Two days ago I arrive home from work to see a beautiful package had arrived...

I took the Chikara bottle and Scent of Eros book I had ordered and placed them aside, flipped through the book

(which is VERY interesting and exactly the type of information I was looking for) and took a small sniff of the

Chikara. I noticed the scent wasn't too strong, (at least I had thought) and became excited as I would use it the

next day.

Yesterday morning, after a good workout, I broke out the Chikara and planned on applying it like any

cologne. I aimed it at my midsection, pressed the spray nozzle and...NOTHING. Again. NOTHING. I tried taking the top

completely off, but even with a good amount of force (and the fact I was going to be late for work) I just fiddled

with it and eventually got it to "light spritz". Now...

1) I had (and still have) NO IDEA how much is a good

dosage, especially for me...

2) The "light spritz" also confuses me on proper dosage...

So basically, I kept

spritzing on my stomach and chest area, maybe even 4 or 5 times, and spread it using my hands over my entire torso

and neck. Did I OD? Probably, still have no idea though.

And one STRANGE thing I noticed...

I keep seeing

folks saying about how nice the fragrance is nice and STRONG as well...

Well, at least yesterday, whenever I

applied it, the scent, although pleasant, seemed very weak and I could barely detect it after a few minutes, which

definitely lead me to use more than I should've. Note: I sniffed it again this morning, and the scent DOES seem

stronger than it was before, I DON'T KNOW...

So for that reason, throughout the whole day I had this feeling I

didn't put on enough, or that the scent wasn't noticeable. Honestly, I didn't get the same obvious results that

pop out like I did with SOE and EE/Heat. When wearing the other products, I usually get a whole bunch of sniffs and

sometimes outlandish reactions, so I was a bit shocked when Chikara didn't do the same. However, as I analyzed the

situation, I did notice that...

EVERYONE was much nicer to me than usual. I mean, when I'm out and about, I

usually have at least one or two people trying to be assholes, but I noticed everybody was being really friendly. I

guess Chikara is just a more subtle product than some of the others, but it brings positive results nonetheless. And

honestly I wasn't in as much contact with females that day as I had expected, but all I came in contact with had

good reactions, so...

1) What is a good dosage for me, and where should I apply it? Would specific body

chemistries play a big role with Chikara or no?

2) What are some good combos with this? I don't know exactly

how much of each -mone is in this product, but I'm guessing there's only a hint of -none..

3) And was I crazy

yesterday for thinking Chikara had a very unnoticeable scent? I have no idea what was going on with my nose

yesterday, because like I said, today it smells really strong...