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Thread: Playing Partner

  1. #1
    Phero Enthusiast Snoopy's Avatar
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    Default Playing Partner

    A few weekends ago I

    spent some time at a friend's place just chilling. It was just me and her, but we spent 90% of the time playing

    video games.. something she's very into. She was into it, and the only break we really got was going out to get

    some take out fast food as a snack. It didn't seem like there was any opportunity to "progress" things further...

    and I didn't want to risk rejection especially since I wasn't sure if she just considers me as her "video game

    partner" or whatever. That's all we seem to do together anyway. I've had good responses with her while wearing

    Chikara + TE, but that weekend we spent playing games together she didn't seem to have a very positive reaction to

    it. I even tried sneaking in a massage but she was very defensive about it, so I laid off for the rest of the night.

    She also went to the washroom 2-3 times, usually she never does - I'm saying this because maybe it was that time of

    month.. and she was possibly having a reaction to the -none?

    Anyhow, next weekend she'll be back, I haven't

    seen her since that time (it's been about a month), and being really nerdy I guess, I figured that her "time of

    month" would have passed last week assuming that 1) 28 day cycle, and 2) it actually was her time when I visited

    last month.

    I'm facing a problem here. I don't really know where I stand with her, I'd like to have things

    progress, but that's going to be hard if she just gets focused on playing those games again. That's okay, I like

    games too, but it doesn't really leave any time for the "relationship" to develop because we're both focused on

    playing the game. Maybe all I am to her is a video game partner? We used to watch a lot of movies together in the

    summer, and I had good reactions while wearing Chikara + TE. Lots of eye contact, touching, I could stroke her hair

    and she wouldn't object... but then last month when I tried giving her a massage and she got all tense about it...

    maybe I'm overreacting. Anyway I think I'm rambling now. I'd like some advice on how to deal with this coming

    weekend with her.. and possibly a -mone combination that might work.

  2. #2
    Man of La Pancha
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    You're a movie/video game

    buddy, man...I don't know what else to tell you on that one...maybe ask her out to something more formal (like

    going out to something) and see what happens? Unlike men, who may see 'come over and play video games' as sex (or

    the not-looking-to-score-yet relationship equivalent), women see 'come over and play video games' as come over and

    play video games...

    I've been there. I had a female video game/movie way I was getting anywhere with

    her. She blatantly said she was too old for me (and I was a friend and a coworker and any other thing you could

    think of) and that was it.

    Like I/you said, you may have to progress things if you want her to change gears.

  3. #3
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    As of right now, she definitely

    sees you as just a friend. Friends who may or may not flirt occasionally, but to some girls that's as natural as

    breathing, really, and something we may or may not do with all of our platonic friends.

    However, do not despair.

    There are two possibilities here. One is that she has no idea that you're interested in her for more than

    friendship. If this is the case, once you get the message across somehow, she'll be forced to think about whether

    or not she feels the same. Often, this is something that just hasn't occured to a girl before. Men, I'm told,

    meet a girl and immediately classify them as possible sexual partner or not. Women, however, are different. We

    classify guys to some extent, but there have definitely been times when a guy I had never considered possible bf

    material has suddenly become 10 times more appealing because I know that he's interested in me. Get a feel for how

    she feels, maybe ask her out, but make it clear that you'd still like to be friends even if the answer is no. Then

    let her think about it for a while, because chances are she's never thought of you that way before, and then go

    from there when you have an answer.

    Unfortunately, there is also the chance that she realizes you are intersted

    in her, and that she likes having a buddy for movies and games and occasional cuddling, but doesn't want to take it

    any further. This, too, has happened before. Oftentimes women, especially younger ones, will avoid confrontation,

    wanting companionship but not wanting to outright reject a guy, so she will pretend that she doesn't know he's


    Under either condition, there's a small possibility of ruining the friendship, but I feel like if

    you handle it well, it's a very small possibility. She will probably not want to stop being friends with you, so

    if you still would like to be friends if there is no chance of more, you can swing it.

    Hope this


  4. #4


    lol deleted my post due to

    being a moron

  5. #5
    Phero Enthusiast Snoopy's Avatar
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    That's some good advice Silver.

    I think I've left something out of the equation: She used to like me back in highschool, but for a short while...

    then it turned into a love-triangle between me, her, and my best-friend (who is no longer my best-friend anymore,

    sad). Sparks flew before.. but that was a few years back. Timing was all messed up... after that triangle incident,

    I got rejected when I tried asking her out again. So both of us have been through that "let's just be friends

    process". She once told someone that she'd happily go out with me... if she got that "feeling" from me. I just want

    to know if it's possible to go from movies/games... to that "feeling", or maybe some advice on how. The friendship

    won't be ruined, I'm pretty sure, since we've been through a lot before (or maybe I have) and we're still really

    good friends as of today.

    This isn't really one-itis, I've seen other girls between the time that's passed. I

    think my mind-frame has gone from "liking her" (only her) in highschool, to now being "attracted to her" (will go

    out with her.. but will go out with anyone else I'm attracted to as well) right now.

  6. #6


    idk maybe I dunno what im

    talking about but just be funny, make her feel different around you then she feels with other people. If you guys

    are just playing video games or whatever I would say try to spice it up by doing something exciting. I dunno what im

    talking about but you know anything is worth a try.

  7. #7
    Phero Enthusiast Snoopy's Avatar
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    Funny.. oh believe me, I can put

    her out from laughing alone. I've heard hit stories of people wearing -mones around their LJBF girl friends for a

    prolonged period of time, and have the entire situation turn around. I get the feeling that might happen in this

    case, but I don't like leaving things like that up to chance, and I don't really want to rely on the -mones THAT

    much... even though they have been making a big difference in my life already. I mean, that's why I'm posting this

    here, and not in some relationship/seduction forum.. right?

  8. #8


    go ahead then, slap on those


  9. #9


    Quote Originally Posted by Snoopy
    Funny.. oh

    believe me, I can put her out from laughing alone. I've heard hit stories of people wearing -mones around their

    LJBF girl friends for a prolonged period of time, and have the entire situation turn around. I get the feeling that

    might happen in this case, but I don't like leaving things like that up to chance, and I don't really want to rely

    on the -mones THAT much... even though they have been making a big difference in my life already. I mean, that's

    why I'm posting this here, and not in some relationship/seduction forum.. right?
    If you want her and are

    willing to risk it a little, then go ahead. Whats the worse that could happen anyways? btw, ill try your idea with

    another girl that put me into the LJBF status. I've been using cocky and funny and its bumping me up little by

    little but im still going to need a lot more to get where I need to be. Well, hope it works out with you two.

  10. #10
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    Quote Originally Posted by Snoopy
    That's some good

    advice Silver.
    I think I've left something out of the equation: She used to like me back in highschool, but for a

    short while... then it turned into a love-triangle between me, her, and my best-friend (who is no longer my

    best-friend anymore, sad). Sparks flew before.. but that was a few years back. Timing was all messed up... after

    that triangle incident, I got rejected when I tried asking her out again. So both of us have been through that

    "let's just be friends process". She once told someone that she'd happily go out with me... if she got that

    "feeling" from me. I just want to know if it's possible to go from movies/games... to that "feeling", or maybe some

    advice on how. The friendship won't be ruined, I'm pretty sure, since we've been through a lot before (or maybe I

    have) and we're still really good friends as of today.

    This isn't really one-itis, I've seen other girls

    between the time that's passed. I think my mind-frame has gone from "liking her" (only her) in highschool, to now

    being "attracted to her" (will go out with her.. but will go out with anyone else I'm attracted to as well) right

    Ahh, then the situation is slightly different. So you know that she's attracted to you, and that at

    one point she wanted a relationship with you. However, she's not just completely infatuated with you, since she

    did reject you once when the timing wasn't right. So the situation is clearly workable, but requires...finesse.

    My suggestion is to use the mones that have been working for you so far, continue flirting, and slowly coax her

    into better and better moods. And when you two are really having an 'on' day, when you feel like the mones are

    really working for you, when everything seems to be going swimmingly, hit that. Go for it. Turn the playfulness

    into a casual invitation for coffee...something away from the video game console and stereotypically romantic. I

    think if you get the timing to be in your favor, set the stage, and play your cards right, this could very well be

    the beginning of a lastng relationships. After all, the best relationships start with a basis of friendship.

    Best of luck.

  11. #11
    Phero Enthusiast Snoopy's Avatar
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    I think I'm confining my

    thinking to what happens during THAT specific weekend coming up... I'm not thinking about the long-run

    possibilities, and maybe I'm even thinking too much! Thanks for helping me realise that! I think for now I'll just

    go with the flow, but make sure I'm killin' her instincts with the stuff I've been using

  12. #12
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    Good thinking, I think that your

    chances with this a grrrrrreeeat. You already dated her once and she once "saw something in you". Now you just

    need to get her to open her eyes again. Rekindling relationships seem to happen naturally. Good luck.

  13. #13
    Phero Enthusiast Snoopy's Avatar
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    I was thinking today, maybe when

    we're playing or something and I get her to crack up (which I always do), I can grab her hand and look her in the

    eye and say, "Let's never stop being friends" or something like that... thoughts?

  14. #14
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    Bad idea. I dont know much

    about attraction and there are alot better advisors in these situations but i got the impression that you wanted to

    stop being friends. and become something more. by asserting lets never stop being friends she may end up valuing

    your friendship more but thats not what youre after. if anything i think it just further digs you in the friendship


  15. #15
    Phero Enthusiast Snoopy's Avatar
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    That's not what the intent is...

    Looking straight into her eyes, while holding her hand, after making her feel really good about herself (from

    laughing), she'll be thinking "what if we were more than just friends?". I mean, if a guy and a girl are just

    "friends", they wouldn't hold hands.. would they?

  16. #16
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    Wow, that seems like the most

    creepy idea I've ever heard. I think that's a good way to scare someone away.

  17. #17
    Phero Enthusiast Snoopy's Avatar
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    Haha.. really, why do you say

    that Pyke?

  18. #18
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    Sounds ultra needy. I don't know

    it just creeps me out thinking about it, maybe I'm just seeing the situation different, but picturing it, I see

    crash and burn. Maybe look her in the eye and say something like stop fooling yourself and give her a kiss or

    something. If she definitely isn't interested of course this would be a big crash and burn also. But it's your

    situation, and only you can do the risk assessment.

  19. #19
    Phero Enthusiast Snoopy's Avatar
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    Well I haven't made it totally

    obvious that I'm interested in her still, from the last time I asked her out, I kinda gave off the impression that

    I've moved on. I guess I'm trying to find a shortcut or something... I really don't know.

  20. #20
    Enlightened One
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    Snoopy and others - if you want

    pheromones to work with a specific individual in mind 80% of the time it wont.

    My approach is to expose

    myself with the pheromones to as many social contacts as possible get out there in the world the more contact you

    have - evne more friends with pheormones on a regular basis

    The more chance you have of scoring - its the

    watcher scatter approach to social and sexual intereaction. Works a treat. If it doesnt work on her keep her as

    youre video / movie buddy - perhaps she has some friends that might react or perhaps you should expand youre social

    circle a bit.

  21. #21
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    Quote Originally Posted by Snoopy
    I was thinking

    today, maybe when we're playing or something and I get her to crack up (which I always do), I can grab her hand and

    look her in the eye and say, "Let's never stop being friends" or something like that... thoughts?


    For once, the men are right.

    There are a couple of different results to this statement on your

    part...and none of them are good. Most likely, she will assume that by this statement you mean you only want to be

    friends, and nothing more. That was the first thought that occured to me, and definitely the most likely. There is

    also the possibility that she will be so touched that she will take this statement to heart that way, IE she will

    want to only be friends, and not risk such a sweet and devoted friend like you.

    The only other scenario I see is

    this not having much of an affect at all. However, I really feel like the first two are more likely. So basically,

    saying this probably will harm you and can't really help, so don't.


  22. #22
    Phero Enthusiast Snoopy's Avatar
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    Guess I wasn't thinking too

    properly then.

  23. #23
    Sadhu bjf's Avatar
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    Snoopy, you wouldn't stop going on

    about this girl a few months ago. Grow some balls already!

  24. #24
    Moderator Mtnjim's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Silver

    For once, the men are right.


    For once?? Harrumph and pshaw!!

    Freedom begins when you tell Mrs. Grundy to go fly a kite.
    --Lazarus Long

  25. #25
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    Quote Originally Posted by Mtnjim
    For once??

    Harrumph and pshaw!!

    I think Sliver is confusing the men with the boys

    around here.

  26. #26
    Sadhu bjf's Avatar
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    well, I am sure the birth control

    statement didn't give her the best impresson!

  27. #27
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    Heres my advice, i think

    that you should invite her to come over to play some video games. When she gets there ask her if shes hungrey and

    explain to her that you havent eaten all day and that you need to get something to eat before you start. Go to some

    restraunt (nothing formal but not fast food either) And while there have a casual comfortable conversation flavored

    with a touch of sexual tension (for some reason i typed attention when i first sent it). If she responds in any

    manner as long as its not blatantly negative then that is your clue. And at the end when youre picking up the check

    just say "baby, weve been hiding our feelings for too long now. I know you cant stop thinking about me and honey, i

    cant stop thinking about you. so lets cut the bullshit, come back with me to my place, and ill show you more

    entertainment than any video game can." sure it might not work. but hey it could and if not you at least you know

    how she feels. and honestly i think its better then being in the same situation you were in five months ago.

  28. #28
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    my bad i did not mean the

    word sexual attention... i meant sexual tension... like just say some comments that could be considered sexual and

    see how she responds... i did not mean to like make a move on her by putting your hand in places it shouldnt go

  29. #29
    Phero Enthusiast Snoopy's Avatar
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    I have a very big coupon off a

    very nice casual restaurant close to my house, 5 minutes drive... I've been waiting to use it for quite a while


  30. #30
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    I try

    Oh and

    Snoopy? If you do decide to take Rover's advice, might I add one suggestion?

    Never, ever, EVER use the phrase

    "let's cut the bullshit" when wooing a girl. In fact, just never use it period, hmm?


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