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Thread: OD report

  1. #1
    Full Member Elvis's Avatar
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    Default OD report

    This was an experiment of

    mine last night.

    I put on some TE:SPMO mix @ 1:1 ratio. Was equivalent to 2 sprays TE from 10ml atomiser. Then,

    I slathered on an entire packet of Edge gelpack with some cologne.

    The night started with the Italian girl

    I’ve been pestering recently. I sent her about 3 text messages last week and she ignored every one of them. I

    called her shit by sending an extremely abusive message and calling her a whore. Guess what…she phones 30

    seconds later saying, “I’m sorry…busy/no credit in phone/only received one message not 3, blah,

    blah…” I continued to give her shit. It’s sad that I have to get her attention this way, but if

    she didn’t want to know me in the first place she could tell me to my face instead of disrespecting me by

    ignoring me and telling lies.

    We meet in a café. Have coffee. She is uncomfortable, obviously. However, she then

    asks me to have dinner/go out to a club later…I said no. She just said it to be polite.

    Then, I meet with

    some friends. We play guitar. They treat me like a God, even though one of my friends (a fabulous dude) plays like

    f/ Satriani.

    We go out. Guess what, there is Italian girl. She tries to speak, but she only does it ‘cause

    I gave her shit, so what’s the point in that. She then talks to a hunky dude for ages, gushing over his looks,

    forgetting I was there because of this piece of eye candy. So, I ignore her in return. She is so f/ shallow, if I

    dived into her I’d break my neck.

    Another girl asks me to find her coat. Common dealing here. I ask her

    friend for the coat who is with some gorilla. He says, “Who the f/ are you. Can’t you see I’m busy

    here?” I say quite seriously, “I don’t give a fuck you ugly ape, I’m just looking for that

    ladies coat” Then I squeeze his ridiculously oversized pectorals, making ape gestures, not even joking. He

    laughs. Asshole.

    In disco. Hot porn star type (ageing, but ageing well/naturally ‘bout 35 years old)

    Declares that I am f/ gorgeous and wants to f/ me. She shouted it very loudly in front of everyone. I accept the

    ‘compliment?’ and she then leaves with another man. Cheap tart.

    Met a 19-year-old guy who was f/

    brilliant. He had his entire life sussed. Beautiful woman (23) I mean gorgeous but a real person too. Good job. Nice

    people with him. I hope I meet him again sometime. He doesn’t pander to other people, just believes in


    Met a gorilla guy outside. I was thinking he would probably start some shit but he was different.

    Wanted to speak like a human being. Got on really well with this dude. Seemed to not be afraid of me at all, but

    wanted to talk about life. We agree to have a drink next time we meet (can’t rave enough about this guy.

    Really powerful looking. Muscular. Huge frame. 6’ plus. Polite. Pleasant. Gentleman. Good looking. I’m

    not gay btw. Sort of guy who isn’t afraid of anything/anyone, but treats everybody as an equal with great

    respect. Sort of guy who would give his life fighting to protect his family, or friends, for what he believes in. I

    really hope I see him again).

    An asshole acquaintance of mine was trying to drag some drunk ass woman home to f/

    her. Just to take advantage. She could barely stand up or speak. I tell him to leave the girl alone, she is

    vulnerable and should sleep it off. He gets really angry (naturally) ‘cause I’m interfering with his

    prospect. Dickhead. So, I tell him if he has a problem with my opinion, if he believes it is wrong and I am wrong

    then to fight me. He says no. He knows he is wrong, but doesn’t have the guts to show it like a man. Just

    wants his f/ end away. Idiot

    So, I storm off, disgusted by society in general. These people have no

    self-respect. I wish I didn’t care but that is not me.

    So, I phoned up some friends, the guitar crowd.

    They agree to have a jam next week. They are really enthusiastic, so maybe we can cut some tracks.


    purposefully, for me has separated the men from the boys. I can see people with self-respect and respect for others,

    so much more clearly than before. The wankers stick out like a sore thumb, and I take great pleasure in broadcasting

    their sorry asses to the general public. At the same time, I am drawn toward the strong willed characters, who have

    dignity and believe in themselves. Maybe ‘none makes me too aggressive. But I can’t say I dislike the

    effect. My bullshit detector is on maximum overdrive.

    Anyone had a night like this, sometime?
    "Some days will stay a thousand years, some pass like the flash of a spark...who knows where all our days go?"

  2. #2
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    That was deep. Glad I haven't

    experienced serious OD yet...!

  3. #3
    Full Member Elvis's Avatar
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    Liny, I don't regret a

    single second of it. In fact, despite my obvious was one of the best nights of my life. Did this ever

    happen to you without 'mones?
    "Some days will stay a thousand years, some pass like the flash of a spark...who knows where all our days go?"

  4. #4
    Full Member Elvis's Avatar
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    Wow, this forum is the best

    thing since on the 'net. I'm glad I found it.
    "Some days will stay a thousand years, some pass like the flash of a spark...who knows where all our days go?"

  5. #5
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    You say it was one of the best

    nights of your you mean, as far as enjoying yourself, or for learning a lot about people? I've had plenty

    of crappy nights or nights that I felt more alpha than others (both which normally included alcohol) but probably

    not quite the type of experience as you've described. It seems as though most of the time I'm underdosed more than

    overdosed. I've had primary success with repeated applications of SPMO:TE 1:1 as well. Of what I've been reading,

    it seems people using Perception have been finding it difficult to overdose, likely because you don't have to

    repeat applications throughout the day/night in the first place, and is likely the best bet...?

  6. #6
    Full Member Elvis's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by LINY
    You say it was

    one of the best nights of your you mean, as far as enjoying yourself, or for learning a lot about

    Both. I found myself in a few situations I usually wouldn't want to be in, and a few I did want

    to be in. However, I enjoyed it because I think I discovered something about myself and other people. Your

    statement, for me, has one meaning.

    What kind of success have you had with the 'mones?
    "Some days will stay a thousand years, some pass like the flash of a spark...who knows where all our days go?"

  7. #7
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    This is my 'main' success story:

    Since that week I've held off on using

    pheromones very much since I've been real busy lately and didn't want to waste it. My biggest gripe is still that

    it wears off very quickly on my body, like within an hour or so, and I've been waiting for the new Platinum

    Perception to come out before buying it for the extended release. Basically when I put on two sprays of SPMO:TE 1:1

    on my wrists and talk closely to most younger women, I've had huge success, so much so that it seems to last to the

    days when I don't even wear them! Memory trigger? They give me a sort of alpha buzz of sorts, but I haven't been

    able to totally decipher whether its a placebo effect or not. I've got to try different application points and

    higher dosages, since I haven't had any kind of OD that I have noticed yet.

  8. #8
    Full Member Elvis's Avatar
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    Just read it. Great report

    "Some days will stay a thousand years, some pass like the flash of a spark...who knows where all our days go?"

  9. #9
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    Thanks man, I'm going to go to

    work now and see how far two sprays of the same mix takes me. I look forward to experimenting with this mix and

    using SoE when going to local car dealers to buy a used car, see if it has any effect on them. Seems it would be

    difficult to detect though, maybe a -none type reaction would be too aggressive and hurt my deal?

  10. #10
    Full Member Elvis's Avatar
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    I'm sorry, I have no

    authority in this case to say if you should wear 'none or not. In light of my recent experiences, I'd personally

    go easy on the 'none. But, that is just an opinion. With 'none, I can smell bullshit a mile away. If the salesman

    is aware you're balking at his crummy patter, he may resent you and be a hardass. Or, he may kiss your feet because

    you're honest. Depends what kind of guy he is and maybe how much 'none you are wearing???
    "Some days will stay a thousand years, some pass like the flash of a spark...who knows where all our days go?"

  11. #11
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    well that's an OD :P

    i never ODed on none but i did on SoE gel (smelled catpiss after a few min ... need to test.... ) i must be not

    wearing enough i have tried TE 1/4 of a pack up till now & no OD ill trie to go out next weekend see if i can get

    some results with 1/2 TE [i dont go out much ] btw i putted a ridicoulous amout of SoE to OD ... ill try again


  12. #12
    Phero Dude Surreal's Avatar
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    next time I want some trouble I

    will OD.


    "The whole world must learn of our peaceful ways, by force!"

  13. #13
    Enlightened One
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    Celticbhoy we shuold keep talking

    lol - its always good to meet a like minded individual ie society and its various sheetheads and wanerks and then

    the nice individuals, decent human beings who give a damn instead of being losers in dealing with others.


    get this sort of thing every day - you will get used to it after a while but if you are getting results from

    pheromones and you should keep using them to get the advantage over others.

    Use it for good or at least youre


  14. #14
    Full Member Elvis's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Surreal
    next time I

    want some trouble I will OD.!

    Quote Originally Posted by Watcher
    but if you are getting results

    from pheromones...
    I know I'm getting results/reactions/hits or whatever you want to call them,

    unfortunately they are not the ones I want. Even with quite low amounts of 'none people look at me like I'm Jack

    the Ripper. I'm looking for that thing that makes ladies crazy about you and really dig you, not just for a f/

    (although I wouldn't baulk at the prospect). Maybe, I should not try any 'none for a week or so, scrub it all of

    my body and then start again with only a couple of dabs of TE and work upwards. Alternatively, I could try another

    product. I am still thinking about buying Perception and Chikara/SOE gel packs. But if I don't need much 'none; I

    still have plenty of TE...I could use that as a source and maybe combine it with a more friendly/less threatening

    product. Do I need Perception, since it has 'none in it? Do I need the 'rone? I can find 'nol in other products,

    although the extended release seems like a big bonus. Would copulins be the opposite of 'none and round off the

    lone wolf effect?

    Perhaps I should also work on some aspects of my character. But I find that even when I'm

    being really nice, I am still ignored, avoided, shunned et al. Sometimes I feel like a leper. Maybe I give people

    the creeps. I can't understand it though. I am not bad looking. My personal hygiene is as good as anyone's. I try

    to treat people with respect, dignity, find out about them and their lives. I don't stare at people, or scare them

    with my conversational, I'm a bit confused at the moment. I just want a woman who's brave enough to

    take me on, but why they need to feel like this to get on with me...I have no idea.
    "Some days will stay a thousand years, some pass like the flash of a spark...who knows where all our days go?"

  15. #15
    Enlightened One
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    Again me without the mones =

    suggest you serioulsy consider the perception you get the SOE and chikara and the edge gel packs with that (try them


    The thing wiht perception is the Anone is 25% of the total mix - its the Anol that gets people

    chatty, happy more into you without being scared off

    Similar thing with attraction despite the Anone it plays

    second fiddle to the Anol which is the big one. IT seems to cancel out a lot of the bad vibes of straight


    Arone will make you appear more dependable less lone wolf type - it is actually similar to my original

    DD#1 mix.

    Id try the cops later on - just try the perception first the extended realise thing really is much

    more effective - im getting big time hits with perception latley (it seems on part with perfect 10 dare i


    Of cousre you could go SOE/NPA - DD#1 mix the scents mix well you could try the scentless version. 70%

    SOE and 30% NPA + with NPA you get the 2 secret ingredients that make it a different Anone product (its anone with


  16. #16
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    Celtic, you've got a good head on

    your shoulders. Some people may think your antics are cruel, but the way you dealt with that Italian chick was

    excellent. I look foward to reading more from you in the future. I'm planning on going to work with a -none OD in

    the near future. Hopefully it's a good experience.

  17. #17
    Enlightened One
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    Fuse his handling of this airhead

    / attention seeking immature girl in the circumstances was acceptible it is of course unlikley to affect her in

    anyway as she has moved on already - these types dont sit still long enough to notice a good quality guy thye like

    being treated like cr@p by these arrogant pigs in the world. A good guy just doesnt equate for them they aint

    exciting in their eyes.

    Celticbhoy if he keeps looking will come across plenty of attractive but good human

    sane girls out there. In the meantime it sounds like he is having a lot of fun with the world lol along the way and

    with the pheromones working for him - perception if it works as well as it does with me will really spin him


    More fun to come.

  18. #18
    Full Member Elvis's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Watcher
    Arone will

    make you appear more dependable less lone wolf type

    Quote Originally Posted by Watcher
    im getting big

    time hits with perception latley
    What kind of results have you had in the past week or two, Watcher?

    Quote Originally Posted by Fuse
    I look foward to reading more from you in the future. I'm planning on going to work with a -none

    OD in the near future. Hopefully it's a good experience.
    Thanks Fuse. I hope the OD goes well. I don't

    think it's something I will try again for a while. But, it was certainly an eye opener!
    "Some days will stay a thousand years, some pass like the flash of a spark...who knows where all our days go?"

  19. #19
    Sadhu bjf's Avatar
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    Celtic, it is obvious Chikara would

    help you. Wagg probably would to, but I think Chikara would help a bunch. Get that. No need for Perception for

    your problem, although that product helps other problems (buildup, extended release).

  20. #20
    Moderator belgareth's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Celticbhoy
    The night

    started with the Italian girl I’ve been pestering recently. I sent her about 3 text messages last week and she

    ignored every one of them. I called her shit by sending an extremely abusive message and calling her a whore. Guess

    what…she phones 30 seconds later saying, “I’m sorry…busy/no credit in phone/only received one message not 3, blah,

    blah…” I continued to give her shit. It’s sad that I have to get her attention this way, but if she didn’t want to

    know me in the first place she could tell me to my face instead of disrespecting me by ignoring me and telling


    We meet in a café. Have coffee. She is uncomfortable, obviously. However, she then asks me to have

    dinner/go out to a club later…I said no. She just said it to be polite.

    Under my philosophy

    she wasn't worth the wasted time and energy; she didn't deserve your attention! After getting ignored twice I

    would have written her off as a waste of my time. I'd much rather have spent the time out trying to meet another

    lady who might have treated me with a bit more respect. Ok, being abusive to her made you feel good temporarily.

    What did you really gain other than the chance to waste some time on somebody that you were unlikely to ever connect


    BJF has a good point about Chikara. You should try it, maybe with a small amount of TE or Perception but

    try to keep your none levels down. I think you'll have better luck that way.
    To compel a man to subsidize with his taxes the propagation of ideas which he disbelieves and abhors is sinful and tyrannical.

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  21. #21
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    Last edited by Have_Courage; 01-15-2005 at 01:46 PM.

  22. #22
    Phero Pharaoh
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    Thumbs down

    Quote Originally Posted by Fuse
    Celtic, you've got

    a good head on your shoulders. Some people may think your antics are cruel, but the way you dealt with that Italian

    chick was excellent. I look foward to reading more from you in the future. I'm planning on going to work with a

    -none OD in the near future. Hopefully it's a good experience.

    While I do encourage guys to

    experiment with OD-level applications, I STRONGLY recommend AGAINST trying it out at work or with close friends and


    The bolder the experiment, the safer you will be trying it around strangers.

  23. #23
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    I tried 4 sprays of TE

    today...more eye contact but no other effects...I´m going to try with 6 or more tomorrow and see what happens. Cold

    weather may be the partial reason for this lack of hits.(or perhaps I should try something else)

    Btw...Friendly1 is correct...don´t OD at work...if your boss has a bad day he/she´ll propably make you feel it too


    Damaged friendship is really tough to repair...
    Like the Phoenix bird, rising from the ashes of my old self

  24. #24
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    That was a strange story, you

    sound very immature.

  25. #25
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    I don't

    understand the purpose of the mentioned abusive behaviour. If a lady doesn't like you, she doesn't like you. No

    use slagging her off when she isn't interested. She is no less a human being for not wanting to bed


    There's baseline respect (minimum levels of etiquette expressed say towards some stranger), and

    there's 'above baseline respect' which is earned by behaviour, looks, status, or even -mones.


    one is entitled to above baseline levels of respect is in my opinion, one of the less desirable alpha male traits,

    and it is only attractive to those who welcome quick casual domination (usually the mightily insecure).


    contrast to what other posts have said, I believe one absolutely should “take it personally” if a lady

    doesn't follow up a call. After all, she chooses to abstain for reasons relating to your personal attributes, be

    they your appearance, your manner etc.. and it's her right.

    Besides, if we never fail, we never improve.

    Anyhow, I admire your sheer honesty and enjoyed your post

    Pheramones. Why say it, when you can just SprayIt?

  26. #26
    Full Member Elvis's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by sprayit
    No use

    slagging her off when she isn't interested. She is no less a human being for not wanting to bed you.

    would have been nice for her to tell me to my face she wasn't interested. And I am no less of a human being for

    wanting to bed her.

    Thanks for comments though.
    "Some days will stay a thousand years, some pass like the flash of a spark...who knows where all our days go?"

  27. #27
    Full Member Elvis's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by deepblue
    That was a

    strange story, you sound very immature.
    I will try to modify my behaviour. However, at least I recognise I

    have a problem, unlike most of the people I seem to come across who are equally to blame, but won't admit it. Their

    faults are no less pronounced simply because I have them too.
    "Some days will stay a thousand years, some pass like the flash of a spark...who knows where all our days go?"

  28. #28
    Moderator belgareth's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Celticbhoy
    I will try to

    modify my behaviour. However, at least I recognise I have a problem, unlike most of the people I seem to come across

    who are equally to blame, but won't admit it. Their faults are no less pronounced simply because I have them

    Recognizing that there are things about yourself you would like to change is a great first step.

    Don't worry about what others are doing as some will never figure it out. You're already a step ahead by wanting

    to change things about yourself. That's really the hardest part. The next thing is to decide what you want to

    differently and how you are going to go about it. Different methods work for different people. Look around, go to

    the library and visit bookstores to check out what is available in self help. You might also consider paying for one

    of the various personality evaluation (DST is probably the most knowledgable on the forum about them). The results

    usually aren't much fun but can be a real eye-opener.

    It is never easy to change yourself but it can be very


    Good luck
    To compel a man to subsidize with his taxes the propagation of ideas which he disbelieves and abhors is sinful and tyrannical.

    Thomas Jefferson

  29. #29
    Journeyman chococat's Avatar
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    I think I have "OD'ed" on the

    copulins a few times. The first few days I used EW, I would take the dropper and scrape it down the side of my upper

    arms. One three inch scrape for each arm. This didn't seem like much to me, but it seems like the days that I do

    this, I get strange reactions. Keep in mind, I haven't worn copulins to a club, only to my university. For

    instance, I spent an hour on campus talking to another student my age today. He's interested in me romantically,

    but I'm not interested in him. Everything I said seemed to be some kind of innuendo in his brain. (For instance, I

    said something about loving "electronic gadgets" and his first thought was "vibrator.") He actually leaned in to

    smell (snort) my hair. Then he hugged me very tightly at some very random and inopportune times.

    It was a

    very strange experience overall.
    Last edited by chococat; 11-29-2004 at 05:54 PM. Reason: adding information

  30. #30
    Full Member Elvis's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by belgareth
    It is never

    easy to change yourself but it can be very rewarding.
    Thanks, this kind of thing gives me hope.

    Quote Originally Posted by chococat
    Everything I said seemed to be some kind of innuendo in his brain. (For instance, I said

    something about loving "electronic gadgets" and his first thought was "vibrator.")
    Welcome to the

    pathetic male psyche, chococat!
    Most men I know, (myself included) are just like this by nature.

    Quote Originally Posted by chococat
    He actually leaned in to smell (snort) my hair. Then he hugged me very tightly at some very random

    and inopportune times.
    I am the embodiment of this behaviour. I suppose some people can't sing, dance,

    drive...or have timing in said situation. Please tell him to his face you're not interested in him romantically and

    soon, if you haven't already done so. I'm sure he knows this in his heart already...anyway, but men have an

    uncanny ability to only believe what they want to believe unless they are explicitly informed otherwise. This

    doesn't mean it has to be awkward. Just do it professionally and fairly...but don't leave him in any doubt and

    don't give him any hope whatsoever. You have to be cruel to be kind sometimes.
    "Some days will stay a thousand years, some pass like the flash of a spark...who knows where all our days go?"

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