Quote Originally Posted by Crash View Post
Now I've

noticed a few things since I've been using mones and one things for sure.The IOI's are definately out there.Seems

like everytime I wear mones around a woman I'm interested in she can't keep her hands off of me and I know this

because almost every girl has said "I don't know what it is but I can't keep my hands off of you" and don't get

me wrong I love the attention.Anyways here's another story from the past week.I woke up and applied a dab of NPA to

the back of my ears and added 4 inches of soe to each wrist and covered my npa application points.Now I believe the

hits come much later in the day when I use NPA, but I'm not sure yet.Went to the mall and bought some shirts and

struck up a conversation with the cashier and she gave me $5 off.People seems really nice and paid attention to what

I said.At the end of the night I went and met another lady friend who I haven't gotten serious with and like I said

she couldn't keep her hands off of me.I'm starting to love this mix.By the way when you guys said to put a dab on

your ears, do you mean behind your ear on your head or litterly on the back of your ear or the top?Someone please

clarify I'm confused
Just slightly back and below the ears at the intersecting jaw bone areas apply ur dab/s

spreading it down the jaw bone towards the under neck pulse point areas works fine.