Low aptitude recruits are best

suited to REMF (Rear Echelon Mother F#*$ers,for you civilians) type positions.Under fire,I would hate to the think

that the guy with the M-16 and a bunch of frag grenades behind me has a tough time remembering left from right.Low

aptitude recruits also tend to be the anti scocial,dropped out of highschool to persue drugs,abused by thier step

father types.You dont need someone with anger management issues running around with an M-240 machinegun and an

attitude problem in an environment where the folks around you are often hostile but still non-combatants.


friend of mine just got back from Iraq and there have been a few issues with guys having a hard time not wanting to

mow down a bunch of people who pissed them off.Granted,if you piss off a guy with a gun your taking your

chances...but still...as Americans,we are supposed to be "better than that."