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  1. #1
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    Default Spiritual Stagnation

    How're you

    doing, folks?

    I thought that my first post in the forum would be a testimonial about the effectiveness of the

    pheromones I bought, but this seems to be a more pressing issue for me.

    I've fallen into spiritual stagnation.

    I've been meditating for nine months now, following the meditative practice outlined by Wayne Dyer in "Manifesting

    Your Destiny" and, while I have seen results, I'm not getting what I want from meditating, which is to be able to

    connect to a higher force consistently.

    I've experienced such a connection once, and it was wonderful, but I

    haven't been able to repeat it.

    Basically I want to be able to leave this world and enter a new and different

    realm of consciousness and awareness.

    I've tried the Silva UltraMind technique, guided meditation (too

    distracting), trance CD's (ineffective) and I looked into Transcendental Meditation but decided against it due to

    the huge fee.

    Can anyone suggest some good resources to help me? With so much crap and so many false gurus, I

    don't know where to turn.

    I'm reading The Relaxation Response and The Meditative Mind. Maybe I should finish

    them first. I'm thinking about buying some books by Carl Jung. I don't know...


  2. #2
    Moderator idesign's Avatar
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    neon, are you still around?

  3. #3
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    I haven't logged in for

    some time, but if I receive a notice that someone has sent me a message, I'll come on and check it out.

  4. #4
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    You might check this meditation

    out, as well as the rest of the ideas on this site... (all free, by the


  5. #5
    Phero Dude abductor's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by neonnightsky View Post
    How're you doing, folks?

    I thought that my first post in the forum would be a

    testimonial about the effectiveness of the pheromones I bought, but this seems to be a more pressing issue for


    I've fallen into spiritual stagnation. I've been meditating for nine months now, following the

    meditative practice outlined by Wayne Dyer in "Manifesting Your Destiny" and, while I have seen results, I'm not

    getting what I want from meditating, which is to be able to connect to a higher force consistently.


    experienced such a connection once, and it was wonderful, but I haven't been able to repeat it.

    Basically I

    want to be able to leave this world and enter a new and different realm of consciousness and awareness.

    I've tried the Silva UltraMind technique, guided meditation (too distracting), trance CD's (ineffective) and I

    looked into Transcendental Meditation but decided against it due to the huge fee.

    Can anyone suggest some

    good resources to help me? With so much crap and so many false gurus, I don't know where to turn.


    reading The Relaxation Response and The Meditative Mind. Maybe I should finish them first. I'm thinking about

    buying some books by Carl Jung. I don't know...

    why do you thinking

    you've fallen into spiritual stagnation? if you started thinking about stagnation already, is because you're

    having a desire to keep going. I know that what I'll say next it's depends of ours own individual life

    experience.. But what work for me is try to find some intelligent answers to problems and questions that I face

    every single day. If the problem have a solution, why worry? If the problem haven't got a solution, why you worry

    too ? that is "relaxation response" for me.

    About Spiritual.. I was struggled in it for ages.. maybe

    because our natural fear of 'the Unknown'. Fanatics religious are very easy manipulate by fake gurus because of

    that fear...(I have one friend doing a very good studie on it)

    I believe in God, not in religions. And I do

    believe that we're already connect to this superior force, and it's not dependes if you have conscious or not

    about it.

    may a good start


    Take care yourself.
    let it


    PS-> when I have a hard stuff to do, and

    I have no clue about it, I start thinking about something funny and stupid thing such

    Last edited by abductor; 12-13-2007 at 08:29 PM.

  6. #6
    Phero Dude abductor's Avatar
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    wow.. talking about silly


    have a nice weekend



  7. #7
    Journeyman Tester123's Avatar
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    I have lately felt like I have

    been at a spiritual low. I had stopped meditating and become a critical, negative person with huge doubts about

    everything. It sounds very different than what you're talking about, since it sounds like you seem to be wanting

    to continue your growth and are having issues with moving forward. Lately I have been returning to meditating

    myself and have been using some of the techniques from the very same Wayne Dyer CD. I like Wayne Dyer a lot, though

    I sometimes find it hard to get past certain statements he makes. I am working hard on not letting my judgments and

    doubts to get in my way spiritually. Still, I find that he sometimes makes well-intentioned but naive statements.

    I don't want to get into what I'm talking about because I am getting something out of the meditation and don't

    want to shut it down because of getting consumed by doubts.

    I have also started to get back into Qigong. I think

    between the two and some promises to myself, I am headed in a good direction.

    I know what you mean about a lot of

    crap out there and false gurus. Honestly I think most "gurus" are false gurus, and I don't buy into much of what

    is considered New Age. I think that there is a lot of good stuff in the movement, but you really need to have your

    crap detector on. And, that's where the difficulty is for me. How do I stay open-minded when I have my

    crap-detector on? For me, it has been about being able to make a decision to listen and be open even in the face of

    some crap. In other words, take what works. Sometimes this is difficult, but it seems the only way to live in a

    world filled with imperfection. Of course, I could be wrong. So far, this has been helping me to recapture my

    spirituality without going off the deep end. I see so many who buy into a guru or movement completely, only to be

    let down and end up worse off. Wouldn't it be better to say "Okay, this guy is not my guru, and I don't buy

    everything he says. Hmm, he does have some interesting ideas on meditation. He might have some distorted ideas on

    sex but I can still learn from him," than to totally write him off? In some cases, these so-called gurus are

    terrible, manipulative people who will bring you down. In most cases, though, you can find something worth

    taking......that's my approach for now anyway.
    Last edited by Tester123; 12-08-2011 at 05:06 PM.

  8. #8
    Journeyman Tester123's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by nbnbtc View Post
    You might

    check this meditation out, as well as the rest of the ideas on this site... (all free, by the

    This looks like an interesting site. I'm

    going to check it out when I have a few spare moments.

    Last edited by Tester123; 12-08-2011 at 05:05 PM.

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