At least for this one girl I know. I was wearing my pheros cologne during a pub crawl on Saturday.

This good friend of mine was hanging on me as I was watching the sox game at the bar, I asked her what she thought

of my new scent, she had to lean in real close to get a good whiff and said it was overpowering. Which I find

interesting considering she really did not notice it until I had her smell it, hence her needing to get in real

close to take in it\'s aroma. Well the conversation shifted to a deoderant she likes, Right Guard sport rollon,

she was tell me it\'s the \"[censored]-Me\" smell for her.

So you know what I do? I go out and buy a stick

of the stuff the next day. Apply it pretty much all over my upper body, under the arms, on my arms - both sides!

(was wearing a short sleeve shirt) On my neck, hell even on my face. Fortunately this stuff goes on dry, so it was

not like my face was all sticky or anything just had that strong deoderant smell.

Well I paid a visit to Hoboken

(just made the move to nyc this month) and I knew I would run into her. Needless to say the effect was better then

expected, her being drunk from going to a bbq certainly helped. But she was more flirty then normal kissing me on

the neck a number of times. It might have been the combination of PI/m and a SOE gel pack - hell it certainly did

not hurt the situation. But you have to LOVE it when a girl tells you what scent is her \"[censored]-Me\" scent!

She said she\'ll pay me a visit this week in the city, as well as come to my bbq on Saturday, should make for an

interesting week.