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  1. #1

    Default If Jambat doesn\'t work...

    ...try Jambat II. It\'s the same 70%/30% mix but with SPMO, you can even try 80%/20%. I\'ve talked about it before but I didn\'t go indept. What I think is based on the info that you guys have given over the past few month some of us don\'t need as much A-none. It works for me but not for all. So you may need some nol, and maybe a lot more than A-none.

    If you\'re having problems with Jambat One or anything else for that matter try these...

    1) ODing on the mix may work for some or ODing on APC alone.

    2) If you\'re short make sure you get some in the hair (oh yes).

    3). Try Jambat II because of it\'s A-nol (see above)

    4). Try what I call Jambat Jakked (which isn\'t really one of mine but it\'s substituting AFA for APC (because of AFA\'s nol content). Some say it doesn\'t smell as good but brings to hits. I\'ve never used it.

    5) Try the Jambat Triple Mix. This deadly combo works like this. 35% APC, 35% SPMO and of course 30% NPA but do this if you just like mixing. Women\'s PI can be a great substitute for SPMO on the A-nol side. This one\'s pretty nice, but then again maybe you could just buy AE or PF and mix NPA in it. (I\'d stick with the 70/30 thing though).

    6) Women\'s PI and NPA 50/50 or 60/40 (or even 70/30 your call here). Haven\'t tried it but it should work, now what you cover this with? Mix it into an e-oil of cover it with the e-oil after you put it on.

    (7) Now there\'s the untested \"Jambat III\" which is PF and NPA. I know CJ has been waiting on this. I hope to test it Saturday. If someone wants to test it before me please feel free.

    These things should work. And if this helps anyone hook me up with that fifth star rating star. Peace. [img]images/icons/laugh.gif[/img]

  2. #2
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    Default Re: If Jambat doesn\'t work...


    Here\'s one I tried. I did the 70/30 Apc/Afa but got no results. Thought, what the hell, all this time of been using these products I never OD\'d on anything. Poured the rest of the AFA into the APC. Things were alittle better, but not much. Looking through my arensal I said ok let\'s try this! Poured about 1.5 ml of PI/Ylang into the APC/AFA and wore it to work. I was at the copier which is arounf the corner from my office and heard someone talking in my office. It was one of the girls smelling around going \"What\'s that incredible smell!\" She actually followed it with her nose and came upm to me and started sniffing my neck. \"God you smell soooo good!\" Had another girl from the company across the street which we deal with come over and we always tease each other, but while standing there she comes behind me puts one arm around my neck the other around my waist and just lays on me to the point poeple started to stare. Iw ish all my days were like this [img]images/icons/laugh.gif[/img]

  3. #3

    Default Re: If Jambat doesn\'t work...

    Gee, Jaggy, do you think that was a hit? [img]images/icons/wink.gif[/img]

    [ October 26, 2001: Message edited by: Scientist ]

  4. #4

    Default Re: If Jambat doesn\'t work...

    Jaggy. dude you get the raw hits. I need to hang out with you. I got a hug from a girl in the copy shop but you got chicks coming over to you out the blue. These are the kind of hits I like hearing about. This should\'ve been in my \"Pheromones at work\" post. You Da Man! [img]images/icons/laugh.gif[/img] By the way, I should be posting on JB3 soon.

    [ October 26, 2001: Message edited by: jambat ]

  5. #5

    Default Re: If Jambat doesn\'t work...

    Let me hang out with u too man! I only get hits that are not like yours. And I often get DIHL\'s from girls who are with they boyfriend. Why do i always get it with a girl who\'s taken already!!! I mean... how can i ever make a move? LOL

  6. #6

    Default Re: If Jambat doesn\'t work...

    I\'m telling you - it\'s the AFA! (BTW, am I ever going to get credit for the \"Idol\" blend of APC with AFA?) [img]images/icons/wink.gif[/img]

  7. #7
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    Default Re: If Jambat doesn\'t work...

    Hey guys, I wish it was that easy for me. Both those girls are married. The drawback for me with all this is that I seem to consistently attract gorgious married women. Now if I was one of those guys that didn\'t care if they were married or not this would be great. But alas, I don\'t mess with married women. Damn! If I could only switch over to the singles... [img]images/icons/crazy.gif[/img]

    [ October 27, 2001: Message edited by: Jaggy ]

  8. #8
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    I´don´t know I lost my compass,you have to go and check my old profile
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    Default Re: If Jambat doesn\'t work...

    Jaggy - I only attract ´old´, average looking married women! at least you´re attracting the right gender!

  9. #9
    Join Date
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    I´don´t know I lost my compass,you have to go and check my old profile
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    Default Re: If Jambat doesn\'t work...

    Jaggy - I only attract ´old´, average looking married women! at least you´re attracting the right gender!

  10. #10

    Default Re: If Jambat doesn\'t work...


    Why girl married so early..LOL

    Have a good day [img]images/icons/laugh.gif[/img]

    PS. May be u need more nol..? [img]images/icons/wink.gif[/img]

  11. #11

    Default Re: If Jambat doesn\'t work...

    Jaggy, maybe you\'re just around a high percentage of married women. You gotta make those single chicks talk to you. Go right up to \'em and start chatting. [img]images/icons/smile.gif[/img]

  12. #12
    Phero Dude
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    Default Re: If Jambat doesn\'t work...

    Just bumping back to the front so\'s it doesn\'t get lost! [img]images/icons/laugh.gif[/img]

  13. #13

    Default Re: If Jambat doesn\'t work...

    Bump with so much activity around here now we really do need to bump more up, hey wheres my clowns getting laid posts, here we go he he


  14. #14

    Default Re: If Jambat doesn\'t work...

    Clowns getting laid? What am I missing?

  15. #15

    Default Re: If Jambat doesn\'t work...

    Not much actually it was just my chase of 1000 posts which i have now so now its back to discussing pheromones only and being very serious so its off with the clowns and in with the suits and ties and all formal like.
    Mr respectable and serious and lacking a humour sense. Is that the sixth sense we always talk about in life ???

  16. #16

    Default Re: If Jambat doesn\'t work...

    Uh, okay. And uh, good luck to those clowns. [img]images/icons/smile.gif[/img]

  17. #17
    Phero Dude
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    Default Re: If Jambat doesn\'t work...


    Just go to the search thing and put in

    Do clowns get laid?

    It\'ll answer those questions... [img]images/icons/smile.gif[/img]

  18. #18

    Default Re: If Jambat doesn\'t work...

    You\'re the boss on those because I\'ve never tried them although some of those mixes should work I mean looking at it logically. But now that the kits are here I\'m thinking 50% APC, 20% anol and 30% NPA (Not 30% A-none). This seems like it should do it. This is what I believe to be the master mix. [img]images/icons/wink.gif[/img]

  19. #19

    Default Re: If Jambat doesn\'t work...

    BAck to the thread data what to use if jambat doesnt work

    Andro 8.4???
    Andro 4.2
    Hey a lot of As here

    Now theres an idea add attraction in hey jambat what do you think

    Or the kits

  20. #20
    Phero Dude
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    Default Re: If Jambat doesn\'t work...

    Well, tried the Jambat I mix (APC/NPA)today in the evening after work when I went out and on my commute home on the train, and didn\'t really notice anything out of the ordinary - put on three drops/dabs, and didn\'t have any gals running away or anything, in fact had a lot sitting around me, but definitely no \"obvious\" hits as I could tell. Going to try it again on Sat., but I\'m going to try the Jambat III (NPA/PF) tomorrow. Frankly, I seemed to have more hits with the PF in comparison to using JI today, but of course one day is not long enough to make a fair judgement, so Saturday I\'m going to up the amount of the mix and see what happens.

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