Gee you make me feel bad for playing in the arcade. Also I try to stimulate good discussion in my post. I

don’t understand why people are so aggressive here. When I first started here I had two people jump my case for

what was honest post by me. I was offended by the fact that they did not just email me with a question about my

motives. I was accused of trying to hoard points to get a discount coupon. I did not even know a discount coupon

existed at the time. As far as the coupon price goes I thought I had enough to get one a few weeks ago until I went

to buy it and the price had doubled in the previous few days before I reached the 5,000 point goal. Any way I now

know some of the things that will offend people here. And I hold my tongue many times when I really feel I may be

able to contribute to the thread.
