Never put em on a pedalstool -

give them respect but do not worship them - their heads get to big or you come across as desperate - if you are

failing to attract any women without phermones look at youreself and see where you are going wrong (are youre sights

set to high - ie are you to picky - are you overweight - big turnoff. - you may need to do some gym work. Might

take 6 months but work on it. - are you a bum - being unemployed and unmotivated is not a good thing - get off the

PC and go do some work unless you are a online sharetrader like i do for a fair whack of my earnings in that case

its ok.

Work on conversation and pick up skills - do you bother to talk to women - do you smile ? all these

helps im sure its all covered here and all over the board but its basic hints and tips to follow.