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  1. #1
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    Default What's the recommended dose of NPA combined with Chikara?

    Would 2 neck dabs of NPA and 2 Chikara Sprays be enough? In combination of 1 chest spray or

    2 of chikara? With that daily dosage of 2 neck dabs a day, typically how long would a bottle of NPA last? And how

    big should each dab be?

    I don't want to put too much of either one on. Thanks for your help. And what about

    showering and sleeping? i asked this before but nobody could tell me. If we put some mones on for a few hours, then

    come home and take a shower will the mones be gone? Is it safe to re-apply after the shower? I'm also wondering the

    same about sleeping, if we put some mones on before we go out for the evening and come home to sleep, is it safe to

    re-apply in the mones the next morning?

    Thanks again for your help.

  2. #2
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    Default try it

    I've used pheromones

    everyday (primarily AE) at one point. Showered daily and saw no buildup effects (ODs). I'm sure if you clean well

    enough the trace amounts of pheromones left will go away. All you can really do is try it and see if you notice any

    negative effects for you.

  3. #3
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    GoodGuy so how many dabs of NPA

    would you recommend? Well it's good you don't see a build up effect with showers and sleeping, either do I. Thanks

    for the reply.

  4. #4
    Enlightened One
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    Use a antibacterial / antimicrobal

    soap and it should remove any buildup effect.

    Id say perhaps try yuore dosage and if it appears a bit much

    drop it back to 2 dabs of NPA and 1 sparay of chikara - i always found it useful to experiment with a wide range of

    application areas and amounts and different ratios just for the fun of it. Suggest you do a bit of that as well and

    report back to us any differences etc and what yuo use.

  5. #5
    Bodhi Satva CptKipling's Avatar
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    Try 2-3 dabs of NPA and 2

    sprays of C7 total.

    Information about pheromones: Pheromone Information Library

  6. #6
    Kodachrome Forever! Gegogi's Avatar
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    I spray 'n dab 'till my targets

    get horny. 2 dabs 'n 2 sprays do absolutely nothing for me. 4-6 sprays and 4-6 dabs get me obvious attention from

    the ladies. If I corner a young one, she fidgets like she needs to pee badly. Older women get very touchy and

    "I'm just a dirty hornytoad" -Gegogi

  7. #7
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    I use 3 dabs of NPA. One for

    both my wrists, and one on each side of my neck. I usually spray 2-3 sprays of chikara on my neck and chest and one

    spray for both my wrists.

  8. #8
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    Thanks all for the advice. I

    think I will one dab of NPA for each side of my neck followed by one spray of Chikara for each side of my neck and

    one chest spray of Chikara.

    Although Bruce recomended for the first few times of NPA that I try one dab of it on

    each of my wrists and 3 sprays of Chikara to my neck and see how that goes.

    Doesn't the NPA have to be covered

    with the Chikara? Or is the important thing that you simply have Chikara on some part of your body to mix with the


    Thanks again.

  9. #9
    Bodhi Satva CptKipling's Avatar
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    I'm going to have to pull the

    common sense card:

    If you stink, cover your NPA.

    Information about pheromones: Pheromone Information Library

  10. #10
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    Quote Originally Posted by Gegogi
    If I corner a

    young one, she fidgets like she needs to pee badly. Older women get very touchy and willing.

    HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA, I'm sorry but those are the true words of a legendary player.. preach on brother


    love having the power to make a woman next to me on the step machine have to get off because her legs are shaking


    anyway, on the topic I've been using 3 dabs of NPA with my normal cologne (Chanel Platinum) and

    have been seeing really good results, more respect from males (pat me on the shoulder and use any excuse to make

    conversation with me), and obvious attention from women.. just for reference purposes I dab on each of my wrists and

    rub on my chin, back of ears, and then one dab rubbed on my head/hair.

    just my 2 cents


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    HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA, I'm sorry but those are the true words of a legendary player.. preach on brother

    I love

    having the power to make a woman next to me on the step machine have to get off because her legs are shaking


    anyway, on the topic I've been using 3 dabs of NPA with my normal cologne (Chanel Platinum) and

    have been seeing really good results, more respect from males (pat me on the shoulder and use any excuse to make

    conversation with me), and obvious attention from women.. just for reference purposes I dab on each of my wrists and

    rub on my chin, back of ears, and then one dab rubbed on my head/hair.

    just my 2 cents
    So NPA

    really is that powerful on both sexes? Women will become that aroused being around you especially if you're already

    good looking/well dressed? And males will want to "hang with ya"? LOL.

    I'm really looking forward to using

    this, it should arrive next week by the end of next week.


    I'm going to have to pull the

    common sense card:

    If you stink, cover your NPA.
    LOL agreed.

    I think I will start with one dab of

    NPA to each side of my neck or on each of my wrist and then 2-3 sprays of Chikara.

    My big question is does the

    Chikara have to be sprayed directly over top of the NPA to work properly? Thanks

  12. #12
    Bodhi Satva CptKipling's Avatar
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    My big question is does

    the Chikara have to be sprayed directly over top of the NPA to work properly? Thanks
    Nope, but if you

    leave your NPA completely uncovered it will stink, so either cover it with C7 or cologne.

    Information about pheromones: Pheromone Information Library

  13. #13
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    Nope, but

    if you leave your NPA completely uncovered it will stink, so either cover it with C7 or cologne.

    Well I will probably just cover it with the Chikara as I don't want to mix regular cologne and chikara with the

    NPA. Thanks for the tip.

  14. #14
    Phero Pro
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    Which chikara are you using? The

    newest one?

  15. #15
    Kodachrome Forever! Gegogi's Avatar
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    I prefer mixing NPA and A-1 with

    my fav cologne (Burberry Weekend) in an atomizer. Thus I'm good to go with a few bursts and don't have to worry

    about covering application points. I keep the atomizer in my pocket and refresh while walking from my car or in the

    men's room. Dabbing NPA and Chikara on the run is too much hassle.
    "I'm just a dirty hornytoad" -Gegogi

  16. #16
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    Quote Originally Posted by Gegogi
    I prefer mixing

    NPA and A-1 with my fav cologne (Burberry Weekend) in an atomizer. Thus I'm good to go with a few bursts and don't

    have to worry about covering application points. I keep the atomizer in my pocket and refresh while walking from my

    car or in the men's room. Dabbing NPA and Chikara on the run is too much hassle.
    Desperate times call for

    desperate measures.. in other words, I didn't purchase an atomizer, heh.. plus the bulging of the NPA bottle in my

    pocket doesn't hurt the perception I give off to the ladies..

    Speaking a bit more on my NPA/Chikara

    experiences.. last night I was approached by a wealthy older man (42 who was a petroleum engineer and had the

    uniform and badge to prove it, heh) who was talking to me, patting me on the back, and buying me drinks the whole

    night, even when I pulled out my wallet and money, he would pay before I could lay it down (not like I minded)..

    anyway, long story short.. it definitely gives you that added respect factor from males, if nothing else.. got ALOT

    of stares from women as well, but I wasn't in the particular mood to make contact.


    don't be scared, click it

  17. #17
    Moderator Mtnjim's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by joseph956
    Speaking a bit

    more on my NPA/Chikara experiences.. last night I was approached by a wealthy older man (42 who was a petroleum

    engineer and had the uniform and badge to prove it, heh) who was talking to me, patting me on the back, and buying

    me drinks the whole night, even when I pulled out my wallet and money, he would pay before I could lay it down (not

    like I minded).. anyway, long story short.. it definitely gives you that added respect factor from males, if nothing

    else.. got ALOT of stares from women as well, but I wasn't in the particular mood to make contact.


    Maybe he was looking for some "company"???
    Freedom begins when you tell Mrs. Grundy to go fly a kite.
    --Lazarus Long

  18. #18
    Phero Guru Rbt's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Sigfreed
    So NPA really is

    that powerful on both sexes? Women will become that aroused being around you especially if you're already good

    looking/well dressed? And males will want to "hang with ya"? LOL.
    Well, I want to introduce a cautionary

    note, and I suppose this may be the best thread to do it in, as it concerns some of my recent experiences with NPA

    (just started adding it to "the mix.").

    To make it short and sweet, but admittedly a little lacking on detail:

    I have been experimenting with SOE and Chikara recently, and I *think* I found some application amounts that are

    giving me some positive results. Small, but positive. One of the "subjects" in my trials is a single woman about 35

    y/o whom I deal with about three times a week. Once at a "lunch with the gang," once in a relatively "one-on-one"

    social situation (BS type session), and once in a sorta "early morning business" meeting with one or two other


    On a few occasions I was getting "chatty/friendly" responses with both SOE and Chikara. Then as an

    experiment, and as I had a single subject that seemed to be reacting, I added about 1-2 "dabs" (not drops) of NPA to

    see what would happen. In each case things got "frosty." Whereas the encounter before (and afterwards) seemed good

    to okay, the meeting involving NPA wasn't. After thinking about it, I came to the conclusion her reactions seemed

    "defensive" and perhaps "nervous/uncomfortable."

    I am of the opinion we are still "pretty good friends" at least

    (with maybe a bit of "other" interest shall we say). The overall positive reactions are still there so it's not

    like it's something permanent. So here's the question. Is it possible NPA is working "too well" here in creating a

    "sexual" overtone? Is it possible she is feeling she may be "losing control" and withdrawing a bit? (Body language

    clue: if she sits down while I have NPA on she croses legs tightly and keeps arms close to body. She doesn't do

    this when I'n not wearing NPA.) maybe she is afraid of "crossing the sexual line" so to speak?

    Thoughts and


  19. #19
    Sadhu bjf's Avatar
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    The old beta chikara yielded better

    results for me as the spray volume was 2.6 times smaller. I find it a lot harder to acheive the same success with

    the current stuff.
    "An investment in knowledge always pays the best interest."
    --Benjamin Franklin

  20. #20
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    Quote Originally Posted by Rbt
    Well, I want to

    introduce a cautionary note, and I suppose this may be the best thread to do it in, as it concerns some of my recent

    experiences with NPA (just started adding it to "the mix.").

    To make it short and sweet, but admittedly a

    little lacking on detail: I have been experimenting with SOE and Chikara recently, and I *think* I found some

    application amounts that are giving me some positive results. Small, but positive. One of the "subjects" in my

    trials is a single woman about 35 y/o whom I deal with about three times a week. Once at a "lunch with the gang,"

    once in a relatively "one-on-one" social situation (BS type session), and once in a sorta "early morning business"

    meeting with one or two other people.

    On a few occasions I was getting "chatty/friendly" responses with both SOE

    and Chikara. Then as an experiment, and as I had a single subject that seemed to be reacting, I added about 1-2

    "dabs" (not drops) of NPA to see what would happen. In each case things got "frosty." Whereas the encounter before

    (and afterwards) seemed good to okay, the meeting involving NPA wasn't. After thinking about it, I came to the

    conclusion her reactions seemed "defensive" and perhaps "nervous/uncomfortable."

    I am of the opinion we are

    still "pretty good friends" at least (with maybe a bit of "other" interest shall we say). The overall positive

    reactions are still there so it's not like it's something permanent. So here's the question. Is it possible NPA

    is working "too well" here in creating a "sexual" overtone? Is it possible she is feeling she may be "losing

    control" and withdrawing a bit? (Body language clue: if she sits down while I have NPA on she croses legs tightly

    and keeps arms close to body. She doesn't do this when I'n not wearing NPA.) maybe she is afraid of "crossing the

    sexual line" so to speak?

    Thoughts and opinions?
    How/what exactly are you applying whatever you're


    To me, sounds like she's noticed the change, and could be sensing the change from the friendly

    & relaxed vibe to the WTF's going on with me wanting him vibe. Could be good, or could be bad. Pay close attention,

    as it sounds like you are. Besides the crossing of her body parts, how is acting towards you ... is she still

    friendly and talkative?
    Never argue with ignorant people! They pull you down to THEIR level, and then they BEAT YOU with experience. Who said that!? I don't know, but tis gold I tell'ya!!

  21. #21
    Kodachrome Forever! Gegogi's Avatar
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    "The old beta chikara

    yielded better results for me as the spray volume was 2.6 times smaller. I find it a lot harder to acheive the same

    success with the current stuff."
    Sheesh, are you sure 2.6x smaller? How the heck did you measure

    that? Incidentally, it's easy to cut off the spray top and transfer the contents to another atomizer or bottle. An

    old SOE roll-on might allow more control. If you really want precision, a pipette may be in your


    I've found the amount of pheromones I use is the least important aspect of interactions with women.

    Of course they help, but I don't give them too much credit. I can really pour on the NPA with few adverse effects.

    Only really young women, e.g., 18-22, seem to fidget or get nervous, and they get over it fast and often come back

    for more. I use my persona, appearance and conversation skills to attract and reassure my female friends.
    "I'm just a dirty hornytoad" -Gegogi

  22. #22
    Sadhu bjf's Avatar
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    I believe Bass took

    the measurements.

    I wouldn't suspect it would matter much in your case, given that you can wear such a wide

    range of mone amounts. That probably has to do with the fact that your not an intimidating fellow and also don't

    have much of a natural stink, iirc
    "An investment in knowledge always pays the best interest."
    --Benjamin Franklin

  23. #23
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    (Body language clue: if

    she sits down while I have NPA on she croses legs tightly and keeps arms close to body. She doesn't do this when

    I'n not wearing NPA.)
    A friend of mine who has a long distance boyfriend has taken to this sort of body

    language lately when I'm wearing NPA. Whenever we brush against each other, she pulls back very quickly.

    Nevertheless, she calls me to hang out on a regular basis.

    The other night when I was leaving her place, she

    admitted that she was confused and that, while she didn't want to compromise her relationship, she wanted to hang

    out with me all the time. When I was walking out the door, she gave me a big smile and said, "My head is spinning."

    I just smiled and told her I'd see her later. I didn't bother to point out that if I make her head spin and if she

    really wants to hang out with me all the time, her relationship is already compromised.

  24. #24
    Phero Guru Rbt's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by MOBLEYC57
    How/what exactly

    are you applying whatever you're using?
    Tried with SOE (about 8" neck, 2" each wrist) Chikara

    (2-2.5 sprays neck w/some to wrists) and Perception (was about 2-3 sprays of questionable size as I think atomizer

    is screwed up. Same locations as Chikara). NPA: one decent dab (invert bottle on finger) split between both sides of

    neck. I *think* I *may* have been applying NPA last, and not before other products (or Perception cover).

    Quote Originally Posted by MOBLEYC57
    To me, sounds like she's noticed the change, and could be sensing the change from the friendly &

    relaxed vibe to the WTF's going on with me wanting him vibe. Could be good, or could be bad. Pay close attention,

    as it sounds like you are. Besides the crossing of her body parts, how is acting towards you ... is she still

    friendly and talkative?
    She pretty much turns "frosty." Defensive. Acts uncomfortable. Times

    *without* NPA we're fine and friendly. Although "cossing the line" to something more intimate *may* still be in the

    back of her mind. The NPA may, as you suggest, put some subtle additional pressure on her, as I think she's being

    cautious. Going from "friendly" to "intimate" *does* change the relationship. Maybe she is afraid that things will

    take a turn for the worse... Not sure her past relationships have all turned out well, shall we say. I don't try to

    change any aspect of my behavior with or without the NPA. I'm going to be seeing her again soon for an informal

    group movie date thing, and I'll be trying AE straight and checking latest reactions.

    I'm going to try to keep

    this discussion centered on the specific affects of NPA as they might apply to the general public and not a "how do

    I nail THIS chick" discussion. She just happens to be handy to use as a test subject because I see her regularly and

    I think she is responding to the 'mones. Although if something "good" DOES develop I ain't gonna turn it down...

  25. #25
    Phero Guru Rbt's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by xslikx
    A friend of mine who

    has a long distance boyfriend has taken to this sort of body language lately when I'm wearing NPA. Whenever we

    brush against each other, she pulls back very quickly. Nevertheless, she calls me to hang out on a regular basis.

    The other night when I was leaving her place, she admitted that she was confused and that, while she didn't want

    to compromise her relationship, she wanted to hang out with me all the time. When I was walking out the door, she

    gave me a big smile and said, "My head is spinning." I just smiled and told her I'd see her later. I didn't bother

    to point out that if I make her head spin and if she really wants to hang out with me all the time, her relationship

    is already compromised.
    This reaction does sound similar to my experiences. She is okay unless I'm

    wearing NPA, then she pulls back in almost a defensive posture. When I'm not using NPA all is fine. I'd be tempted

    to cut back on NPA usage when around her, at least for the time being.

  26. #26
    King of the coupons!
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    Lightbulb Could this be fer true?

    Quote Originally Posted by Rbt
    This reaction does sound similar to my experiences. She is okay unless I'm wearing NPA, then she pulls

    back in almost a defensive posture. When I'm not using NPA all is fine. I'd be tempted to cut back on NPA usage

    when around her, at least for the time being.
    OR, he can cover the NPA with SOE.

    OR, he could shelf NPA,

    and try TE. Even though many say they're the same thing, only one is more diluted, I think they put out a different

    signals to different signal catchers (noses).

    The Life and Times of a True Mad Scientist!

    And yes, "I'm reserving all rights to be wrong." Damn, I love

    that saying!
    Never argue with ignorant people! They pull you down to THEIR level, and then they BEAT YOU with experience. Who said that!? I don't know, but tis gold I tell'ya!!

  27. #27
    Phero Pro
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    Ive said it once and ill say it


    1 Dab of Npa
    1 Spray of C7

    Both applied to adams apple

    go out and play

  28. #28
    King of the coupons!
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    Quote Originally Posted by Skyy
    Ive said it once and

    ill say it again

    1 Dab of Npa
    1 Spray of C7

    Both applied to adams apple

    go out and play

    NPA covered by Perception, Skyy?

    2) Attention getter, or aggressive attention getter?


    Age range of those that you've noticed caught a wiff of ya with that mix on?

    Never argue with ignorant people! They pull you down to THEIR level, and then they BEAT YOU with experience. Who said that!? I don't know, but tis gold I tell'ya!!

  29. #29
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    Quote Originally Posted by MOBLEYC57
    1) NPA covered by

    Perception, Skyy?

    2) Attention getter, or aggressive attention getter?

    3) Age

    range of those that you've noticed caught a wiff of ya with that mix on?


    On bad days just attention getter. Good days it's agressive =)

    Age range

    22-27 is best results. Ive pulled a few 35-39.

    I've gotten close next to girls at work and say I smell

    good, which then follows with a peck to my neck. (only 2 girls do this)

    Other than that a lot of the other

    girls will become flustered when I come around. Also they will always find some way to touch me or grab my hands

  30. #30
    Bodhi Satva CptKipling's Avatar
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    For something similar using TE

    instead of NPA, try 2-3 dabs covered by 1 spray of the new C7.

    Great combo

    Information about pheromones: Pheromone Information Library

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