Well this is only a

comment. I think that SOE products are not coming like in the begining and the effects are diferent now, JVK and

Bruce please, see the products because I think that something is wrong here. I ordered in 3 times SOE and the 3 were

acting different JVK and BRUCE. And I put the same dosis in the same parts. I did not apply OD.
Reactions that I

see now with the new SOE:
1)no staring any more or DHIL looks, only little looks, but not DIHL, but mens make

DIHL looks-----WIERD-----------
2) Womens want to speak at distance, and dont want to come closer.
3) Mens

come closer and fell in some cases afraid of me, nervous and want to run too in some cases.
When I was in a bar

trying to find some girls I begin to speak with the bartender and he get nervous and dont speak to me.
But when

they come closer and I try to begin a conversation of anything to be polite the mens run or dont speak.
4) Make

me sleep more hours than the normal
5) Sometimes make me fell depress for any reason
6)My nose hair, facial

hair and my hair grew more longer than the normal few weeks.
7)agressivenes of the womens in some cases,

specially if a begin the conversation, and the body language of them was open to approach.
8)When I go to the

bathdroom, I see that a women follow me(maybe to feel the odors) but when I try to chat or begin any approach they

get scared.
9)The womens dont open legs or make open body language approach when they are closer to me, only when

I keep distance, very rare, because with the first SOE that I buy is totally the contrary, they are open until the

10) Dont make eye flash brown
11) When I near they pupils are dilated but suddenly we have eye to eye

contact and their pupils get little very fast and want it to look in another place and run.
12)They dont bend or

try to be near to me (womens)
13) I see that more blondes blue eyes are atracted to me than brunettes( sorry I

like brunettes), but when they see me they only want to hide themselves and look me in the distance.
The womens

specially the athletic type were very aggresive with the OLD SOE but now not anymore.
14) when the womens are

alone they keep distance but when they are with the boyfriend or male partner, then she is aggresive and she come in

front of me almost face to face.
She then stare a look to me like stupid, but I dont like this because I dont

want a jelous husband or boyfriend in my day.
15) When they are in group they dont compete anymore for my

attention(only when they are far away)
16)When they dancing they dont make sexy dance, they get shy to

17)Mens remenber me more than womens when they see me
I need it to say this, because

I think that SOE is the most important product that I test in my whole life.
Maybe the way lovescent is ship them

or the heat, I dont know, but somethin is happen here.
JVK, BRUCE only a comment.