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  1. #1

    Default Hit Squad Master\'s Unit 2.0

    The original HSMU was at what I consider it\'s limit (100 post) so here for your pleasure and convience is HSMU 2.0 .

    1.For you new guys the HSMU is the place for you to place your hits stories and details of such that may help us the rest of us. To be a member of the Hit Squad simply get hits. So far members include myself, Watcher, TallCoolOne, Redcapp, Marz, Whitehall, JPGR and a few others.

    2. Old members, you know what to do. Now lets start it off with

    3. Hit Stories...
    I personally like to hear stories about hits at the work place because I tend to wear pheros at work (when I do work) and I like to hear about the do\'s and don\'ts and what people are wearing and the effects their having.

    A popular thing everyone likes to hear about it the club or party story, that\'s always fun. And another thing. Where\'s all the ladies. We had or two female Squad members and they disappeared on us. Come on, any ladies getting hits out there?

    And JB mix stories. I like to hear about what\'s happening with users of the JB mixes especially JB-X, JBDD #1 and JBM#1 all basically new mixes.

    What we want in a hit story is details, particularly and most importantly what you wore when you got the big hit, where you wore it and the circumstances. These are the major factors.

    And I see PPC is getting popular. Is there a possible JB mix in the future with PPC? Who knows. Someone\'s probably done it already and I missed the post on it. Oh well. I\'m at your service and guys let\'s be careful out there.

    -The Bat

  2. #2
    Enlightened One
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    Default Re: Hit Squad Master\'s Unit 2.0

    Well SOE/NPA/PCC is claimed already as is dd#2 Alter ego/NPA/PCC lol actually ill change that to the chem set ie nol none and rone and PCC and a1 - only for those with heaps of money and a lost sense of logic.

    When i do order and recieve PCC ill try it with the various products i have to see if the\" Orgy theory actually works this could be interesting.\"

  3. #3

    Default Re: Hit Squad Master\'s Unit 2.0

    Well tell me what happens. You know I\'m interested in the mix info. You think PPC/NPA at 70/30 might do some damage?

    -The Bat

  4. #4

    Default Re: Hit Squad Master\'s Unit 2.0


  5. #5

    Default Re: Hit Squad Master\'s Unit 2.0

    OK Jambat i\'ll post my hit in a bit more detail...

    \"K guys i had a first date with this girl...and using pheros, decent looks, and stuff from pickupguide, i got her into bed after the first date!
    amazing body simply beautiful
    I used SoE but after a while it smelt kinda like NPA so i\'m thinkin there was a small amount of NPA i put in a while back.

    so as for the details if you\'re interested how i got it so far first time:

    she brought her friends along to the date...a girl and her i played along and it was fine meeting them, so we talked i was funny and entertaining and the SoE helped her open up but i could tell she was nervous...we were at a restaurant\" i remember that the first good signal was when she asked me to try her icecream and then she fed me with her was a sweet gesture

    Next we decided to go to the mall. We walked around and i purposely teased her and bumped into her and then I bought a few things for myself (not being mr. nice guy and buying her things).\" The next signal was when she asked if her hands were cold and i felt them and she felt my warm hands...more innuendo and flirtation followed.
    \"Then after the mall she was about to go back with her friends but i asked if she wanted to hang out more (what else she was doing tonight). She had no plans so i hinted and then i bluntly said after enough innuendo that she\'ll have some good oral pleasure. So, she said \"i\'m a big girl i can make my own decisions\" and she told her friends to leave. Haha so we go back to her place, her fat kitty is in the house and we kick him out and proceed.\"

    After some good action we talk and she wants to do it again sometime...if you combine pheros with then you will become a pimp...

  6. #6
    Enlightened One
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    Default Re: Hit Squad Master\'s Unit 2.0

    That is the other thing im going to try as well as andro4.2/PCC which will be strong but hopefully interesting and my andro 8.4 with half a bottle left - that is going to be very interesting. Attraction and PCC and attraction andro 4.2 PCC SOE and NPA. SOE and PCC to so ill try all and give my individual hits and thoughts on each mix and it can go from there.

  7. #7

    Default Re: Hit Squad Master\'s Unit 2.0

    you know, i think that its okay that you want to have this hit squad masters unit and all, but really, why cant everyone just post their hits like normal on the board...i mean, it would make it alot more convienent than having to go under these same posts...i mean, you guys taht are posting on these hit squad things are way way too advanced for beginners, and really , a new person who just got a hit off of say RM, is probably not gonna have a clue as to what all these mix\'s are...nor are they gonna feel like they have to try to fit in to a conversation with a few select guys on here...i mean, lets let the board be open, and not have some little club where everyone is restricted to post their hits....Jambat, you have done alot of good on this board, but i sometimes get the feeling that you are trying to control the posting by setting up perameters around who posts offense, but i really think the hit squaud should be disbanded....

  8. #8
    Phero Dude
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    Default Re: Hit Squad Master\'s Unit 2.0

    Nowhere near JPGR\'s, but...

    I work in an environment with college students. This girl\'s computer disk is having issues, and of course, the one file she needs is fried.
    While explaining this to her, and pulling what I can of it, she\'s looking so deeply into my eyes, that I feel as though she can see the back of my skull. If I weren\'t at work, things would have turned out far differently, especially as she was a flat-out \"10.\" If her non-physical qualities match her physical qualities, I\'d marry her!

    BTW, about 3 sprays of TE (it\'s a 50-50 of TE & TEsw), covered with a few sprays of Acqua di Gio, and some cucumber-scented oil [img]/ubbthreads/images/icons/smile.gif[/img] on the forearms.

  9. #9

    Default Re: Hit Squad Master\'s Unit 2.0

    Jambat, you have done alot of good on this board, but i sometimes get the feeling that you are trying to control the posting by setting up perameters around who posts offense, but i really think the hit squaud should be disbanded....

    Disband the Hit Squad. Are you nuts? Do you understand the worldwide panic that would cause. Watcher would have to go underground and hoarde his supply. Rebel phero forces wold attack from all sides. Professor Bruce would have to close his school so us young and gifted mutant phero users would never fully learn how to use our powers. And what about the OD risk? Without HSMU the OD risk would rise an astounding 50% and that\'s a scientific fact! Guys would be running around with ten sprays of PI on. Women would be hiding out with shot guns waiting for these PI soaked men to turn them in swiss cheese. You\'re talking about bringing a national state of phero emergency with consequences we have yet to know.

    Rollide, HSMU is a totally voluntary thing. I won\'t come to your house with a base ball bat with nails in it if you don\'t participate. (That\'s what Vinny and Bobby are for [img]/ubbthreads/images/icons/smile.gif[/img] ).

    Seriously, I sit the HSMU up to bring a certain amount of organization to the board. It\'s like a place you go specifically for hits stories and their surrounding info. See that\'s one of the big things that people are shakey on. They get used to the hits and stops posting them. So this is a reminder that we do want to know what\'s happening out there and with the amount of experimentation (like now PPC seems like it\'s getting big) and such that goes on here I think it\'s reasonable. HSMU used to be mostly about JB mixes and their uses but I\'ve opened it up (obviously why should people only post here about JB stuff if it\'s a HIT SQUAD not the JB SQUAD). Also it keeps the board from getting cluttered by posting specific things in a specific place. I can\'t force you to post here. It only makes sense to have a place like this and it\'s normally one of the most popular post on the forum. We\'re not looking to take you inalienable right to post on this board where you chose.

    -The Bat

  10. #10

    Default Re: Hit Squad Master\'s Unit 2.0

    you are truly hilarious JAMBAT!!! hahahaha

  11. #11
    Enlightened One
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    Default Re: Hit Squad Master\'s Unit 2.0

    Ill support jambat on this anyone is free to post and beginners can immerse themselves in the information. I would have to hoard my supply he he. But if i start posting all over the place in large amounts - it is a) something that ends up working for a lot of people b)PCC the theory is right for its usage by males along with the male pheromones c) some sort of organisation is helpful to avoid stuff going all over the place d) if you want to start a rebal faction he he set up another thread - i think jambat is just thinking laterally. Remember this forum is NON POLITICAL that is what makes it work 0- there used to be so much flaming and discontent on the forum that is why this one works so well.

  12. #12

    Default Re: Hit Squad Master\'s Unit 2.0

    And not to mention the fact that not every post in \"Phero Discussion\" is a hit story or even informative. The main idea here is informative hits stories and discussions of such. And just as Watcher stated it\'s very organized this way but takes nothing from anyone. Of course other things can be discussed as well, theories, formulas ect, but the hit stories are the crux. It\'ll be a fun time as usual.

    -The Bat

  13. #13

    Default Re: Hit Squad Master\'s Unit 2.0

    Jambat, you have done alot of good on this board, but i sometimes get the feeling that you are trying to control the posting by setting up perameters around who posts offense, but i really think the hit squaud should be disbanded....

    LOL! Disban the Hit-Squad, that is some rich stuff (muy rico! si). The plot thickens so to speak.....I\'ll be here to catch the play-by-play, you can count on that....

  14. #14
    Phero Pro jose's Avatar
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    Default Re: Hit Squad Master\'s Unit 2.0

    No offense Jambat, but I sometimes get the feeling you\'re trying to control the boards. And you kind of over do it on creating mixes off the top of your head without sometimes trying it yourself. Ok you created JB1 don\'t try to top it by creating duds.

  15. #15
    Enlightened One
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    Default Re: Hit Squad Master\'s Unit 2.0

    Woo easy people i however will stick to my mixes DD#1 which i use as my mainstay that is SOE/NPA and the new one once i get PCC as SOE/NPA with a small amount of PCC applied somewhere there to test the couplins for men theroy on increasing female competitiveness.

  16. #16

    Default Re: Hit Squad Master\'s Unit 2.0

    Hey Watcher,

    I got my order of PCC in yesterday. I\'m going to a party tonight and was planning on using your DD#1 and adding the PCC for the first time. I\'ll let you know if I get any interesting results with it.

  17. #17

    Default Re: Hit Squad Master\'s Unit 2.0

    No offense Jambat, but I sometimes get the feeling you\'re trying to control the boards.

    You\'re right Jose. Putting this board under my iron clad leadership is the key to world domination. Me Watcher and Redcapp all the way. As I sit here cigar in hand using my phero prowess to lure in young interns, I figure why not ride this phero thing as far as it can go. World domination is the obvious next step. This is just practice.

    And you kind of over do it on creating mixes off the top of your head without sometimes trying it yourself. Ok you created JB1 don\'t try to top it by creating duds.

    Kinda? Dude I rock when it comes to creating dud mixes and never trying them on myself. Why do that when I can get the interns to do it for me. Wow, I\'m looking at a long list of all my duds now.

    1). Original JBX (dud)
    2). JB #3. (dud)

    And how did you know these were duds? I found that they didn\'t cut the mustard when I tried them.

    Okay now my list of hot mixes...

    1. JB #2 (Known for getting women chatty. It\'s stable and it works, tried it myself).

    2. JBB #3 (Cheaper version of JB #1 I usually advised against this but can\'t argue with the fact it works too. (As you all know I\'m not an Edge fan in the active ingredient in JBB is TE) And guess how I know it works? I tried it.

    3. JBM #1 Created and tested my Marz, sugguested by me months ago. Mix is has been proven stable and gets hits.

    4. JB-X Untested by me. Not super stable but but does get results. Not tested by me but tested by enough people who agree the mix is tight.

    5. JBDD Created by Watcher. I\'ve tested this mix using the SOE gel and this mix is also tight.

    Every mix I create can\'t be a hit but from my track record they usually are (yes even the ones off the top of my head. Frankly all my mixes are created off the top of my head). And yes I do sometimes get others to try mixes I can\'t afford to. Most people were happy with the new JB-X when it got out that it was decent other tried it and got excited about it. Most people didn\'t even try the old JB-X. (With good reason). So your comments leave me with a question and that question is \"Say what?\" And what was that personal note all about? I mean you acted like a I asked you to sale me your left leg for two cent and an old shoe. And then sent it to me twice just incase I didn\'t get it the first time. (I realize that was probably an accident but thought it was cute to say it that way [img]/ubbthreads/images/icons/smile.gif[/img] )

    Hey guys, the HSMU is here for you. It\'s fun for me but if you guys aren\'t into it then I\'ll stop doing it. But this is my second question. How does someone come up with a complaint about the HSMU. If you don\'t want to post here there\'s a whole board with your name on it. And HSMU 2.0 is even better than the first. (Mostly because Bruce changed the system the forum was on). But we got new members, special deals on after dinner mints and hot new models to demonstrate how to use all the products. Okay, we have new members that other stuff was just a lie. Okay ladies and gents, I\'m out. Hope to see you real soon or the way this is going maybe not.

    -The Bat
    High Commander and iron fisted ruler of the Hit Squad

  18. #18
    Phero Dude Xehupatl's Avatar
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    Default Re: Hit Squad Master\'s Unit 2.0

    LOL! you rock! how \'bout starting over with HSMU 2.1 cause this one\'s weak ... I mean personal attacks on the Phero Forum?? Never happened before ... let\'s keep this about Pheros and Hits! We\'re all men here (at least most of us are). [img]/ubbthreads/images/icons/laugh.gif[/img]
    This may be the only board I ever visited where all members are extremely helpful and where there have been no personal attacks or fights EVER - and I for one am pround to be a member of that forum!




    be seeing you


  19. #19
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    Default Re: Hit Squad Master\'s Unit 2.0

    Yeah, I thought this topic was for posting hit stories, news about the field testing of new mixes etc.

    Once all of you agree to do THAT AND ONLY THAT, I wouldn\'t encourage anyone do post hit stories here and now. They will be hard to find between all the other posts.

  20. #20
    Phero Pro jose's Avatar
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    Default Re: Hit Squad Master\'s Unit 2.0

    I\'m not personally attacking you, I\'m just simply stating my opinion. When I get a private message(from you) saying you need a guy like me and that I should post in the \"hit squad unit\"... no thanks, I make my own decisions.(if you got the message twice that was an accident) [img]/ubbthreads/images/icons/smile.gif[/img] Just recently you posted someones Hit story in \"Hit squad unit part 1\", did you even ask the poster first? Like I said I think you go overboard sometimes, but this is my opinion and observation. As for this thread sure it can help, telling people \"they should\" post their hit stories however seems inappropriate. [img]/ubbthreads/images/icons/tongue.gif[/img]

  21. #21
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    Default Re: Hit Squad Master\'s Unit 2.0

    I have to agree with Rolltide or Jose on this one. We understand that a thread like this is to post \"hits\" or explain what combo worked best. On a very busy board, this would be nice, but this forum is hardly what I would call \"busy\".

    There\'s a big discrepency between newbies and the veterans, and HSMU makes it confusing. When I go through the boards and I see a topic like \"HIT using SoE\", it\'s easier for me to find and read that post, rather than shifting through a thread that has 100 posts.

    I don\'t think Jambat is trying to dominate the boards, but has the intention of making things easier. Is it easier? No. I don\'t think we need a specific thread for hits though. The board is open and people will read topics based on what the title is. You have to admit that most of the stories posted in HSMU is just a cut and paste from someone who posted a seperate thread about the story. For the most part, people like reading seperate threads, it\'s a fact of life. My post will only get lost in this thread since it\'s already diluted.

    That\'s just my opinion, I got nothing but respect for Jambat and his \"mixing\" efforts. What we do need on this board is, \"getting back to the basics\". Mixing 3 different products is just insane and a big waste for most people. I do understand that it\'s just experimentation though.

  22. #22

    Default Re: Hit Squad Master\'s Unit 2.0

    Yeah, I thought this topic was for posting hit stories, news about the field testing of new mixes etc.

    Once all of you agree to do THAT AND ONLY THAT, I wouldn\'t encourage anyone do post hit stories here and now. They will be hard to find between all the other posts.

    Sounds good to me MaxiMog. I too wish there was a place in the Phero Forum specifically for hit stories.

    I\'m not personally attacking you, I\'m just simply stating my opinion. When I get a private message(from you) saying you need a guy like me and that I should post in the \"hit squad unit\"... no thanks, I make my own decisions.(if you got the message twice that was an accident)

    I understand it\'s not a personal attack, and I only emailed you because you tend to be pretty helpful when it comes to giving people advice how to meet chicks and how to conduct themselves on date ect. You\'ve been sighted for that many times and I felt you would be a good edition to HSMU 2.0. Did I want you to post here? Yes. Can I make you? (if my latent mutant mind meld abilities were manifest yes I could make you), no, I can\'t make you. I figured you would have thought it was cool. It\'s like someone inviting you to a party and figuring hey he likes to dance I\'m sure he\'d like to come too. And what\'s with this grade B action hero \"... no thanks, I make my own decisions.\" response. I\'m not telling you your martial arts vigilantism is wrong and you should play by the rules and join the police force again. And this ain\'t the after school special. I\'m not asking you to join me in the bathroom to smoke some of my new JB 70/30 crack/pot mix. So what\'s that all about?

    Just recently you posted someones Hit story in \"Hit squad unit part 1\", did you even ask the poster first?

    Nope, not at all. I wasn\'t posting on my personal home page. The poster posted something he wanted us to see (obviously or he wouldn\'t have posted on a public forum). I liked the post because it was informative. I told him how cool it was and simply copied it to the HSMU as an example, but by that time we were near or above the 100th post so it didn\'t matter anyway. Alot of this works on assumption (I know what you\'re going to say about assuming) but based on the nature of the board I figured there wouldn\'t be a problem and as of yet the poster hasn\'t said to me \"How dare repost my post in HSMU. I\'ve fought to destroy you guys for so long and now you do this!\" no have they said \"Dude I really don\'t like you reposting my post.\" To which I would\'ve said. \"Sorry dude, want happen again.\"

    Like I said I think you go overboard sometimes, but this is my opinion and observation. As for this thread sure it can help, telling people \"they should\" post their hit stories however seems inappropriate.

    I\'m really not trying to be a jack ass but let me get this straight, based on your opinion and observation telling people they should post their hits stories on a place where hit stories are the main goal is \"inappropriate\"?

    You have to admit that most of the stories posted in HSMU is just a cut and paste from someone who posted a seperate thread about the story. For the most part, people like reading seperate threads, it\'s a fact of life. My post will only get lost in this thread since it\'s already diluted.

    Actually that\'s not true. I\'ve only cut and pasted maybe one or two stories in the history of the Hit Squad post and that\'s because I personally thought they were real good or informative. Now if someone else post their stories here and somewhere else, which happens from time to time, that\'s on them. By the way I must say thanks for explaining concept of HSMU. I disagree with you about the use HSMU and I believe it is a good idea but atleast you see where I\'m coming from.

    Hey everybody, it\'s like 90 degrees in the house and I got one fan. The last thing I want to do is talk about how I try control the board by asking people to post in HSMU. Anyone who wants to post hit stories here can. If not that\'s fine too. I mean I\'m not getting paid for this, heck I can\'t even afford a new bottle of NPA to make up JB-X and it\'s my mix. This is supposed to be a fun time had by all. If not then something is going terribly wrong. Now I\'m going to excercise my control of the board and say this discussion is over. Everyone shake hands hug and kiss (a tight hug to all the female HSMU memebers [img]/ubbthreads/images/icons/smile.gif[/img] ) and make up.

    Now on with business. The next post needs to be a hit story or some phero information or anything that involves pheros. It\'s Saturday and I know some of you with jobs and cash are going out to get the mack on. That\'s what I want to hear about, or even someone\'s new mix idea or even better how someone\'s spiking JB#1, DD#1 or some other mix with PPC and now they\'re being molested by female cops, school teachers and overzealous mall clerks.

    -The Bat
    Leader of the Hit Squad (Which doesn\'t really mean I lead in hits, but I\'m just the leader - you get it.)

  23. #23
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    Default Re: Hit Squad Master\'s Unit 2.0

    Good to se you back, again
    its been some time you didnt post.
    Thanks to Brasil in the world cup i\'m getting my first batch of
    pheros (SOE packs)..... I\'ve been reading the post for a long time, and hope to personally post my first hit in the unit, since i feel it became one of classics along some other works: the table and the cookbook(nimbus), for example
    hope to get a hold of jb#1 or jbm#1 soon.....
    see you on the post.....

  24. #24

    Default Re: Hit Squad Master\'s Unit 2.0

    Thank you and I look forward to your post. And I hope things work out for you.

    -The Bat

  25. #25
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    Default Re: Hit Squad Master\'s Unit 2.0

    Hi all!

    Thanks Jambat for the invitation to the Hit Squad! Now for my latest (mis)adventures:

    I decided to make yesturday an RM day. I have a mix of 50:50 RM and Aloe Vera oil in a rolltop bottle that I had mixed up a while back. Unfortunately I found that I have to shake this every time before I use since it separates :P , but I have gotten my first \"wild hit\" using it.

    For the first part of the day I apply 2\" to each arm, neck, and behind each ear. Saw a movie and walked around downtown Seattle. No noticable rxn. I then decide to head for a major festival called the \"Bite of Seattle\" at the Seattle Center. For the first hour I wander around the crowds and standing in the line to buy appetizers and dinner. Still no rxns.

    I decide to head for the bathroom reapply, increase dosage to 4\", and change tactics. I reasoned that since I was competing against the smell of good food in the air and the wind that I would have to have a heavier dose, get close to target, and stay near target for at least a few minutes. The best place to do this would be in the crowds around one of the performance stages.

    I head over to one of the stages and spot my first target. A beautiful Caucasian female, brown hair with blonde highlights, I\'m thinking high school age by the way she dresses, and about 5\'9\". I stand about 3\'-5\' away from her and wait. About a 30-40 seconds later she glances back at me (gotta nibble). Ten seconds later she undoes her ponytail, puts the rubber band into her pocket and starts to run her right hand through her hair (Whoa! Gotta big bite.) About 5 seconds later she turns her head around and stares at me for 5 seconds. I then flash her my patented half smile with dimples (have recieved complements from former girlfriends that have found this utterly charming). She then quickly stiffles a giggle with her hand and turns around quickly (I\'m reelin\' her in [img]/ubbthreads/images/icons/laugh.gif[/img] ). The music stops onstage and we all clap. I was just about to ask her the time (I conviently left my watch at home) when a gentleman about mid 40\'s walks up to her and says, \"Jenni, let\'s stay for one more song before we go.\"

    \"Sure dad.\"

    Uh-oh. Not a good idea to be hitting on a girl that looks to be a borderline minor. Especially in front of her dad! (Gotta throw this one back.) Didn\'t have much luck for the next hour that I walked around the festival, most likely due the fact that I ran into a good friend from high school and his sister.

    Although several weird things did happen. About five mothers with children in tow (possibly single since didn\'t see any males) came up and asked me where I got my dessert. Didn\'t think it was the RM except for the fact that when one mother came up to ask me she said before I could reply, \"I was thinking of asking her (pointing to another person with an waffle cone), but she seemed to be busy.\"
    (Sigh) Oh well, guess better luck next time. At least the stuff is working (um sorta [img]/ubbthreads/images/icons/tongue.gif[/img] ).

  26. #26

    Default Re: Hit Squad Master\'s Unit 2.0

    Thanks for excepting my invite and also thanks for posting. My question to you would be to what do you contribute the possible success of this mix to. Is it RM alone or maybe the scent of RM + aloe. I guess what I\'m asking is have you had previous luck with RM alone because RM is about to be on the same level as TE with me in a minute, although I really want to try JB-X because I\'m hearing good things about it.

    -The Bat

  27. #27
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    Default Re: Hit Squad Master\'s Unit 2.0

    Hi Jambat,

    When I first tried out RM when I first got it that I did get some mild widespread hits, had a whole section of a crowded bus around me fill up with females that were all flipping their hair and staring off into space. I also noticed that these effects would last only about 1.5 hours.

    The main reasons why I mixed RM with aloe vera oil was to cut the scent and make it roller friendly. It also seemed to increase the effective hit time to three hours. In fact the \"wild hit\" that I had wearing this mix came after three hours of applying it. It was still working 3.5 hours on the way home from the \"Bite of Seattle\". A kid started to sit next to me on the bus, but immediatley jumped up and went to another seat. As to the scent of the Aloe oil, it\'s pretty much scentless. What I think that the oil is doing is keeping the release of -none into the air down to slightly less OD levels.

    As to JB-X, I\'m very curious about trying it and I do have the NPA to mix it with, but I have not yet mixed any. I\'m headed down to L.A. for a swing dance camp & competition in two weeks. Hopefully by then I have the mix ready to go.

  28. #28
    Phero Enthusiast PHP 87's Avatar
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    Default Re: Hit Squad Master\'s Unit 2.0


    I think I created a new mix.

    JB #2( 7:3 SPMO:NPA) + 1 gel pack of SOE (PHP #1?)

    Wore that mix to the local hangout last night.

    Unfortunately, the place was unusually slow, but one girl sitting near me started rubbing my shoulders pretty much out of the blue.

    Too bad whe was a bit on the hefty side.

    I\'ll experiment more with this mix next weekend, hopefully in a more target-rich environment.

  29. #29
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    Default Re: Hit Squad Master\'s Unit 2.0

    Isn\'t adding a WHOLE SOE gel pack into the mix a bit TOO much?

  30. #30

    Default Re: Hit Squad Master\'s Unit 2.0

    \"Too bad whe was a bit on the hefty side. \"

    Don\'t underplay the \"hefty\" girls. Some of the nicest women I know, (women I would\'ve dated) were on the hefty side. And some of the most annoying a-hole women I\'ve known were these petite princess only after guys for their money or cars, or just totally skanky in attitude. Hefty women make an effort atleast. They don\'t have everything handed to them and they aren\'t afraid to make the first move either. They\'ll come over and talk to you.

    Now about the mix. I noticed you used JB #2 and SOE. Were you trying to make the NOL version of JB-X? [img]/ubbthreads/images/icons/smile.gif[/img] I mean talk about a Nol heavy mix. Isn\'t one Watcher\'s mixes NPA + SOE? I could be wrong but I know that\'s floating around out there. (DD #1). I think you may have a better chance with this type of mix. My problem is the NPA mystery chemical never gets a chance effect the SOE gel. Too bad there\'s no way to mix the gel into the whole mix. But this surely does sound promising. And a hefty hit is better than none? [img]/ubbthreads/images/icons/smile.gif[/img]

    -The Bat
    (Not to be confused with \"Spyder: Master of Men\")

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