We guys have a minimum turnover rate for semen. If we don\'t get external release from sex or from masturbation, then we have wet dreams. Increased regular turnover, above that minimim rate is good for us and for our sperm. It exercises the prostate gland, which makes the fluid that the sperm swim in, and it encourages the production of fresh, healthy sperm. In fact, if you want maximum fertility, then masturbate a day or two before you try to make babies. Oddly, our body releases fewer sperm cells when we masturbate than when we have sex with a girl - as to how it knows that, I can only guess pheromone signals.

Consciously attempting to minimize semen/sperm production will cause a testosterone decline as the system scales back production. This is especially true the older you get. Use it or lose it.

My advice is that if you want to produce more endogenous pheromones, then produce more, not less, semen. I can\'t point to specific studies on this but it is my synthesis and conclusion from a number of books I\'ve read on the subject, especially \"Sperm Wars.\" Of course, you can go too far the other way.

That\'s the facts on Jack.