violent right now in this country. If you judge the invasion if Iraq by the macho attitude, it was hands

    down the best thing to do. But look where it got us so far. People spanking their kids (always unnecessary if you

    know parenting techniques) is another example.

    Most always people who choose violence are failing to grasp the

    bigger picture. The purpose of living is more to succeed, than to be the biggest baddest MF.
    DrSmellThis (creator of P H E R O S)

  17. #17
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    Most always people who

    choose violence are failing to grasp the bigger picture. The purpose of living is more to succeed, than to be the

    biggest baddest MF.

    Certainly is fun to watch people play this role in movies though!

  18. #18
    Enlightened One
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    yes the 4 drops of PI is always

    useful to get overbearing morons out of youre face esp those that try intimidation tactics. As for the couplins

    well let him get horny over u it might make him confused - if he thinks he is gay he will probably avoid u like the


  19. #19
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    As for the couplins well

    let him get horny over u it might make him confused - if he thinks he is gay he will probably avoid u like the

    unless he's "confused", then he might like it.

  20. #20
    Kodachrome Forever! Gegogi's Avatar
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    Gay or straight isn't always a

    clear distinction. There's lots of gray areas and may change by the hour. A few men and many women I've known are

    sexual omnivores. That is, they're running both AC and CD or walking on both sides of the fence so to speak. My

    last two GFs were that way. I even knew a guy that looked with favor on animals. He especially liked dogs and

    grossed us all out at a drunken party years ago.
    "I'm just a dirty hornytoad" -Gegogi

  21. #21
    Enlightened One
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    mmmm there was a case in australia

    where some lawyer takign ICE (party drug) was so messed up he was doing a daily dose of 5-10 rabbits they found

    hundreds of dead rabbits out the back of his city office dying from interference.

    He had basically done the

    rabbitso ver in a drug state - quite disguisting actually

  22. #22
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    he was having sex with the

    rabbits, snorting rabbit hair, drinking rabbit blood, eating the poor baby rabbits, or giving the rabbits drugs in

    hoping they'd be his friend...I'm unclear which one of these it is?

  23. #23
    Doctor of Scentology DrSmellThis's Avatar
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    Some things are better left a

    DrSmellThis (creator of P H E R O S)

  24. #24
    Kodachrome Forever! Gegogi's Avatar
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    Sheesh, I worse I've ever done

    was wear rabbit fur gloves. And I felt so evil.
    "I'm just a dirty hornytoad" -Gegogi

  25. #25
    Enlightened One
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    um cloud he wsa having sexual

    intercourse with the bunnies.

  26. #26
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    god...those poor poor bunnies.

    When he goes to hell..there is going to be a giant black bunny rabbit that rapes him in the ass every day for


  27. #27
    Enlightened One
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    tbh there was mental issues

    brought on by drug use - i think he copped a substantial criminal penalty to and was ordered to avoid all pet stores

    and not allowed to ever own a pet again

  28. #28
    Doctor of Scentology DrSmellThis's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Watcher
    um cloud he wsa

    having sexual intercourse with the bunnies.
    Those who don't know the risks of that haven't seen Wallace and

    DrSmellThis (creator of P H E R O S)

  29. #29
    Join Date
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    Default PI as a Bioweapon

    Work is about a

    paycheck. NEVER FIGHT AT WORK!! If he hits you call the cops. Get a restrining order on him that day.he will lose

    his job because he cannot legally come to work. I have see this done.

    Any company worth working for is

    worried about its profits. If this guy is not helping the compnay he is hurting it, Management will want to get rid

    of him. Get that information to the right people and he is gone. No fight, this is money.
    Is there a sugestion

    box? Can you say unsigned letters? People read those things. How about a letter to someone above your supervisor

    (home adress?) Don't whine, hit them in the wallet; reduced moral leads to reduced production and lower profits--

    unless you work for the government.

    Reading between the lines: Are ouy in a remote region where there is

    limit work opertunities? I grew up in a mining town, you had to work for the company. Busted my ass to get out of

    the town, went to school, I can buy and sell that town.

    James Bond facotry move: newspaper

    {takes place in break roomof factory}
    Monkey brain: Duuuuh.... wana knuckle fight?
    JB minding his

    own business: Sure as soon as I finish reading.
    JB siting in the middle of the rooms continues to read untill

    break is over.
    JB: Smiles at monkey brain, goes on-shift before lead worker.
    JB does this every day for a

    month and is recognized as a lead worker.
    Monkey brain is replaced.

    True leadership is not achevied by

    threat of force, but by the will of others to follow a path that they have been shown as just and right by one


    Phereomones are a tweek, they open a door that is already open faster and wider, they will never

    unlock one.

    Do you need to beat this guy or do you need a job?

  30. #30
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    P.S. The bunny stuff was weird!

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